The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 997: Ominous Sign of Yuan Gongzi



Over the iron bone town, streamers flew past.

The leader is Jun Chang laughs, followed closely by high-ranking ancestors such as Ziyu Demon King, Baiqiu King, Ding Xingwang and Gongsun Haohai.



The little magic fairy transformed into the magic ridge and the black hawk entity also followed, carrying Jingjing Xuan on his back.

At first, the monarchy wanted her to return to the ancestral gate and wait for her own news, but since Jiang Xie found the position of the demon gate, she simply took it with her, after all, it represented Miaohua Palace.

"Master of the palace."

The little magic fairy said, "Sit tight."


Qi Jingxuan nodded.

But his eyes were a little lost.

How can the lost and monarchy leave themselves, and go alone?

This time traveling to the Lingling Valley, Jun Changxiao only took the high level of Zongmen, and did not take Li Qingyang and others, because the latter had to build the battlefield on the plane.


There aren't many people, but they are elite.

Not to mention Ding Lao and King Baiqiu, only one Zitang master can deter the entire Emperor's Gate.


"My son."

In the courtyard of the Emperor's Gate, the old man in black reported: "Several ancestral gates that had been destroyed yesterday had received 2 million artificial spirit stones, 200,000 natural spirit stones, medicinal materials, ore, weapons and other resources."

"So little?" Yuan Gongzi frowned.

Five million natural spirit stones were stabbed by Jun Chang with a smile. In order to stop losses, he could only be looted from Mingmenzheng, but millions of artificial spirit stones could not fill the cave.


It also took a lot of resources to place Zongmen in the Crossing Valley.

The old man in black said: "After all, we are only targeting four or five class schools, and there are too few valuable resources."

"and so."

Yuan Gongzi picked up the book next to him and looked at the names of Zongmen listed above. He said, "If you want to get rich, you have to go to a higher level."

This handbook is a list of the stars of the Meteorological Continent that he counted. Not only are they famous, but also crooked.

On the last page, there is a list of non-provocations. There are three sectarian gates that are exceptionally eye-catching, namely-Wanguzong, Miaohua Palace, and Cangshan School.

Yuan Gongzi has been very cautious and killed everything that might make him laugh, but he never expected that his men would be injured by mistake!

If it wasn't for hiding in the Toling Valley, I would have apologized for taking money to pay tribute.

Yuan Gongzi said: "Notify King Huli and King Antlers and let them come over."

Now that the two parties have reached a cooperation agreement, they must make good use of the two pieces and let them do things for themselves.


The old man in black left.

Slightly, hurried over and said, "My son, these two spirit beasts have left the Valley of the Cross."

Yuan Gongzi covered his head and said, "Sure enough, this kind of orc is unruly and unreliable."

"No more, no more."

He wrote a few gates individually on white paper, and threw them to the old man in black, saying: "Notify the sub-rudder, find a time to destroy the gates listed above, and bring back all the martial art resources."


The old man in black was about to retreat, and Yuan Gongzi said, "Everything has happened recently, right?"

"My son, nothing has happened."

"Well, go on."

Yuan Gongzi rubbed his temples and secretly said: "Both said that the master of the Miaohua Palace and the ruler of the Wanzong ancestor had a leg, but now it seems that it is only passed on by maggots."

Get up and return to the room.

Suddenly, his eyelids fluttered, and his face changed slightly: "This is ... an ominous omen!"


In the western Yunzhou state, which is connected to the southwestern state of Yangzhou, a middle-aged man with five big and three thick skins and a young man with thin skin and tender meat flew at high speed.


Middle-aged humanity: "We flew out of the Crossing Valley so brazenly, will not be discovered by human martial arts?"

You can hear from the voice, this is the King of Tiger Force!

"Brother, please rest assured." King Antler said: "Almost all of the martial saints have entered the battlefield of the plane. Now we can fly around the star-studded continent."

King Huli breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Brother, we went straight to Qingyang County in the southwestern Yangzhou, or did we see Zongmen disappear?"

"Go to Cheongyang-gun."

King Antler said: "Clean up the martial arts fish first."

"it is good!"

"Hmm! Hmm!"


"Master Qin."

In the hall of Haoqimen, Shen Tong, the owner of the Long Knife Gate, worried: "The rivers and lakes have been chaotic recently. Maybe the magic Taoism gate will kill Yangzhou in the southwest. We should prepare early."

Qin Haoran, who sat on top, shook his head and said, "Shenmen, the 100-zong alliance has already dissolved, so don't call Qin as the leader."

"Do not!"

Shen Tong said calmly: "The Qin Alliance Leader is our leader one day, and he will be the leader all his life, even if this organization no longer exists!"

Qin Haoran glanced with relief.

