Chapter 517

Time passed by every minute.


With a Jedi roar, Zhou Wu's potential was stimulated.

She performed a blow far beyond her limit, this strike, finally let her block the coercion exerted by Lu Fengyun!

Although, it is only ten percent coercion of the latter.

Li Star breathed a sigh of relief with Zhou Hanqing.

Lu Fengyun said: "Yes, continue to comprehend, you need to exercise your own energy."

The princess of the Peacock Ming Dynasty has a good natural aptitude, and the accumulation of resources such as the late stage outstanding Cultivation Technique, treasures, Sect, etc., makes her Cultivation Base heaven-defying.

It's just that the empty pile is too high, but it's a fancy.

If this girl can settle down, the future will definitely be a shocking existence.

After some instructions, Lu Fengyun left the virgin forest and went to give instructions to Bai Hongli. Only then did he return to Hongmiao Tower to deal with the previous backlog of chores.

So, half a day has passed.

After dealing with Sect's debris, Lu Fengyun leaned back on the chair and rested slightly with his eyes closed. He suddenly remembered a few things again.

When completing the task before, some rewards still exist in the system space, the first are "The Way of the Imperial Formation" and "The Holy Book of Great Doctors".

Then Lu Qingai and Liu Kurong were called, and Cultivation Technique was given separately.


Two Skyfire Upgrade Cards were used on Qin Kong and Li Star to upgrade their flames to Divine Fire.

"Magic edict to kill the world", "Magic Zhixin Jue", Duanzhuo Liu sent to Chu Huiye.


The ghost emperor halberd sent a handyman to the Yin & Yang hall.

The handyman took the order and hurried to the wasteland.

When he passed by, Ding Yi was lying halfway on the throne, and there were women in cicada-like gauze serving on both sides.

The delicate and charming Chigui tribe woman, with bright red cherries in her mouth, slowly rushed to Ding Yi's mouth.

Ding Yi laughed, hugged the beauty deeply into his arms, and ate the cherries with a smile.

When the handyman met Ding Yi, the Yin & Yang hall master immediately sat up straight, asked the handyman to sit down, and called the beauty to pour tea.

Wushuangzong came here, but the distinguished guests, can't neglect!

The handyman offers Divine Armament.

The ghost emperor halberd, the whole body is faintly red, red as blood, with ninety-nine black magic dragon heads carved on it.

Ding Yi held the emperor halberd, and energy came vigorously.

He looked at the maid at Wan Zhuan's feet.

He turned around, swept away with a halberd, and cut off two beautiful heads directly!

"Good Divine Armament!

"Sect Leader treats me so kindly!"

Ding Yiguan exclaimed happily, looking at the ghost emperor halberd that had become more mysterious due to the blood.

He thought of Yin & Yang's scepter, that thing can't be compared with this at all!

The handyman was shocked.

Trying soldiers with people is worthy of being the cold-blooded and cruel Yin & Yang Palace Master!

Ding Yi smiled: "The messenger thanked Sect Leader for this temple, Yin & Yang temple, and always look forward to Wushuangzong's horse leader!"


In order to win over the three major subsidiary Sects in the North, Lu Fengyun gave them a good fortune.

The rain of sublimation!

Spiritual Martial Ancestor, Bixiao Temple, Meishen Pavilion, including Zijun Sacred Land, are all bathed in spiritual rain, and Sect's overall strength has risen abruptly!

Di Hanqing, Jiuai, Yao Yuer, the three of them were shocked when they witnessed the magic of the sublimation rain.

They didn't dare to neglect the Wushuangzong envoy who came, and they all responded with generous gifts.

Originally, the three of them were forced by Lu Fengyun's prostitution, and they reluctantly bowed their heads to court. As long as Wushuangzong didn't trouble them, it would be the greatest blessing.

Sect has been attached since ancient times, which one has been treated with benevolence and righteousness? !

Either they were used, or they were made as chess pieces and shields, and even more demanded and plundered by the Sect Leader nation.

They thought that Wushuangzong was the same.

But this rain of sublimation made the three people start to change their outlook!

Looking at the Nine Realms, the things that can be used in a large-scale Ascension multi-person Cultivation Base are all rare good fortunes. How can you give it to others if you can’t bear it for yourself?


