The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1067: Aniu, settle in Lingyan Pavilion!

After drinking a big mouthful of drunk life and dreaming, Jun Changxiao not only found that his pores had expanded, but his perception of the attributes of heaven and earth had also improved slightly!

This is awesome!

The remaining spiritual root of Gouyu has reached the **** level, and it belongs to the strongest continent.

There is a level of improvement on this basis, or by drinking!


"The same people as Dudu!"

The meal made by Liu Wanshi can enhance the combat effectiveness.

Nowadays, some people use wine to increase the speed of ingesting psionic energy. Starfall continent is really a place full of talents!

Jun Chang laughed and decided directly, saying, "Welcome to join the ancient history!"

He certainly won't let this special talent go.

What's more, there is a winemaker in Zongmen. In the future, there is no need to go to Qingyang Town to buy drinks, and it can save a lot of expenses.


The dog is thinking.

In the face of drunken dreams that can increase the speed of psionic energy intake, did Ye Aniu refuse or chose to separate from his bed for a long time?

"A little looking forward."

Lankang arched, "Thank you for your acceptance!"

As a master who has been immersed in wine for many years, after thinking of joining Zongmen, the first thing to consider is Wanzong, because recently he has gained popularity in the arena.

This is the manifestation of fame and fame.

For the time being, anyone who has ambitions will always consider the Vanguard Sect first when choosing a sect.


"This wine is so amazing?"

"After drinking, can you increase the speed of ingesting the properties of heaven and earth?"

"I've heard it for the first time."

In the cafeteria, the disciples sat in front of the dining table, and a small glass of drunk and dreamy death was placed in front of each of them, and the refreshing aroma of the wine made them eager to drink.

"Don't choke."

Jun Chang laughed: "Drink it all."


The disciples raised their wine cups, and then drank the drunk dreams of Liu Xiang, who were at the entrance.


Liu Wanshi lowered her cup and rejoiced, "Drink well!"

Lan Kang said that if the intake of drunken dreams is strictly controlled, it is actually no different from drinking water, and it will not cause people to get drunk, so Jun Chang laughed and allowed the little girl to drink.


Liu Wanshi took a sip, just like drinking a drink. Instead of being attacked by alcohol, she became more energetic.

After the disciples drank, their perception of the attributes of heaven and earth suddenly improved, so they were all surprised: "This drunk life is really effective!"

"Walk around!"

"Cultivate at Spirit Circle!"

For a time, several Juling arrays were overcrowded.

Because of the increase in the number of disciples and the complete unblocking of the resurrected place, Zhen Dejun, the master of the formation law, has long laid out a lot of formation methods for the practice of the ancestors.

The effect of drunk life lasts all day.

With this blessing, the disciples worked hard to practice, and the effect was significantly faster than before!


Lan Kang said: "If a disciple drinks a small cup of drunk life every day, he can not only maintain his energy and vitality for a long time, but also have the effect of prolonging his life and beauty and whitening."

The female reader stopped and would definitely say, "Give me a car!"

Male reader: "Wake up, you have no female reader!"

"Then prepare a lot," Jun Chang laughed.

Fan Tangzhu injects soul into the weapon, which improves the overall strength of Zongmen. Lan Kang's drunk dreams can also increase the speed of Zongmen's cultivation.

Lankang said helplessly: "This wine requires fine grains, and the brewing process is extremely complicated. It takes at least three years to form an altar wine."

"The problem is not too big."

Jun Chang took him to the medicine garden with a smile, and said, "Excellent grains can be planted on high-level land."

Lan Kang froze.

After exploring the soil, he said, "If it is used to grow cereals, the effect will be excellent!"

In the selection of brewing materials, he occasionally goes out to buy, but most of them grow by themselves, because the market is difficult to meet the standards of brewing drunk and dreaming.

The Land of Manchuria belongs to the resurgence of Aura and has been improved by Pecs. It is definitely very suitable to grow various wine grains!

