The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1104: Your woman ’s soul is in this seat


On the slightly desolate ground, the strong winds whistled from time to time, rolling up the dust and weeds, making the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth more strange.


Jun Chang laughs and Queen Rose comes out of the dust.

The two agreed to play another match in three days.

However, at this moment, Jun Chang laughs hard and thinks about how to get rid of the other party, and then explores the enemy situation freely in the soul tribe.

"If you keep walking in this direction, there will be a city." Queen Rose said.

Jun often laughs and silences.

He felt like he was being detained by her.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "If you can't get rid of it, find a chance to put her into a vacuum cleaner!"

So why not use it right away?

Because the opponent's strength is too strong, the dog left unsure to handle it.

For example, in the battle scene, the ghost of the Tianzi battlefield was also consumed by the Purple King Demon King in the early stage, so that the final finishing work could be achieved.

Damn woman.

Don't let this seat seize the opportunity, otherwise you will be sent to Tianyuan Soul Tower for training immediately!

Thinking of being restrained just now, Gouyu decided to catch her in. Be sure to take the Soul Whip from Erya and whipped it to relieve the hatred of her heart!


Queen Rose said: "What do you think?"

Jun Chang laughed and planned to keep silent, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, "I'm thinking of a way."


"The way to your heart."

The Queen Rose stood on her feet, and her eyes were surprised.

"There is a play!"

Jun Chang laughed at every piece of earthy love words across the country like a barrage, and then seized it instantly, saying, "Do you know why I am afraid of you?"

Queen Rose said: "Because I am strong."

"No." Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "Because I'm afraid of my wife."

The Queen Rose lowered her head.

Jun Chang smiled suddenly, and was about to continue to unearth the love words, but saw the woman suddenly clenched her fists, and said angrily, "A servant, dare to tease his mother!"


The ground is cracking and dust is flying.

After dissipating, Jun Chang laughed with his four feet down in a deep pit, and a gourd-shaped bale appeared on his back.


A few hundred miles away.

A city made of black ore.

Jun Chang walked in with a big bag and found that the busy soul group inside was mainly human form, which was no different from the humans on the starfall continent.

According to the No. 1 and No. 2 souls, the soul race itself is actually a human form. Only when it invades other planes will it occupy the body of the soul with the soul.

"They are too weak, are they?"

Observing for a while in the city, Jun Changxiao encountered the strongest Soul Warrior who was comparable to a warrior.

Even in the small cities in the southwestern Yangzhou of the star-studded continent, at least there are warriors.


The Queen Rose sighed, "Surviving in a harsh environment, it is not easy for our soul clan to have talents like you."

Since taking office, she has been fighting on other planes, and has shown little concern for the mainland. This time when she came to a remote city, she saw that the overall strength of the people was low, and she immediately felt a strong sense of blame.

"He Wudi's hermitism is really strong. This woman who is strong is not a human being." Jun Changxiao secretly rejoiced.

In fact, as long as you do n’t claim to be a human, you will not be discovered even if you do n’t operate hermitage, because the world is powerful by invading other planes, not only with human characteristics, but also with human breath.

to be honest.

It is during the long expedition and the acquisition of human power that the genes and blood of the soul race are constantly changing.

For example, the Queen of Roses, who has a strong aura, would not suspect that she would be a foreign race if she went to the human plane with her body.

"I'm going to the cottage."

"Go on."

"My God! You must follow the cottage!"

"I'm afraid you ran away."



Jun Changxiao and Queen Rose appeared in a remote small town, and suddenly attracted a large number of residents to see each other, after all, an extraordinary martial art, an extremely glamorous.

of course.

They never thought that it was their own queen, because she had never seen a dragon since she ascended the throne.

The Rose Queen will certainly not say loudly, I am your queen, come and kneel down and worship me, but walk on the street like a private visit with a micro-service.

However, whenever I see the people in a very low level, I feel a pain in my heart, and secretly said: "I have countless battles in these years. Although I have obtained countless martial arts resources, but I have improved the overall strength of the people, but they are not paid.

Since becoming the fourth-generation queen, she has a grand plan in her mind to make the continent stronger in the shortest possible time. For this reason, she is resident in other planes, and she is charged at the front.

It is precisely because the strength and actual combat are very strong, Kai Changjun often laughs.

"You don't need to find an inn to stay and then take good care of the injury?" After a few laps in the city, the Queen Rose asked.

"Right on my mind."

They came to an inn.

"Treasurer, we want two rooms."

"Just one."


Jun Chang smiled at the Queen Rose with a strange look, and secretly said, "Women of the Soul Continent are so unrestrained? Do not care about the infidelity between men and women? Or does she ... take advantage of me?"


The Queen Rose said lightly, "I'm afraid you're gone."


With a wave of his hand, two crystal spirit stones fell on the counter and said, "One of the finest rooms."

"Oh, good!"

The shopkeeper nodded hurriedly and arranged.

Jun Chang laughed and filled his mind with a slight contact with the spirit stone, and said, "Five times stronger than the natural spirit stone!"

Just staying in a shop, and shot so generously, could it be a rich woman?

If it wasn't for the dignity of the man, he might lean back and ask in a low voice, "Sister, is there no pendant on the leg? The handsome one!"




The door opened and closed.

Looking at the luxury room with only one bed, Jun Chang smiled helplessly: "I'm really not used to sleeping in a bed with others."

With a wave of her hand, the Queen Rose summoned two chairs and said, "I'm not used to it, so you sleep here."


Jun Chang laughed: "I'll go and book another room."

"come back!"

The Queen of the Rose whispered coldly ~ ~ The unquestionable command tone is quite strong, which makes the dog very unhappy, and ca n’t wait to sacrifice her sword to fight to the end!

Bale, bale.

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Let's wait for the worm of time and space to wake up before talking."

The reason why he didn't dare to use the uncomfortable sword was that he was in the soul continent, and the entrance to the starfall continent was blocked. Unless the whole world was destroyed, he would fall into a period of weakness for several months after the knife operation. Go to Hell and sing cool.


late at night.

Dark as ink.

Jun Chang smiled sitting in the corner of the room, seeming to meditate and rest. In fact, she always kept an eye on the Queen Rose who was sleeping in the bed.


Suddenly, the bedding on the bed flickered faintly.

"What's the situation?" Jun Chang smiled suddenly.

The sleeping Empress Rose had a slightly embarrassed face, and a weird pattern appeared on her neck.

"This woman ... seems to be in pain?"


God-given opportunity!


Jun Chang hurriedly rushed over, and the magic vacuum cleaner was already on his back. Then he walked to the bed and lifted the quilt. He raised the flat nozzle and stuck it to the back of the Empress Rose in her clothes.

In enhanced mode, strong suction bursts!


"Woohoo ——————"

The weird lines that appeared on the neck of the rose queen were sucked in uncontrollably.

Jun Chang smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Your woman's soul has fallen into the hands of this seat, waiting to go to Tianyuan's soul tower to receive a good training!


At this moment, the queen of the queen of roses suddenly opened her face, turned around, and flew out the flat nozzle with her right hand, holding Jun Chang smiling on the shoulder, and niche him on the wall, looking coldly: "You doing what?"

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