This rain is indeed brought by the people of Wushuangzong, and indeed Ascension has the strength of several Sect personnel!

Even including them, the Big Three in the North!

The three of them tasted the sweetness and admired Wushuangzong and Lu Fengyun even more.


Zijun Sacred Land, there is no double clan standing.

Under the management of the past few months, the branch clan is gradually on the right track.

Head Teacher is Xuanyuan Langshan.

This old man only needs to be optimistic about the management staff, and all the tedious tasks are left to the bottom.

He drinks tea every day, walks the birds, climbs the heights to watch the sea, and relishes the mountains and forests when he is interested, otherwise he will make wine with pine flowers and make tea with spring water, making him happy.

This rain of sublimation came, just to help him make a successful breakthrough to the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Saint.


The news that The Three Realms Dan will be held soon spread.

This is the union of Lingzhou, Wasteland, and Northern Territory!

The incident shocked the Dan League in North Central Continent, and they held an emergency high-level meeting.

Because of the Closed Door Training, the master of the soul pavilion, only Chi Tianzong Yan Shuangdie, Chen Xuanliu of the Dan Mansion, and Xu Wenyue of the Jiuyao Palace participated.

The Nine Lights Palace is a force under the Blazing Heaven Sect. Because of its strength far surpassing the other affiliates of the Dan League, it was on the stage.

Chen Xuanliu's seat is in the center, Yan Shuangdie is on the right, and Xu Wenyue's seat is back to the door.

"Two, let's express your own opinions."

Yan Shuangdie smiled, stretched out her white jade hand to light a pot of seal incense, and a faint scent of sandalwood came out.

Chen Xuanliu picked up a cup of tea and drank slowly. He looked deep and didn't rush to speak.

Xu Wenyue raised his eyes and glanced at the first two giants below, and tentatively said: "Then... I will express my opinion first."

He is the Lord of the Nine Lights Palace.

Chen Xuanliu nodded.

After getting the default, Xu Wenyue's expression became angry and dissatisfied, and he snorted coldly:

"Suddenly these three realms wanted to hold a pill meeting, so there must be no purpose.

"Everyone with a discerning eye knows that they are unwilling to be suppressed by the Dan League, so they want to start anew and fight the Dan League!

"Thinking that combining the three domains can fight against the Dan League? It's just a foolish dream!"

He was very angry.

Chen Xuanliu put down the cup, admiring the pattern on the lid, and said to himself indifferently: "So, what is their support?"

Yan Shuangdie's demon eyes squinted, and she whispered: "The Three Realms of the North, the Wasteland, and the Lingzhou?...The Northern Meishen Pavilion is famous for its fire, and there is also the Spirit Island..."

Chen Xuanliu said: "Sect in the North is not to be feared."

Yan Shuangdie continued: "The Yin & Yang Hall of the Wasteland, the Sect dedicated to the soul, is very difficult, even known as the Little Soul Pavilion. Moreover, it seems to be closely related to Wushuangzong."

"Wu Shuangzong!"

Xu Wenyue's face was ugly.

He tried to control his anger and said, "Not long ago, my veteran Liu Wuchang on the Jiuyao Palace, and my veteran Maya, all died of Wushuangzong!"

Yan Shuangdie was slightly shocked: "The two veterans are both ninth-rank intermediates. What happened to them?"

Xu Wenyue gritted his teeth: "It's Lu Fengyun!"

Yan Shuangdie heard that, there was no special fluctuation in his heart, just a little surprised.

She had already experienced Lu Fengyun's greatness in the Immortal King Tomb before.

That one move is outrageously powerful to kill the Three Saints!

If she hadn't left in time, I'm afraid she would have been reduced to the fate of the three dwarfs.

Yan Shuangdie thought for a moment, and she asked, "Will Wushuangzong participate?"

Xu Wenyue nodded firmly:

"Wushuang Sect Leader Lu Fengyun is still one of the judges!"

Chen Xuanliu flexed his fingers and tapped the tabletop with his joints: "If Wushuangzong participates, we have to weigh it carefully, Lu Fengyun, it's not easy to provoke..."

Xu Wenyue said: "I want to go to Wushuangzong and see him!"

Yan Shuangdie smiled: "See him, or kill him?"

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