The medicine garden also needs to grow herbs.

So Jun Chang laughed in the adjacent area and divided a large area of ​​land, saying, "Grow cereal here."

"of course."

"This seat will prepare you the finest grain seeds."

The grain matures in seasons, but in front of the seed storage pond, it's nothing.

As long as it can bring benefits to Zongmen, Jun Changxiao will certainly give strong support and support without consideration.

With everything in place, Lan Kang started his work after joining the Vanguard, which was responsible for refining the most drunk dreams in the fastest time.

Of course, even with the blessings of land and seed, it is destined to take time, so the disciples want to drink a small cup every day, they need to wait patiently.


time flies.

In an instant, half a month passed.

Lankang has been integrated into the life of Vanguard, and was shocked by the speed of grain growth.

Many cereals that need a season or two to mature, in this momentum, one month is enough!

"It's amazing!"

Fan Yezi was not idle, and continued to inject souls into the exclusive soldiers.

The busiest is Yuan Gongzi.

As a suzeraint, you are the head of the house and the professional manager. Many things need to be arranged and arranged.

Under his reforms, the extravagant winds of the ancient emperor were suppressed, and any use of money must be registered and accounted for.

Although Yuan Gongzi's performance is rude, in the long run, it will definitely be beneficial to eternity.

As for the Zongmen industry, it is still actively making arrangements, even disguising himself as Yi Rong and going to Dazun Imperial City to meet with Tang Ergong.

After hiring this professional manager, Wan Guzong is truly a professional, and the benefits will slowly be realized in the future.

Do not.

It's reflected now!

After the owner of Zitang was severely restricted, he had a good control of the style that was inconsistent with clothes and pants. After all, if he damaged a school uniform, he had to deduct an equivalent intermediate beast.


A few days passed.

Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin have returned.

Jun Chang opened the Lingyan Pavilion with a smile, and found that the value of Aniu's meritorious service had reached 100 points, so he was surprised: "Did it hit the top of the list?"

Not bad ~ ~ Over the past twenty days, the night stars have been challenging, and the ranking of the elite list has continued to increase until it reaches the top of the top word list.

Because the strength reaches the third emperor Wu Huang, the entire battle process should not be too simple.

"Since the meritorious value has been reached, then settle in Lingyan Pavilion."

After matching the night stars, after confirming it, I saw a portrait with his name engraved, and gradually gathered the portraits of people. It was like drinking and drinking too much before holding the wine jar and dancing in front of the fire.


The dog left laughing and sprayed on the spot.


Ye Xingchen, who had just returned to take a bath, bowed her head, and found a font called "Gong" inexplicably appearing on the back of her hand, so she suddenly said, "What the **** is this?"


Looking at the prints on the portrait, it was not surprising that Jun Chang laughed, after all, that guy was fighting aggressively.

"Sin is the shield, and the stars are the offense."

"The most representative offense and defense of this disciple!"

Ye Xingchen's expression on the face is very wonderful at this moment, because when the attack word appears, the realm is also rising madly, and finally settled in the sixth emperor Wuhuang, fully upgraded three ranks!

I'm taking a bath!

did nothing!

Why was he promoted to the third level for no reason!

After entering Lingyan Pavilion, Jun Changxiao could hand over a function in the system to his disciples. At first, he planned to give Shenbing Pavilion to Ye Xingchen, but considering the other person's arrogance and obsession, he chose to ignore it.

"At this time, Zongmen has paid a lot, and he can buy him an exclusive soldier."

Jun Chang laughed and opened the Shenbing Pavilion. After careful selection, he locked on the soldier named ‘li li, sacrifice to the sky’, so he held his chin and said, “This is quite suitable for the stars.”

Ding! The host consumes 10,000 points of contribution value to obtain [Li Li, Jie Tian] × 1, which has been delivered to the space ring. "

"Ding! Contributes 60000/70000."

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