The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1089: The eldest husband does not eat food

Jun Changxiao stayed for a few days before the formation in the Yellow Sand Land.

It was found that there was a faint energy fluctuation at all times, but there was no major movement. It would be difficult for the other party to break the seal at a short while, so he set off and returned to the gate.

Sometimes empty larvae can be fed with peace of mind.

If you can move the continent one step faster and open the tunnel of time and space, it will be beautiful.

Of course, it is certainly unrealistic to feed the six-pointed star stone all the way. After all, there are only hundreds of thousands of them, and eating them all has no effect.

For today.

Only let the little ones eat crystal nuclei, herbs and soil.

At this time, it's up to Page to be able to keep the space-time larvae in vain, so its value is once again manifested!

The system said silently: "Eat the soil and spit it out, then let the little one eat it. It's a little disgusting to think about it."

"It's not pulling out, what's so disgusting."



Jun Chang laughed: "The more Peggy eats the dirt, the faster he can improve. He and Little Worm are just golden partners."

"It makes sense," said the system.

After returning to Wanzong, Jun Chang laughed and called Pecs over and said, "Baby, come, the host will introduce you to a little friend."

"Little buddy?"

Peggy asked inexplicably, "Master, where is it?"

"Under your feet."


Peggy lowered her head, then raised her feet, and found a small earthworm paralyzed with human foaming.


Inside the medicine field.

Space-time larva gazes hot.

Because the soil here contains aura, if you can eat it, it will definitely help you grow quickly!

"the host!"

It excited: "I can't wait!"

"Don't worry, don't worry." Jun Chang smiled and said, "Wait to let Peggy feed you."

Space-time larva said: "Master, such things as eating soil, I'll do it myself, there is no need to feed specifically."

After it saw Pecs coming to a clearing, eating a lot of dirt with a big mouthful, and then spitting it out of his stomach, he suddenly understood what ‘Hey’ was.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Go eat."


Time and space larva growled: "The eldest husband does not eat the food that comes from crickets!"

What a joke!

The dirt spit out of that guy's mouth, how dirty it is, how can it be eaten!


When it was thrown away by Jun Chang with a smile, it fell on the hot soil, and felt the pure aura, and his eyes suddenly lighted up!

As a result, the next thing you can see is that the "big husband" started eating madly, and it tasted delicious.

Page was dumbfounded.

This little guy has the ability to eat soil just like himself!


Jun Chang smiled and touched his head, and smiled, "It will be given to you in the future, and it must satisfy the need to eat soil."


Page raised his chest.

However, when Jun Changxiao was about to leave, he said weakly, "Master, when will you give me skills?"

"Don't worry."

Jun Chang laughed: "I have ordered the Spirit Beast Hall to look for it, and it won't take long for the materials and things to come together." Then, he came to touch his head and said, "You are the first contract beast of this seat No one can lose you. "

Page was almost moved to tears.

When the owner left, he turned his head to look at the space-time larva, and said loudly, "Enough is enough!"

"not enough!"


Page began to eat and began to spit.

One relies on eating soil to spit soil to enhance strength, the other relies on spitting spiritual soil to grow, these two are really golden partners.


After leaving the medicine field, Jun Changxiao went to Lingzhutang and asked Niu Lao's high-quality soil-based crystal nucleus. The answer was that it was difficult to find and it took a little time.

"The dragon-like and snake-like things in the Demon Dragon Cave should belong to the spirit creatures of the earth system, and you can get them in the past."

At this point, Jun Changxiao flew away from the ancient emperor personally, came to the forbidden area where Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun established the relationship, and then carried the senior spirit beast to death.

"I let you bully my disciples!"

"Boom! Boom!"

"I let you bully my sweetheart!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After half an hour, many of the warriors who had been here did not yet enter the Molong Cave, and immediately felt the ground shaking, and then ... the depression on the spot.

The sudden change suddenly scared everyone to sit on the ground, and then said in horror: "The Dragon Cave ... collapsed!"


Suddenly, the hollow area collapsed, a streamer broke through the soil and flew out, and then hung in the air, showing a young man facing the wind of Yushu.

"Jun always laughs!"

"Elder Suzerain!"

Martial arts practitioners of all backgrounds exclaimed.


Jun Chang patted with a smile, glanced at the warrior below, and said lightly, "The Devil's Cave is no longer there, so where can you fight?"

"call out-----"

Turned into a streamer, disappeared in the sky.


The expressions on the faces of the warriors suddenly became exciting.

Molong Cave, one of the Forbidden Lands of the Starfall Continent, was ended up by the Elder Suzerain!



After Jun Chang came back with a smile, he opened the Ling Beast Pavilion, and then clicked on the intermediate thick soil technique, and found that all the resources met the requirements, so he decided on the determination.


Peggy, who was eating soil and feeding the space-time larvae, her eyes suddenly contracted, and her whole body was stiff.


Unfamiliar memories flow into the sea instantly.

Until the mind is completely restored, it has successfully mastered the intermediate thick earth skill.

"I see, I see."

Peggy's eyes flashed, and she moved her forelimbs forward, saying, "This is the skill my master gave me!"



The body is shrouded in rich soil properties, and the sharp thorns on the top of the head gather dazzling light.

The space-time larva that was eating 'vomit' rushed out of the soil and was surprised: "So pure soil energy!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, Page's thick hair suddenly rose up and then quickly hardened, and the whole body gathered more rich soil properties.

"Do you want to perform the technique of thick soil?"

Jun Chang laughed out of the hall, and spiritual thoughts permeated the past ~ ~ Om! "


Majestic soil properties are continually converging around Pecs, and there is a slight quake in Yaotian and various peaks.

"what happened?"

The disciples who were practicing or busy were shocked and spread over with spiritual thoughts, and soon locked on the contractor of the suzerain.

"I go!"

Li Fei was surprised: "How did this guy become a hedgehog?"


At this moment, Page first lowered his head, and then raised his head and roared like a wolf.


Under its feet and in the area of ​​the open space that was eaten, a series of weird patterns emerged one after another, exuding a thick atmosphere like the earth.

"Look at heaven!" Someone said.

The disciples raised their heads one after another, and saw that the same weird pattern emerged in the air, synchronizing with the ground pattern.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, in the weird pattern on the ground, flickering earth cones flew up from the inside, and then merged into the above pattern, forming the momentum of heavy rain falling again.

The lens is zoomed out.

In that area of ​​hundreds of feet, hundreds of patterns up and down, the indestructible soil cone cycled back and forth as if it were endless.

This is the intermediate thick soil technique.

After being cast, a thick soil field will be formed, and then the offensive will be gathered by the soil psionic energy, thereby piercing the target in it.

The warrior can choose to dodge, but as long as he does not hide outside the area, he will be hit sooner or later in the face of the earth cones that are falling and falling, thus bearing the due damage.

Jun Chang laughed: "Intermediate thick soil is a skill of range damage."

Space-time larvae not in the attack range, their eyes glowed.

These earth cones that jump up and down contain extremely strong soil-based psionics. If you can eat a lot of special food, you will definitely be better than eating vomit!

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