The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1099: Blue jade carving


Ye Xingchen sat in the room, reminiscing about his past life obtaining the Taixuan Zhenjing.

One word summary, hard!

However, after rebirth comes back to practice, no matter how much it cost, it is worth it.

Ye Xingchen was able to catch up later, and now is ahead of Li Qingyang and others. It is all because they have practiced the Taixuan Zhenjing more than them.

This martial art that surpasses the gods is really terrifying.

If Yedi is given the opportunity to return to the past, he will choose to fight for it, even if it ends up being killed.

Weapons and equipment can of course provide superior combat power to the warrior, but a mindbook, especially the top one, the benefits gained are permanent and irreplaceable!

However, if Ye Xingchen knew that the Sovereign went to the Soul Continent this time to obtain a divine spirit in the endless void and effortlessly, he would still focus on the soul and would definitely vomit blood three liters.


It's all human.

The gap is so big.

"Master Ye."

The next day, Ye Xingchen got up early and was about to prepare for daily practice. Xiao Sin chased him from the back and said, "I just got the news from the master of Li Tang. There is a strange beast in the valley of southeast Shizhou. Are you interested? surrender?"

"Not interested in."

Ye Aniu said lightly.

Now he just wants to become stronger, return to the top and have the ability to break the void, and then go to the upper world to find the woman to take revenge and hate!


Xiao Sin said, "I'll go to the second brother. He may be interested in that big blue eagle."

The night star who was preparing to enter the training tower stopped and said, "Cyan Great Eagle?"


Xiao Guiji said: "A big sculpture carved out of sapphire."


Ye Xingchen gave up his training plan.

Xiao Guiji was a little stunned, didn't he say he wasn't interested? How did you change your mind?

Because the Emperor Ye had a contracted beast named Qingtian Jade Carving, which is similar to the Jade Carving from the point of view of form, and the surrender location is also in Southeastern Shizhou!

"Old boy."

Flying out of the night stars of Wanzong, secretly on the road: "Will it be you?"

In previous lives, he had no friends, only the blue sky jade carvings accompanied him, and the feelings between the master and servant were extremely deep.


Southeastern Shizhou has been a little bit busy recently, because in the deep mountains of the extremely eastern region, a bird like a beautiful jade sculpture suddenly appears, and it will sing for a long time every day for a fixed time, and the sound will shake for thousands of miles.

At first, many warriors did not know what was going on, until someone came over and witnessed the blue jade carving.

If it is an ordinary spirit beast, everyone may not care, but it is a spirit beast that can fly!

Under the same level of circumstances, flying spirit beasts are more valuable than spirit beasts running on the ground. After surrender, it is undoubtedly very good to rush on the road.

Therefore, the news spread on the continent of stars, and many families and ancestral forces collectively said that the former East China Sea Yuzhou had a sign that `` the treasure was born and must be robbed ''.

Dogs who are working to save the world, if they know that they have spent a lot of time on a bird, they will definitely yell: "Can't afford to fight!"


"call out!"

"call out!"

In the southeast of Shizhou, Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin moved fast.

Because members of the Yuyutang provided information at any time, the two quickly reached the valley in the Far East.



The violent gas waves roared out, full of various psionic powers of the warriors.

"Master Ye."

Xiao Gui looked at the deep valley and said, "All martial arts soldiers should have gone in."

Ye Xingchen's eyes flashed coldly and he said, "Go, go in!"

"call out---"

After all, fly towards the valley.

Xiao's sin was puzzled. Why did Master Ye appear a little worried?



The two kept approaching the depths, faintly heard the bombardment, and then found that dozens of strong men were beating around, all kinds of energy broke out, and the surrounding trees and flowers were destroyed.

"Master Ye, are you okay?"

Xiao Guiji has been watching Ye Xingchen and found that as he goes deeper into the valley, his face becomes harder to look, and the coldness and murderousness in his eyes become stronger.

"唳 ——————"

At this moment, a clear cry broke through the dark environment and rang through the sky.

The star of the night was always kept cold, and after hearing the voice, the face turned into joy.

"Weird, weird!" Xiao Guiji was very surprised.

In his contact with Ye Xingchen, in addition to laughing when he is drunk, he usually maintains absolute indifference and arrogance.



There were sounds of wings waving in the dark valley.

One body is blue, and from a distance, it looks like a jade carving of a flying bird spirit beast rushing out. It is no problem to support a yard of more than 200 square meters on its back!

"Blue sky jade carving!"

"My God! The mount of the late Yedi!"

"It seems very weak, quickly, take this opportunity to surrender!"



The powerful men who were fighting each other in the valley locked their eyes on the blue jade carving that flew towards the sky and rushed forward with full horsepower.

"The Night Emperor Mount?"

Xiao Guiji was surprised: "This is a little bit worse!"

The top ten Emperors of the Supreme Master Continent, although they have not appeared for a long time, do not prevent them from having super-prestigious prestige in the world.

"Master Ye."

Watching hundreds of strong men rushing out of the valley, Xiao Xie has solemnly said: "There are too many masters, we still don't want to participate ..."

What about people? What about people?

The area where Yedi is located has been marked with dotted lines.

Xiao Xie looked around and found that the guy rushed to the blue jade carving, so he collapsed and said, "This is a bit messy!"

It's strange.

That bird is flying over to the Night Master again.

According to the speed and route of both sides, they will meet each other soon.


The warriors who were desperately chasing each other saw a streamer flying from the other end, the closest to the flying bird spirit beast, and shouted in unison: "Stop him!"



Various energies erupted from the air, forming a dazzling beam of light blasting towards the night stars.

Although they were determined to stop someone from approaching the blue jade carving one step by themselves, they could gather so much power at the same time, and the power was very terrifying!

"唳 ————————"

The fast-moving flying bird spirit beast screamed suddenly, then turned the huge body and dropped, crossing the path that all kinds of energy must pass.

"Do not!"

Ye Xingchen growled.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The gorgeous light blooms in mid-air ~ ~ enclosing the huge blue jade carving.


Ye Xingchen's eyes were crazed, and Diwei, which was in the body, was difficult to suppress, and quickly burst out along the meridians and skin!

"call out!"

Just then, a streamer flew from the explosion.


Ye Xingchen reached out to catch it.

It was a very small blue jade carving.

Because of being severely wounded and unable to maintain a huge body, he became compact, with his eyes half open, and seemed to want to work hard to see who caught him.


'brush! "

Hundreds of powerful men rushed over.

They will never allow someone to get the night emperor's mount, and they must take it back with medicine!




At this moment, the bullets that oscillated in space flew past the floating stars in the mid-air, and blasted to the martial arts.

The people's faces changed slightly, and they hurried away from each other.

Waiting to stabilize the body, I plan to continue to charge, and found that behind the man holding the blue jade carving, there was another man with a special weapon. The purple clothes was engraved with the word 'wangu' on his chest, and the iron bone was hanging on his waist 'The waist card.


Suddenly, everyone's greed was forcibly suppressed by some kind of force, and said in horror: "Practitioners of Wanzong!"

"Master Ye."

Xiao Guiji stood with AWM sniper rifle behind Ye Xingchen and said, "Are you okay?"



There was a crisp sound of bones.

Holding the wounded blue jade carving, Ye Xingchen looked up, his eyes flickered with horrific killings, and said, "He who hurts it will die today!"



The raging spirit can accompany the chilling murderous spirit, and instantly fill a small half of the sky, and the martial arts soldiers of all walks feel the hairs standing up and the scalp burst.

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