The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1059: The door of my house is always open, waiting for him in open arms

Above the East China Sea.

The Tungu warship stopped in midair.

Xiao Xie jumped up from the deck, the whole person flew out gorgeously, and quickly sniped the sniper rifle. During the rapid fall, he pulled the trigger decisively!

"call out----"

The bullet burst out and penetrated layers of space!


A big fish that had just jumped out of the sea was suddenly pierced through his head.


Li Qingyang's spirits can be released, transformed into an invisible large hand, and then dragged to the Tonggu battleship.


Night Xingchen stepped forward, Jianguang staggered out.



The big fish was cut piece by piece and landed neatly on the stove!

He Wudi held up his palm, and the fire attributes of the Five Elements Jiantianjue started to take seriously—the barbecue!

Luo Zhilong: "..."

Master Fan: "..."


Jun Chang smiled sitting at the table and raised his glass: "Don't watch, come and drink."

"Sovereign monarch ..." Luo Zhilong said slightly, "Let's hurry up!"

In the crisis-prone East China Sea, brazenly cooking, this is too swaggering, too pleased!

"Lao Luo."

Jun Chang drank a bowl of wine with a profound meaning: "A boat trip is a journey, and it is not the destination you care about, but the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery."

Luo Zhilong stunned and toasted, "King Sovereign sees great!"

Fan Yezi, who was sitting next to him, was stunned, then raised his cup and said, "Wen Jun's words are better than reading ten years!"

Although Yuan Gongzi remained absolutely awake, but thought of running away, he still couldn't escape the clutch of this guy. Suddenly suffering from his heart, he took a large bowl of wine and murmured.

"Come on!"

"Drink it!"


Drink three times.

Yuan Gongzi held the jar of wine, and cried in tears like rain: "I am old, I am such a tragedy!"

The old man sitting next to him wanted to take away the wine jar, so that he really hugged himself, but as soon as his hand reached out, he was pushed away by the son, and said, "Go ... Go away ..."


He was silent and left silently.

The son is a talented person with lofty ideals, but he can endure too much suffering under successive blows.


When Lao Lao came to the cab, she knelt down and said, "Sovereign King, the old man is willing to use his own life for the safety of the son!"

"You are half-sacred anyway, so easily kneeling in front of people, do you still have dignity?" Jun Chang smiled lightly.

"Yuangongzi has a life-saving favor for the old man. Why should he care about dignity for him!"

His eyes flashed with memories of the past. It was a long time ago ... forget it, let the people in the animation group take the time to play with the memories.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, and said, "When this seat is playing against Zhenwei the Great, you two seem to watch the battle from a distance?"


蔺 Old truthfully.

In fact, with his current cultivation, he can completely attack Jun Changxiao, and even obliterate it!

However, I had previously witnessed thrilling battles outside Zhenwei City, and had already produced strong fears, even if the other party seemed to be weak and seemingly incapable of doing anything, he did not dare to raise a hint of hands!

"Why go to Zhenwei?"

"The son is going to join the Emperor Zhenwei to help him succeed."

Jun Chang smiled silently: "Since Lao Yuan is such an ambitious person, why not take refuge in this seat? Or, in his eyes, my eternal potential is not as good as the snail's empire in the tip of the East China Sea?"

"..." Lao Lao was silent.

To be honest, he really hoped that his son would rely on Jun Chang to laugh, because this man is too strong, and the future is doomed to something not in the pool.

But because we all have to listen to the son, we dare not say, we dare not ask.

"Go and persuade your son." Jun Chang laughed. "This man needs someone like him. If he is willing to join, he will be treated with high standards."

"This ..." Lao Lao tangled.

The son has strong self-esteem and may not be able to convince himself.

"of course."

Jun Changxiao added: "It doesn't matter if you don't agree. The door of my house is always open, waiting for him with open arms."

The last two paragraphs were sung.

Repeatedly no more than three, now that he has captured Yuan Gongzi, regardless of whether or not he is surrendered, he must be locked in the cell of the Wanzong ancestor and handed over to prisoner Zhao Doudou Chicken Soup.


The dark ground, the air is extremely killing.

This is the continent of souls, as scary as hell!

At this moment, a group of strong souls gather in the ancient temple with a long history and are discussing things.

"The Lord of the Four Palaces has also lost contact!"

"Hell, what the **** is going on!"

"In my opinion, the Lord of the Three Temples and the Lord of the Four Temples must have been discovered by the starburst continent warriors, and then severely wounded into a deep coma."

"So to speak, the star-studded continent after Wanzai is more powerful than we thought. The two palace masters were discovered soon after waking up!"

"Da da!"

As everyone discussed, the sound of stepping on a wooden board came from outside the hall.


The breeze blew from the outside, carrying sky-rose petals.

Gradually, a beautiful woman wearing hot boots and a hot figure walked in, exuding an intoxicating scent of roses.

The Soul Clan Powerhouses were immediately lined up in two rows, lowering their heads gently, and greeted them in a humble manner.


The beautiful woman waved her long sleeves and sat on the main seat.

She put her slender right leg on her left leg, leaned lightly against the back of her chair, and lifted her fingers with a ray of green silk in front of her, and the elder sister Queen Fan Qichang burst out.

"See the Queen!"

The soul tribe salutes respectfully.

In the soul world, the emperor is the most powerful.

The three temple masters and the four temple masters mentioned earlier all deal with others.

And this strong sister of the aura is the contemporary empress of the soul tribe. Because she likes roses all her life, she is called the "rose queen" after she ascended the throne.

According to the continent history of the soul tribe.

This woman is the fourth generation of Empress Ling Ping after her retirement.

The Queen Rose frowned slightly, angrily: "Hurriedly called the Empress from other planes, what happened?"

This empress ~ ~ can be described as a dragon in the eyes of the clan, but for thousands of years since the ascent of the throne, there have been at least 990 battles on other planes, so that many soul warriors are doubting themselves Is there a boss?

"Her Queen!"

A strong soul tribe yelled: "The three temple masters and the four temple masters have awakened in the starfall continent one after the other, and have lost touch again!"


The Queen Rose was surprised.


Another strong soul race said: "The space-time tunnel connecting the continent of stars and stars is also reinforced by some high-depth array method, I can't rush in at all!"

"A bunch of waste!" The Queen Rose rebuked.

Regarding the starfall continent, although it was a mess left by the previous empress, she ordered her subordinates to go out and solve it as soon as possible when she conquered several other planes. As a result, no progress has been made to date!


The soul clan powers are silent.

"My emperor doesn't want to hear any excuses, and I will give you another year, if you can't enter the star continent ..." The Empress Rose said coldly, "Apologize all for your death."


Soul clan powers yelled.

"Stay back."

The crowd hurried out of the hall.

But on the way, he whispered, "My lord queen doesn't seem to be happy! Have you eaten in other planes?"

"I heard that the Empress's scroll was stolen!"

"Isn't it? That thing is a personal collection. Who is so sturdy and can steal it from the Queen!"

"No wonder so unhappy!"

"Since you know this, why don't you tell us, now it's better to invite the Queen Queen to give a death order directly. If you can't complete it, everyone has to plead guilt!

The Queen Rose naturally heard the comments of her men, and she was so angry: "The guy who steals the scrolls, don't let the emperor catch you!"

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