The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1126: Changed again

When Jun often appeared in the palace with a smile, Empress Ling Ping, Tuoling and others were stunned!

How did he come in!

Why did he come in so silently!

Are all the masters and soldiers guarding day and night in the forbidden palace blind?



At this moment, several cross-air soul soul warriors flew in, and then lying in front of Jun Changxiao with serious injuries.

Empress Ling Ping and Tuo Ling released the spiritual thoughts and found that all the people were falling all the way outside.

It turned out that this was being pushed directly to the high ground rhythm by others!

"Step on, step on, step on."

The three main hall masters, dressed in black and masks, came in and stood behind Jun Chang laughed. They were all the most professional strong bodyguards.

"Ling Ping."

The Queen Rose came in and said, "The era that belongs to you ended thousands of years ago."

The Queen Lingping said angrily: "My time, you took it!"

The Queen Rose looked at Tuoling, and said coldly, "Since the first Queen succeeded, she has issued a decree, who can do it. What's wrong with my upright victory over her?"

She used to be the guard of the Empress Ling Ping. Later, her status and strength improved. She launched the battle of the emperor according to the rules of the soul clan.

Procedure pair.

What's wrong?


Tuoling said lightly: "Although you have defeated the Queen, but the Lord of the Nine Halls is not there, and without their approval, you are not worthy to inherit the Queen."

This is to seize the reason for the absence of the Lord of the Nine Palaces, and desperately deny the authority of the Queen Rose.

The Queen Rose laughed.

I have gained the soul tribe by strength, and have been dedicated for thousands of years, just to make the ethnic group stronger, because I did not get the ancient temple approval, and denied all my efforts.


It's ridiculous!

"Isn't she short of a procedure for legally inheriting the throne?" The always silent Jun Chang laughed and said, "I will give you a legal procedure today."

Behind them, the main hall of the three halls tore off their face masks, revealing their original features.

Seeing this, the Empress Ling Ping said immediately: "Three masters of the palace, when are you coming back!"

However, the smile quickly solidified, because the three of them stood in front of the Queen of Roses, did they not stand against themselves!

Talling's face was also ugly.

"Ling Ping."

The main hall of the third temple: "We already know the things. According to the regulations of the first empress, if you lose, you should be willing to gamble and lose, and give the throne to her instead of holding back the hate, and then plot another usurp."

"Under these years, under the rule of the Queen Rose, the overall strength of the Soul clan has increased dramatically, and even without the approval of nine of me, it is enough for the people to approve it." The Lord of the Four Halls said lightly.

"you guys……"

Empress Ling Ping yelled: "Want to support her?"

The Lord of the Nine Palaces once pushed her to the position of empress, and now it is so painful to push her down again.


Talling can still be absolutely calm, saying: "Master Queen, the main hall of the Nine Halls is trapped by stars, how can it suddenly appear, judging by humble duties, these three must be fake!"


The Lord of the Five Palaces raised his hand, and the terror energy gathered the fingerprints, and directly caught the other side.

"If you remember correctly, you should be called Tuoling. When the owner of the temple headed to the soul continent, were you a small guard in the palace?"

Tallink's gaze was startling.

Anyway, I am a strong level of spiritual harmony, in front of this guy, it looks like an ant!

Back to the realm!

This is definitely a comeback!

In other words, the three are really the masters of the ancient palace!

Thinking of the torture suffered in the soul tower of Tianyuan Town, the anger of the Lord of the Five Palaces broke out, grabbing the head of Tuoluo and slamming it on the ground, and roared: "When the Lord of the Palace was sitting in the town hall, you were still wearing open crotch pants, and you dare to be so presumptuous! "



After several bombardments, the Linghe Realm suddenly turned into mud.

"Stop it."

Queen Ling Ping was paralyzed on the throne that made her dream.

Talling was her helper to regain the throne, but now she was easily taken away by the Lord of the Five Palaces, and she was probably forced to abdicate again.


Jun Chang smiled and raised his finger and said, "Don't sit on it."

Helping the Queen Rose regain the lost throne is a super elite mission, but with the help of the three masters, it becomes easier than the simple mode!


How strong the Empress Ling Ping is, it doesn't matter anymore, because no matter how strong it is, it can't be better than the three main hall masters, so after Tuo Ling falls, she can only be forced to leave the throne that she just sat for a few days.


The Queen Rose again put on her royal robe, representing supreme majesty, sitting on the throne of the Queen as if the East was undefeated.

"See the Queen!"

Inside the hall, civil and military officials all kneeled.

After the loss of Empress Ling Ping, this group of wall grass reverted to the Queen Rose.

If it wasn't for the fancy, regaining the throne herself would require a lot of manpower to maintain a stable situation, and the Queen Rose would have killed him off.


Queen's City, dark clouds.

An elderly man stood at the window and sighed, "It's changed again."



On the street, a large number of soldiers appeared at the main street intersection, and then posted a notice that the Queen Rose was back in power.

In just a few days, the leader of the soul clan changed hands and tidy his people.

"I heard that the Queen who was abducted by Ye Xingchen was assisted by a warrior named Jun Changxiao, who regained the throne from Queen Lingping!"

"What about the stars that night?"

"No need to say, it must have been killed."

When the notice was posted on the Soul Continent, the warriors were discussing the reclaiming of the Queen by the Rose, and the names of Jun Changxiao and Ye Xingchen became hot topics.

all in all.

An Niu carried away the Queen's pot.

Jun Changxiao received the honor to rescue the queen and help her reset.

This will surely go down in the annals of history, and the two names will be widely mentioned and discussed by future generations.

Children are always inspiring to be loyal to the liver, righteous, and daring. They often laugh, do not mourn the heavens and stars, and even form a unique culture in language, such as ... you are the night stars, and your whole family is the night stars!


The system said with emotion: "I haven't seen the lord of such a pit disciple!"

Jun Chang, who was sitting on the top of the palace, was puzzled: "The woman has regained the throne, why haven't the side missions been completed?"

System Road: "Branch line 2 is related to branch line 1, branch line 1 and branch line 2 should also be related, so I guess, the host must complete at the same time."


Jun Chang smiled slightly, then jumped down, entered the dormitory with a large bed, looked at the Queen Rose who was working on her affairs, and said lightly: "I helped you regain everything you lost, you must give me the same as you Position. "

The Queen Rose looked up and smiled with all kinds of emotions: "Only the regent is the equivalent position. Are you planning to let me marry you or marry me?"


Jun Chang laughed and growled, "Isn't a man marrying a woman ~ ~ A woman marrying a man!"

"Same meaning."

"God is the same as meow!"

The queen of roses put down her handbook, and lazily leaned on the table, holding her face in jade hands, blinked, and smiled, "If you are the regent, I can consider marrying you."

This flirtatious blink of an eye was almost fascinating.

"Stop it."

Jun Chang laughed sitting on the chair next to him and said angrily, "You re-opened me a position equal to the empress, such as the Great National Teacher, the Great Guardian and the like."

"Do not."

Queen Rose said: "Only the Regent, only married me."


"I have decided."

Queen Rose said: "Tomorrow will announce the world, you and I will hold a wedding someday."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Sorry, I won't marry you."

The system said: "The host can play with her in the field first, and wait for the completion of the side missions to get a reward, then they can pat the **** and leave!"


Jun Chang growled with a smile: "This is too bloody!"

Systemically said: "Those who achieve great things, don't stick to the bar, let alone marry this woman. Wouldn't the martial arts resources of the entire Soul continent be readily available?"


Jun Chang laughed and thought deeply, then looked at you in the camera and said, "What should I do? Wait online, urgent!"

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