The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1064: I am eternal, King of everyone

Plane battlefield, star stronghold continental base.

Yuan Gongzi stood on the main peak and looked at the magnificent and magnificent city buildings below. He had not recovered from the shock for a long time.

"Here was wasteland."

"With the efforts of my ancient emperor, we have the scale we have today and the strength to deter all major planes."

Jun Chang laughed sitting behind him, speaking with absolute pride.

Although the plot of the battlefield on the plane has completely ended, after all, the stronghold has poured a lot of hard work, and occasionally a glance will make him full of pride.


Yuan Gongzi said incredibly: "Really the battlefield?"


The psionic energy erupted and shrouded him.

"call out----------"

Jun Changxiao dragged Yuan Gongzi out of the astral continent stronghold, flew to the battlefield of the plane, and then passed each plane one after another.

Some things cannot be said by mouth, only seeing is believing!

Witnessing those martial artists who exude a strong martial arts atmosphere and dress up differently from the starry continent, although Yuan Gongzi tried to force himself to be false, he was gradually accepting the truth in his heart.


Jun Chang smiled and took him back to the stronghold of Starfall Continent, and sat in the chair again, and said, "You shouldn't know yet, the first batch of strong men who entered here have already returned."

Yuan Gongzi didn't know because Han Chengzhu and others returned to the mainland and were on the East China Sea, experiencing various ordeals.

"Lao Yuan."

Jun Chang laughed and clasped his fingers together and said, "You are a talented person. When you take care of the Demon Gate, you can prove that you can compete with the decent gates."

"A group of pig teammates cannot help you achieve higher achievements."

"Why not come to assist this seat and build the strongest gate that can lift all planes?"


Yuan Gongzi was silent.

When he was the deputy master of the Emperor's Gate, his dream was not to unify the starfall continent, so that the magic gate that had disappeared for thousands of years reappeared its former glory.

This guy's mouth is hanging all the planes, the level is not too high!

is it possible?

Before witnessing the starburst continent stronghold, in front of the super-large city, Yuan Gongzi thought that this guy could not speak madly, but now he couldn't help but think that it might be a success.

From the struggle with the major gates of the starfall continent to the struggle with the major planes, it is a little bit exciting to think about it!

calm! calm!

Don't be fooled by him, there must be hard bones!

"Lao Yuan." Jun Chang laughed: "We men must do a big job, the pattern must be large, not limited to the starry continent!"

Yuan Gongzi said: "Yuan has no such unrealistic ambition as the monarch."

"No, you have."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "It's just a lack of teammates of the king."

Indeed, as far as Yuan Gongzi's teammates at Modimen, even if their strength reaches the level of Wudi, to compete with everyone, it must be a reward, a hindrance.

"I am eternal, King of everyone!"

Jun Chang laughed: "As long as you join, you can achieve great achievements and explore!"

"Sovereign monarch." Yuan Gongzi cried without tears: "In the end you think of me, can I change it now?"

Jun Chang stood up with a smile, walked in front of him, lit the electronic cigar, took a spit and spit out the smoke ring, and said, "What you see is that you have been the deputy master of the Emperor's Gate, because I am the vice master of the ancient emperor. On. "

To develop a hidden gate in the dark to a level that is decent against the famous gate, such talents he needs are also the most critical factor in the road to the shopkeeper.

Eternal Sect, Deputy Sovereign?

Yuan Gongzi's expression gradually sluggish.

This guy is so optimistic about himself that he has been given absolute rights over one person over ten thousand people?

"Have you heard of Soul Clan?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.


Soul clan did chaos in ancient times, and little is known about contemporary warriors.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Before ten thousand years ago, the wars of the emperors caused the world to collapse, all because of this group. They are cruel invaders, and even today, there are still attempts to fall on our continent."

Yuan Gongzi: "..."

Does this have anything to do with persuading me to join the Vanguard?

"I've been looking for a way to enter the Soul Continent. If I find it, I will take my disciples to kill him, and I will use my own way." Jun Chang smiled coldly.

Yuan Gongzi narrowed his eyes.


Jun Chang smiled with a cigar and turned to look at him, saying: "When that day comes, my eternal ancestors will rush out of Asia ... oh, it will rush out of the star continent and formally open the prologue to fight against other planes!"

Yuan Gongzi was filled with horrible waves.

This kind of thing rushing out of the starfall continent and competing with other planes, think about the blood burning again!

"At that time."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "I hope to help you and accompany you!"

"You might think I'm bullshit."

Jun Chang laughed and released the psionic power, dragged him over, and then returned to Vanguzong, stood on the main peak of the battle riding hall, pointed to the wolf cavalry who was setting up in the playground, and said: "But I will tell you, Vanguzong Power to fight against any plane! "



Zhong Yi raised the blade of the dragon's teeth, and members of the wolf riding regiment riding on the hurricane wolf were repaired as outbreaks.

Although the number is only a few thousand, but the realm is all king-level, the momentum is quite shocking!

Yuan Gongzi's eyes were almost staring.

This is the first time he has witnessed a well-prepared corps equipped with high-level fierce beasts and all strengths at the level of Wuwang!



At the entrance of the school yard, a large number of disciples came again!

Their mounts were either tiger or lion beasts, and their powerful breath was unprecedentedly strong.


This is the overall strength of Wanguzong!

Yuan Gongzi's eyes became bitter.

On the way to the East China Sea, he had concluded that he was not as good as Jun Chang laughed. The reason was that this guy was powerful and had a group of wicked disciples and senior management.

Now, it seems that people really want to move the true style, and just sending this army of riding fierce beasts is enough to set foot on the crossing of the valley of spirits, and on the gate of the magic emperor!


In Jun Changxiao's successive extortion of the star warriors and warriors on the continent ~ ~ and even repeatedly extorted the gate of the Emperor, a large amount of martial arts resources were all used for development, and the hard power of Wanzong is increasing every day.

Looking at the entire starfall continent, the top gates are difficult to compete with.

However, this is only the strength of Zhanqitang. Outside disciples are far ahead of other Zongmen disciples in terms of cultivation and physicality and even martial arts. They really want to develop into Zongmen confrontation, although there will be casualties. Roll properly.

The dog has no intention to fight for hegemony.

If you really want to build a meritorious deed, what Emperor Zhenwei and what Mo Emperor are all standing by!

"Lao Yuan."

Jun Chang laughed: "You understand people, you should have the choice of understanding people."

"Can you not match the old Yuan? I'm only in my twenties!"

"I am also in my twenties. This is the age group for which we have built our careers. Come on, to help me make no achievements in this vast universe!"



The cell was closed again, and Yuan Gongzi's face was silent on the wooden bed.

The starry continent base of the battlefield on the plane and the various beast corps of the battle knights brought him too much shock, so that he is still in a state of turmoil.

Zhao Doudou analyzed: "He should have figured it out."

Dai Lu said: "This person is as bone-minded as me and will never give in easily!"

"Slap! Slap!"

Suddenly, Yuan Gongzi on the wooden bed disappeared.

Others have come to the jail door, grabbed their hands on the iron fence, and said loudly, "Sovereign monarch, I have already considered it clearly, I am willing to join the Wanzong! I am willing to assist you in building a lifeless merit!"


Dai Li petrified instantly.

Ahhhh! This guy's bones were also eaten by dogs!

"My son ..."

The old man who temporarily lived in the courtyard of the foreign guest heard a smile, a smile appeared on the vicissitudes of his face, and his tears gradually began to burst into tears.

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