The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1012: Killing Shura Field

Under the blessing of the statue, Jun Chang laughed, and when the two ghosts in the battlefield of the battlefield were exploded, he could see how powerful they were.


After gaining strength, you can even fight against yourself, which is a bit stubborn.

To be honest, at that time, Jun Chang laughed at the state of losing his senses, and he was defeated by the cute and endurable Zitang Lord, who was replaced by Ding Lao and others.

"I hit?"


"I did it?"



After repeated confirmation, Jun Chang, who was sitting in the hall, laughed, took out the stone statue that made him suddenly become a devil, and collapsed, "This thing is poisonous!"

He remembered that when he defeated the ghost of the second Tianzi battlefield, what happened later was completely unknown.

Systemically said: "At that time, a force rushed into the host to understand the sea and take control of the body."


Jun often laughed and became serious.

Although the stone statue can let itself gain strength in a short time, it will control the mind and body to do things that hurt teammates, and the problem is serious.

"No, no."

Jun Chang laughed: "This thing is evil, it can't be used anymore!"

Although the blessing of powerful forces is very refreshing, it is therefore unreasonable and definitely unacceptable.

Moreover, if it was Li Qingyang and others who were out there at the time, they would have made an irreparable mistake!

I want to stop here.

Jun Chang smiled with coolness behind him.

The system said: "So, the treasures in the system mall are reliable. This kind of thing from the upper world is powerful, but the side effects it brings are completely uncontrollable."

Raise the mall's merchandise and degrade opportunities in the upper world.

A qualified salesman.


Jun Chang smiled at the stone statue in his hand and said, "The treasure that made me lose my rationality, even if it is so strong that it can no longer be used."


Throw it into the space ring and place it in a remote corner.

He did not lose it, because if he encounters danger in the future, he may use it, but no disciple is present.



The door of the ward was pushed open, and Jun Chang laughed and walked in from the outside.

The purple prince demon king who was lying on the bed with his legs hummed and sang in a hurry, hurriedly turned his side, and put one hand on his waist, and said in pain: "Oh ... Oh ... my waist ..."

Although the acting skills are still slightly astringent, they are obviously better than before.

"Zhutang Lord."

Jun Chang smiled and sat down, apologizing, "You are wronged."

The Ziying Demon King fangs grinned, "My bones are about to be dispelled ... however the lord has meaning."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "This month, the beast dan is doubled."

The purple prince demon's eyes suddenly lighted up and said secretly: "Don't be stupid!"


It's changed.

Many things can be done for the people.

This has to be done in the past, not to mention being mad, even if you move a finger, you have to copy the guy to fight back.


The Purple King Demon King did not perform anymore, but looked earnestly: "Although the magical power you showed yesterday is strong, you may lose your rationality. Do not use it casually in the future, or you will affect the disciples."

Although he has always believed that he is suffering from humiliation and embarrassment, his feelings towards Wanzong are really improving.

These words today are enough to prove everything.

Similar to the owner of the Purple Church, there is the Star of Death, Aojiao Night.

Even though the two have always denied it, they have already cultivated a deep enough emotion for this sectarian door that makes them constantly stronger.

It doesn't.

Seeing that Jun Chang laughed and exploded the two ghosts of the battlefield of Tianzi, even though the battlefield was dusk, Ye Aniu was still actively participating in the construction and paid diligently to Zongmen.

"Second Brother."

Xiao Sin said: "It seems that Master Ye has really integrated into the Zongmen."

"Yeah," Li Qingyang comforted.

As the earliest disciples, the two could see that Ye Xingchen was very arrogant and always out of step with Zongmen. Now that he can concentrate on participating in construction, it means that he has completely integrated into Zongmen and became a member.

"And Master Sister."

Li Qingyang looked at the lupin standing on the top of the mountain and fluttering in white, and whispered: "When can I let down his cold character and join the same team?"

Xiao Xie shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's difficult for Master Sister to major in the ice department."


After the two battlefield ghosts were resolved, the area of ​​the base expanded a lot, and the size of the large city was close.

"Looking for two or three sky word opportunities, it should be possible."

On the main peak, Jungou smiled.

There are more than two months before the settlement of Epic Mission Nine, and the city will soon reach the scale of the large city, and the progress is still very fast.

As for epic mission ten ...


Jun Chang smiled and patted his mind, "Totem Continent and Xingyue Continent are here today. You can check it out."

"call out!"

During the talk, people had flew out of the stronghold.

The killing Shura field is located in the most central area of ​​the battlefield, surrounded by streamer enchantments, like a closed bullring.

When looking for opportunities, Jun Changxiao had passed by many times, but because there were no people and no fighting, he just left at a glance.

Today, when he came over, looking at the transparent streamer, he found that there were two groups of people wearing different costumes. According to the number, it was about four or five thousand.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "The power of both planes has been summoned."

Such large-scale battles are rare in the battlefields of planes, unless there is any opportunity to compete.

There are dozens of miles of shrouds in the killing field. Warriors from the surrounding enclave have gathered to wait for a feast of killing.

of course.

Some warriors came to the area where Jun Chang laughed.

When I saw this fierce man, I hurriedly changed the viewing area and kept an absolute distance from it.


More and more warriors are gathering outside the streamer enchantment, watching wars in different locations and in different areas, their eyes flashing with anticipation.

Jun Chang laughed and enjoyed a quiet area, holding his hands and staring at the two people inside.

They didn't do it immediately, but instead stood on both sides of the station and were talking about something.

The outside warrior can see everything inside, but can't hear the sound, so it is impossible to know whether the two planes are talking hard or taunting?

"Aha ..."

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Jun Chang smiled and yawned ~ ~ Mom egg!

Should I take a nap first?

At this moment, the two groups of people finally moved into action and flew up into the sky in an instant, with all kinds of energy flashing, and they started the toughest fight!

"finally come!"

"Although the sound of fighting was not heard, it must be terrible in terms of momentum!"

"I'm afraid those who are flying high above the ground are all characters!"

There was a fierce confrontation between the two planes in the Shura field, and the warriors on the outside watched and discussed.

Jun Chang is also watching.

And look more attentively than others.

Soon, he found that these warriors were almost deadly!

"Dear participant, enter the field of killing Shura, either live or die," the female system prompts.


Jun often smiled and shook his head.

Because no sound came out, even if the battle was wonderful, but there was no fighting effect, it looked very uncomfortable.

After an hour.

Two planes were madly killed, at least a thousand warriors fell from the sky, lying motionless on the ground, showing that they had died.

Jun Chang laughed and said with emotion: "The strength is not as good as people but death."

Upper Bound.

You see all living beings as mustard!

Looking at those warriors who killed and killed in Xiuluochang, Jun Changxiao suddenly raised an unknown fire and looked up angrily at the sky.

In this killing-oriented place, don't you even think about a large Colosseum? Oneself, and all the people who come in, is nothing but a **** for gaming and watching in the upper world!

I'm upset!

I'm upset!

According to the traditional rhythm, the protagonist must shout at this moment: "I want to go against the sky!"

However, Jun Chang smiled coldly and turned around, and said secretly: "Find a plane to perform, take Huang Quandan to each other and pretend to die together in the Shura field, shouldn't the upper world find it?"

The system said: "Very idea!"

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