The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1102: Unreasonable woman

PS, notice, the previous chapter was modified, before the time and space worm coma, spitting will be added to the entrance.


When entering the Soul Continent, Jun Chang smiled with various plans in his mind. For example, did he make a big noise in each city or went straight to the palace to capture Ling Ping?

No, no.

It's too straightforward, it's too easy to follow the procedure.

Let's hide it first with hermit technique, and explore the soul continent carefully to see how the overall strength of this face.

Just as he was thinking, just as she covered her face and laughed, the Queen Rose came from afar.

If you compare the continent of the soul clan to a copy, the Queen Emperor who has absolute rights and controls the entire soul clan is definitely the last big boss.

Jun Chang, who was bothering to punch holes, smiled. The front foot just entered the copy door and met the boss directly. This picture was a bit awkward.


Gouyu didn't know, what suddenly appeared was the boss of the soul clan.

He smiled and said, "I was just saying that the world we live in is simply a fairyland!"

This woman must be a soul clan, she must pretend to be a soul clan, otherwise she will reveal her identity and how to probe the enemy.


The Queen Rose said lightly: "You seemed to be shaking just now."

While talking, looking at the surrounding space, he was quite puzzled: "Strange, just now there was a turbulent atmosphere of space barriers, why was it suddenly gone?"

Fortunately, the hole in time and space will be filled before the worm coma, otherwise the situation is definitely more embarrassing now.

Jun Chang smiled and hugged his chest and said, "Every time I look at this great mountain, my heart is shaking violently, and I am proud of being a member of the soul family!"

The system admired: "That's awesome!"

The Queen Rose smiled.

Under his wise leadership, the people still have a strong sense of belonging to their homeland.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "I'm coming from a foreign country, may I ask ..."

The **** face of Queen Rose suddenly gloomed, and said, "What's your name ... what am I?"


Does the older sister call this old?

Jun Chang hurriedly changed his mouth and said, "Big sister, I'm coming from a foreign country. Is there a city nearby ..."


Without saying a word, the Queen of the Rose suddenly waved her jade hand, and the thick energy burst out, turning it into a heavy palm.


Suddenly, the five-finger palm print on the ground was sunken.

"Hey, hey." Jun Chang, who avoided it in time, laughed, stood in the air, and said silently: "I didn't offend you again, why do you start suddenly?"

The Queen Rose wondered secretly, "It turns out he is a royal air."

Yukongjing is equal to Emperor Wu.


The Queen Rose said lightly, "You don't know me?"

Jun Chang laughed: "I said, I came from a foreign country and I'm not familiar with the place of life here, how can I know you?"


The Queen Rose sighed.

Since taking over as the queen, she has always fought in other planes, so much that she returned to her own territory, and the people of the imperial realm did not know themselves.

"Come down."

The Queen Rose waved her hand and said, "I tell you where there are cities nearby."

Jun Chang laughed: "You can say now, I'm not deaf."

The woman did not agree with her words, she must be very irritable, and it is safer to stay away from her.

The Queen Rose frowned, commandingly, "Come down!"


Does this woman see herself as a servant she can call?


Jun Chang smiled and said, then flew in a certain direction.

After sneaking into the Soul tribe, he would not waste time with a woman with a mental illness.


However, just after flying, a powerful power broke out behind him, and a large hand grabbed him with a torrent of weather.


The blast sounded and the space shook slightly.

The energy-gathering big hand completely broke the nothingness, and the wind that was rolled up disturbed Jun Chang with his black hair. He stood in the air with a fist and bombarded his eyes, and said coldly, "Woman, don't go too far!"



A big hand blasted over from the other side, and directly pumped out the pretending Jun Changxiao until he smashed several megaliths and sunk in the shape of '卍' in the mountain outside Baizhang.

"This woman is strong!" The system said.


Jun Chang laughed out of the crack in the stone, shocked: "At least it is comparable to high-level martial arts!"

"call out!"

The Empress Rose appeared out of thin air, only a few feet away from him, and smiled with interest: "You guys, you're pretty tough, I'm afraid you can't stop the air, right?"

"not good!"

Jun often laughed and was shocked.

Queen Rose's tender and smooth right hand suddenly came over, and the light flashed when she was about to come into contact with his chest, and then there was a loud bang.

"Uh ---"

Jun Chang laughed and smashed the mountain directly, his hands staggered into a defensive retreat, and his face was slightly stunned.


I didn't stabilize my body until I pulled back a long way.

He looked up and looked at the woman with a smile on the distance, and secretly said, "The strength is definitely not weaker than Taixuan Shengzong too Elder!"


I just came here, and I met a strong man of this level?

Or does it mean that the entire strength of the soul continent has been so strong as to be a woman, there is a great completion of Wu Sheng?


Suddenly, Jun Chang laughed and found that a piece of rose petals fell from the top, carrying a scent of roses that made people feel calm.

"My Nima!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Falling rose petals flickered ~ ~ It seemed like a bomb was detonated, and the thick smoke immediately rolled up.

"call out------"

Jun Chang laughed and flew out quickly, his whole body embarrassed.

"The boy can still bear the attack of the Emperor in succession, this kid's strength is okay." The rose queen's hands were intertwined, and she smiled: "I see where you flee."


Space oscillates and enchantments form.


The fugitive Jun often laughed and crashed back and was bounced back.

There are always dog leftovers who bully others. When they first came to the Soul Continent, they were bullied by others. It is still a woman, which is a little ... so comfortable for him!



At high altitudes, a large hand was pressed down, and the strength carried by it continued to increase, and the space began to collapse on a large scale.




A strong shock came from the ground, and one big handprint emerged out of the air. The dust and energy were mixed, as if they were covering the sky.

Queen Rose retracted her hand and laughed: "This time I can't hide."


Suddenly, there was a hint of wonder in her eyebrows.

The dust and energy ravaged the area. Jun Changxiao gradually appeared, wearing a battle armor, waving a red cloak behind him, and looked up coldly: "You woman are unreasonable!"

The dog is angry.

The dog is angry!

It is understandable if the identity is exposed and attacked by the strong souls of the mainland, but this woman is obviously teasing herself, and it is unbearable!


Jun often laughs!

When did you get this birdishness!


Jun Chang laughed with a mask of true sun, sacrificed a sword of true sun, incarnate a killer with no emotion, and said coldly: "Don't think you are a woman, I dare not hit you!"

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