The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1046: The Great Emperor

隔绝 The East China Sea Yuzhou, which has been isolated from the overall continental framework for thousands of years, has produced countless countries of various sizes, and gradually formed ten major empires after swallowing and merging.

Until decades ago, Emperor Zhenwei was born and launched the largest and most violent war in history. Only then did the six empires become the past and form the current four-nation power.

最 The strongest and largest area is naturally Zhenwei Empire.

担心 The other three empires are worried that they will follow suit, and they can only fight with Unity Alliance.

So now the situation in Yuzhou, East China Sea is that one family has three heads-ups, no one can help each other, and is in a state of temporary stability.

I was fighting around for the site, and Jun often laughed with no interest.

However, Master Fan was invited by Emperor Zhenwei and has not returned yet. He must go to investigate.

需要 It takes a certain distance from the border to Zhenwei City, and the dogs are not in a hurry. They will bring their disciples into the city and ask more about Yuzhou and Zhenwei Empire.

The name of Zhenzhenwei Emperor was heard by warriors and ordinary people in the territory of the former Tiger Leap Empire. There was all fear and anger, and it was praise and extreme worship in Zhenwei Empire.

Later, Jun Chang smiled gradually to understand.

The Zhen Zhenwei empire once had a very weak overall strength and was humiliated by other empires all year round.

After Emperor Zhenwei's ascension, he began to vigorously reform, and the overall strength of the empire increased dramatically, and finally became the most powerful empire in Yuzhou.

"Be capable!" Jun Chang smiled and admired.

The existence of the weakest chicken in the ten empires, brought by one person from the bronze group to the king group, this strength is extraordinary!


Li Qingyang, who was sitting in the restaurant for a meal, glanced out of the window and patrolled the soldiers back and forth, saying: "A small city is heavily guarded. We are afraid that we will not mix in Zhenwei City."

"Step by step."

Xi Jun often eats with a smile, throws a few or two pieces of silver on the table, and then leads everyone to walk freely on the street.

The city where they are located is not large, and the population is only several hundred thousand. However, there are soldiers patrolling at designated points on each main street. Judging from the armor they wear, the level does not seem to be low.

Children playing on the streets often saw soldiers passing by, their eyes flickered in worship, and even the idea of ​​growing up to join the army was stronger.

Xun Jun often laughs away and sees everything in the city.

I finally concluded that Zhenwei Empire was rich, and even the children living here had a strong sense of pride.

"Zhenwei, what kind of person are you? Can you develop a bronze empire to this extent?"

Xun Jun often laughs at the slightest interest in Emperor Zhenwei, probably because they both belong to the management department, but one is the Guan Zongmen and the other is the country.

of course.

Someone brought the home country up and flying, which also made the dog left questionable. Is this Zhenwei Emperor a traverser? Is there some sort of system in place?


The system denies: "Just hosting this kind of poor silk, within a few years of crossing the star-studded continent, it developed a non-entry Liuzong gate to a third-rate gate. If the other party is also a traverser, it has not beaten the East China Sea Yuzhou for decades. It's really shameful. "

Xun Jun often smiled and held her chin and said, "That makes sense!"

and many more!

"Slum!" He cursed in his heart: "Are you meowing shame on me?"

System said: "I just use the host as a metaphor. If you have to think so, then I can't help it."


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji, who were walking behind, suddenly discovered that the suzerain stopped, hands clasped around his neck, his face was slightly haggard as if fighting.


Luo Zhilong was dumbfounded.

Do it yourself! The operation is very sharp!

青 Li Qingyang and Xiao sin have become accustomed to each other, because they sometimes smirked, sometimes angry, and sometimes self-harmed when they saw more suzerain.

Yan Ye Xingchen frowned slightly and secretly said, "Fighting with yourself may be some kind of advanced martial arts!"

He He Wudi thinks so.

I even think that when the suzerain fights with himself, there may be some kind of martial arts promotion!

Walking the dog left: "I strangle you!"

System: "Come on, let's die together!"


For a moment, Jun Chang laughed and let go of his hand, panting and sitting on the boulder, saying, "Qingyang, how long is it from Zhenwei City."