Although in this book, it has been completely reduced to soy sauce, but once the allies can still support themselves in this way, it is hard to see the truth!

"Although the Emperor's Gate was troubled, he never came to Yangzhou, Southwest." King Situ said, "In the eyes of the old man, you may be afraid of the ancient emperor."

Hearing the three words of Wan Guzong, Qin Haoran's eyes flashed a complex emotion, more fear.

"Demon Emperor dares to be rigid with a few top ancestors, wouldn't Jijun Jun always laugh?" Shen Tong said.

Before it was changed, it was definitely contemptuous between words, but now it is all about matters, without any underestimate, because the face has been swollen countless times.

Qin Haoran bitterly said, "It is a disaster for the Emperor's Gate to attack the major gates in a big way. We can only pray that we will not be followed. What else can we do?"

These former 100-sect alliance forces, but the martial level, are weak as ants in front of the ordinary five-class sect, how can they compete with the magic path organization?

"The door ... the master ..."

At this moment, a disciple rushed in and ran in, panicking, "Outside ... there are two flying warriors outside!"

Flying warrior?

The faces of Qin Haoran, Shen Tong and others changed in shock, and said, "Wu Huang ?!"


Just then, a loud noise came!

The whole earth trembled violently, the hall was unbearable, and it began to collapse in a large area!

Qin Haoran was dumbfounded.

"Master Qin, run away!"

Shen Tong exclaimed, but saw that he was as dead as a chicken and rushed forward, grabbing his arm and dragging it out.


When the crowd rushed out, the main hall, which had stood in the wind and rain for hundreds of years, collapsed and turned into a ruin. The plaque of "Haoqimen", which had only been hung up in recent years, also broke on the spot.

So here comes the problem.

Why did it hang up in recent years?


Qin Haoran was paralyzed directly on the ground, crying sadly: "No ————"

Whether it is a sect or a sect, the hall is a symbol of supreme dignity, and the sudden collapse now means that it is almost destroyed!

Shen Tong and King Situ did not have time to care about Qin Haoran, because the two had widened eyes at the moment.

In view.

Haoqi Menwai disappeared.

Instead, there are dozens of deep pits, and the spread is already close to the main hall area.

Following the camera and going up, we can clearly see that the hilltop where Haoqimen is located seems to be directly blasted out of a large pit by some terrorist force, and the space is shattered.



After all, Shen Tong and King Situ did not hold their bodies, they were paralyzed on the ground with horror, and then looked up stiffly, looking at two middle-aged men and young men standing in the air with a gloomy look.

Come, definitely not good!


Tiger King said: "If you go down, you should kill the whole mountain."

King Antler grinned: "Brother, watching the expression of fear on human faces, my brother is inexplicably excited!"



With a big wave, the demon explodes!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Those disciples of Haomen who had not died under the bombardment just now were bound, and then flew up uncontrollably.


The antler pulled them all in front of him and laughed, "Are you afraid?"



"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, dozens of Haoqimen disciples who were restrained died instantly, and there was no chance of screaming.


The antlers squinted.

It is like a spirit beast at the level of martial arts ~ ~ killing Kaimai and martial arts, there is no need to do anything, one eye can erase it.


At this moment, Qin Haoran tried to stand up. Although his legs were shaking violently, he also clenched his fists, and his eyes were broken: "Destroy my hall and kill my disciples, this hatred is not shared!"


The antler suddenly appeared in front of him, stepped on his face with one foot, and clasped his hands, "A cricket ant, dare not say a word?"


Qin Haoran vomited blood.

This did not kill him, otherwise, it would have turned into a piece of meat.


King Huli urged: "Hurry up this sect, we have to go to the next one."


The antlers raised their feet, and the madness erupted.

From the perspective of the development of power, it is clear that not only must Qin Haoran be wiped out, but the entire gate of Hao Qi must be razed to the ground.


The wickedness gathered in a frenzy, instantly permeating all around.

Paralyzed by the shivering Shen Tong and Situ Wang's eyes became desperate, and the strong breath of death shrouded the sea.

It's cold.

It's completely cold!


The staghorn king, who was accumulating power, looked up, squinted and looked behind the ruined hall, and saw a few people on the mountain in the distance.

Jun Chang smiled and spread his legs, sitting on the boulder.

Ding Xingwang stood on the right side, releasing the psionic energy into the palm of his hand, blowing his black hair to the left, showing the handsome face that was enough to make the girl scream.

King Baiqiu, Gongsun Haohai and others either stood on their side or held their hands behind the lord, and the bursting momentum broke through the clouds!


As long as people go out, they will definitely carry Pinru's wardrobe!

"Friend!" Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped together, and said calmly, "This place advises you to be kind."

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