The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1028: I leave this garbage to me

The five thousand battlefield ghosts possessed a sense of fighting, and powerful waves swept through, making the surroundings even more killing and cold.

Ke Jinnan is standing in the air. Although he is fearless on the surface, he is actually panicked.

So many ghosts are very powerful.

If it really kills, how can disciples and Lingyuan mainland warriors compete with it.

The original determination to fight for the base was determined, and when they felt the strong breath erupting from the ghost on the battlefield, they were immediately shaken.

Ke Jinnan is not afraid of death.

However, if you don't do your best to die, it is not necessary!

"Valley owner!"

An elder advised: "Stay in the mountains, no worries, no firewood, let's withdraw from the battlefield!"

Evacuation will certainly cause the stronghold to fall completely, but at least the disciples can save their lives.

"The elder."

Ke Jinnan said calmly, "You take your disciples first."

"Where is the owner?" Said the elder.

Ke Jinnan glanced back at the stronghold that reached the city scale, and said, "Here, it was built by my ancestors from the Lingyuan continent with countless bloods. Because of this great suffering, this is a sinner for all ages, and we cannot forgive it!"

It is not difficult to hear that this is to coexist with a stronghold alone!

"Valley ..."

"Don't say it, I'm done."

Ke Jinnan looked at him and said in an irreversible tone: "This seat orders you as the 160th generation Guzhu, and immediately take the Zongmen high level and his disciples away!"


The elder looked ugly and said, "Yes!"

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

"唰 唰 唰 ————————"

For a moment, senior officials and disciples of Baiye Valley flew into the stronghold, landed in front of the bronze gate, and looked sadly at the owner.

"The people in Baiye Valley have withdrawn?"

"Forget it, let's quit as soon as possible!"

Lingyuan continents and other fighters and retreats all returned.

"That's right."

"So many battlefield ghosts, let alone the five or six echelons, even the four first echelon planes dare not compete with them."

As for the warriors of Lingyuan mainland, the warriors in the face expressed their understanding.


Everyone was gone, except that the lord of the louvered valley still stood outside the stronghold and faced 5,000 battlefield ghosts.

The soldiers who faced each other were puzzled: "He wants a stronghold?"


A streamer flew into the stronghold and hung in front of the elder Baiye Valley.

The light was gone, showing a glazed sword.

Qingxuan Shengming sword.

The status symbol of the owner of the louvered valley!

"The elder."

Ke Jinnan turned his back to the crowd and said, "After returning, choose another owner."

"Valley owner!"

The disciples shouted angrily.

The elder's face changed again and again, and the sorrowful Qing Xuansheng Sword entered the space ring, saying, "The disciples listen to the order and return to the Lingyuan continent!"

He wanted to stay with the owner to defend the stronghold, but at this moment, he must take his disciples away, because this is an order!



At this moment, the battlefield ghost has launched an offensive!


Ke Jinnan's hands clenched into fists, and the vast energy and the momentum of forgetting his life broke out!

The warrior who watched the war immediately paid his respects.

Two heavenly characters, so many levels of characters and mysterious characters, the owner of Baiye Gugu could n’t even compete, but he was so fearless, it ’s really a man!



Dozens of battlefield ghosts have taken the lead in killing them.

Because there was only one target behind the stronghold, these unthinking creatures directly launched human sea tactics and pressed them from all directions.

The burst of powerful energy has made all martial arts unanimously agree that it is extremely difficult for Ke Guzhu to compete. Once surrounded, there will be no death!

In terms of absolute strength and number, it is certainly insolvable to face a person alone.




Ke Jinnan, who was in the encirclement circle, waved his fists frequently and instantly flew over twenty yellow-character battlefield ghosts.

As a strong player in the ground character, you must catch it at this level, but the enemies that surged up later have not only mysterious characters but also ground characters!

"Boom boom!"


Immediately, Ke Jinnan was besieged by the ghosts of the battlefield. Although he could take advantage of some low-level ghosts to fly away, he also got more fierce pinch.

This kind of picture of fighting thousands of people alone is quite unfair.

Moreover, there are a lot of characters in it, so after a short fight, Ke Jinnan fell into a disadvantage.


Inattentive, several ghosts of the battlefield blasted on their backs from the side.


After being bombarded, Ke Jinnan first struck two mysterious characters and then stepped back a few steps. Wow, a blood spurted out, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Valley owner!"

"Elder, I will fight to the death with the owner of the valley to the end!"



The disciples of Baiyegu didn't enter the bronze gate and flew away from the stronghold regardless of life and death.

Seeing this, the elder said secretly, "Gu owner, this is not under the control of the old man!"


Turn into a streamer and rush out of the stronghold.

At this moment, no matter the high-level Baiye Valley or the ground character, no one chooses to steal a living, scramble to rush out, and defend the stronghold with the owner, even if he died!



Outside of the stronghold, several ghosts of the battlefield of the word battled over again.

Although Ke Jinnan tried hard to avoid it, he was still inevitably bombarded throughout his body, and the whole person became more and more embarrassed.

When he saw Zongmen's high level and his disciples coming back, he growled, "You guys ..."

The sound stopped abruptly, because a strong breath suddenly erupted behind him, a ghost of the Tianzi battlefield who always looked on the wall swept over with a sickle.

With strong energy and absolute strength, the pressured Ke Jinnan's mind shook suddenly, and a strong ominous omen poured into the sea of ​​knowledge.


Died in front of the disciples.

Ke Jinnan knew that he was in danger of escaping, because he had dozens of places around him, so he closed his eyes.

As the 160th generation of the owner of Baiye Valley, it is decent to die!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind him!

Ke Jinnan only felt a wave of irritability, so he hurriedly opened his eyes and turned around.

(Here, please make up your own brain to help the host to play the BGM with the audio)

In the field of vision, Jun Chang, who is armed with steel all over his body, smiled and turned his back on him.

As for the ghost of the Tianzi battlefield that suddenly struck, it has been blasted to Baizhangyuan at this moment.

"King Sovereign!" Ke Jinnan looked dumb.

He thought that the starfall continent might come to the rescue, but never thought it would come so fast and so soon!

"Master Ke Gu."

Jun Changxiao stood proudly in front of him ~ ~ A rare seriousness appeared on his face, locking a ghost on the battlefield saying: "This garbage is handed over to me.

Handed it over to Wanzong?

Ke Jinnan immediately caught his spiritual thoughts, not far away, many Wanzong disciples were coming at high speed.


At this moment, the ghost of the Tianzi battlefield that was beaten and flew out chopped over with a sickle.

"call out------"

The dazzling light shone like a crescent.

The monarchy smiled indifferently, raised his palm and shook it away, and saw the vast power burst out, colliding with the light instantly.


Energy bursts, space is fragmented.

Ke Jinnan, who was standing behind him, could easily break the streamer when he saw Jun Chang laugh, "He ... is he the strong one?"

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