"According to our walking speed, it takes about five days." Li Qingyang said.

"Is there a bigger city near here?"

"Yes, three hundred miles away, there is a Tiewei city, not only a large city of Zhenwei Empire, but also a strategic place."

"Look at it."

普通 An ordinary small city is heavily guarded. Jun Chang laughs very curiously. What deployment will there be in the large city?

Uh ...

Tiewei City.

In addition to Zhenwei City, Zhenzhenwei Empire is one of the most powerful cities.

几十 Hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed here all the year round. The city defense alone is very strong at a glance.

Xun Jun often laughed and brought four disciples to the gate of the city, and passed the identity certificate, which allowed him to mix in.


Twenty-five military men of different ages fainted in the grass, and all their clothes were gone.


When I entered an inn, Li Qingyang touched the Yirong mask on his face and was surprised: "They didn't really see it!"

Xun Jun often laughed: "If this thing is not reliable, how can Xiao Mu spend so much time in Taixuan Shengzong undercover?"

"Make sense, make sense!"

Everyone rested at the inn for a while, then began to wander around the city of Tiewei. As a result, in addition to some markets, tea houses and other places can enter and leave at will, many places were blocked.

Xun Jun often laughed and covered the entire city with spiritual thoughts, and found that in many areas there was an isolation matrix that could not easily penetrate.

"It's mysterious."

He can easily break through these isolated formations, but he did not do it, because for a moment, he knew that nothing could be more important than the barracks. The Zhenwei Empire protected it, and he did not want the enemy to discover it.

Xun Jun often laughed and continued to walk around the city, then came to the square in the central area.

There is a huge statue erected there. It is a middle-aged man who looks like thirty or forty years old. He is wearing armor and his sword is pointing at the sky.

"This is Emperor Zhenwei? Good secondary two."

Below the statue, there are many residents in the city kneeling on the ground, as if praying, and the accompanying children are full of excitement and sorrow.


Li Qingyang walked in from a distance, and said, "Today is the day when Emperor Zhenwei passed power."

"Transfer power?" Jun Chang laughed and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Qingyang said: "I don't know too much. I listen to others on the street."

"Coo coo!"

In the hall just north of the statue, a weird cry came, and an old man in a colorful costume, similar to a wizard, came out, holding a wooden staff and saying, "Beginning of the ceremony, no noise is allowed!"



The residents of the city outside the square stood upright, put their right palms on their chests, and then bowed their heads slightly, with a pious expression.

Xun Jun often laughs and Li Qingyang is a little bit stingy, but since they are in the crowd, in order to avoid being too dazzling, they hurried to follow them to do the same.

"¥% # The old man wearing a product such as clothes reads a weird prophecy.

Xun Jun often smiled and said secretly: "Nima, it's just blindly compiled, I can do it for me!"


Slightly, the old man bowed down in front of the hall, his palms were on the ground ~ ~ his head was facing the stone statue, his hips were loud and loud: "The emperor passed power, Enze Qianqiu!"



As soon as the utterance of the words fell, the proud eyes of the statue suddenly flashed red, and immediately flew to the children kneeling down.


The children, who were only seven or eight years old in the next year, were shrouded in red light and suddenly screamed while holding their heads. Although the parents nearby felt heartache, their eyes appeared excited.

Xun Jun always laughs and releases spiritual thoughts, and frowns slightly: "This should be an energy that erodes the soul and is used to deal with young children. It is simply inhumane!"

The Great passed the power?

Obviously is his mother's crooked way!

When Xun Jun often laughs and thinks, the children who are tortured by red mansions suddenly have a constant state of mind ... soaring!

Kaimai three, four, five ... twelve!

First class, second class, third class of martial arts ... the peak of martial arts!

After the red light has dissipated, the four children who are suffering are lying weakly on the ground, but Xiu Wei has entered the rank of a martial artist!


Xi Jun often smiled like a chicken, a little, facing you outside the camera, growling with a crumbling expression: "I have a meow system, and I have n’t upgraded my epic missions like this!"

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