The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1134: Roll down

Jun Changxiao drove a Tonggu warship and flew into the interior of Lingzhou, Xihai at a speed of 500 mph. It was found that arrays were arranged here, and people in black were lurking in the dark, a bit like the speeding electronic eyes.

So he stopped.

The disciples took out all the black men who were outraged and asked who they sent.

This kind of hegemonic behavior was only dared by Wanzong Zong, because the Kyushu Zongmen came here carelessly to avoid being beaten by evil groups.

"Korean leader?"

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "What is it?"

"Han ... the leader of the Korean Alliance is the leader of the Wanxian Alliance ..." the man in black stuttered.

Especially looking at the night stars standing sideways, Su Xiaomo standing on the tree smiling, and Xiao Xinji who held a big stone squat, the frightened soul was almost flying.

Although these core disciples are only the Emperor Wuxiu, they practice in Wanzong all the year round, and the momentum of inadvertently spreading out is just like a wild horse.

"Wanxian League?"

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Specifically."

Frightened by the night stars, the men in black couldn't care less about loyalty and disloyalty, and hurriedly held everything they knew.

"So it is." Jun Chang smiled and understood.

The so-called Wanxian League is an organization in Linghai, Xihai. It is composed of hundreds of evil factions, similar to the Baizong Alliance of Qingyang County.

Wanxian League's supreme power is elected as the leader and has absolute rights.

The name of this alliance is Han Wentian, from the Xuanyuan Sect. He has been in office for over a hundred years. He has a status even higher than that of Zhentian Earth in Yuzhou, East China Sea.

"Why are you vigilant?" Jun Changxiao continued to ask.

Humane in Black: "Because ... because of the guests from the mainland, the confederate ordered me to wait for defense everywhere."

"Guest from the mainland? Who?"

"This ... I ... I just didn't know ..."


Jun Chang smiled lightly.

The man in black was frightened and ran away.

It wasn't until long after they left Wanguzong disciples that they collapsed on the ground, accompanied by a crying cry: "Oh, a group of monsters!"



Jiang Xiedao: "Will the guests from the mainland be the masters of the Demon Gate?"


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Go, go to Wanxianmeng headquarters."



The disciples ascended the Tonggu battlefield and headed for the most prosperous area in Xihai Lingzhou.

On the way, evil cultivation can be seen everywhere, and often hesitates when he doesn't agree.


Li Qingyang said: "This Linghai in Xihai is very chaotic."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Where the evils are dominated, don't blame if you don't mess."

Because I was going to the Wanxianmeng headquarters, I didn't have the heart to enjoy the scenery along the way, and I hurried forward at full speed.

"I go!"

"A ship flying in the sky?"

The evil repairs that were going on and off in the mountains stopped one after another, staring at the streamer that could not be seen from the stern lights, and his eyes were startled.


Wanxiancheng, Wanxian League.

The leader of the League of Korea sat at the wine table in the hall and laughed: "It's a daily routine, and the business owners are also asked not to dislike it."

"Jiuwen has heard that Xihai Lingzhou produces a variety of cuisines, and today it is a blessing to be able to satiate." The Emperor's doorkeeper laughed.

After the two talked a lot, they started drinking and eating, and they talked freely like old friends they hadn't seen in years.

"Business owner."

After three visits, the leader of the Korean League laughed: "Although Han rarely travels to the mainland, I also heard that you have ten spirit stone veins in the gate of the Emperor?"

The master of the Emperor Gate was surprised.

This guy even knows how many veins there are in my ancestral gate, and it seems that he has not inserted eyeliners in the mainland. I am willing to invite himself to cooperate this time.

"of course."

The leader of the Korean League laughed: "Han will also ask, but it's not asking the business owner for a spiritual stone, please don't misunderstand."

You just want a spirit stone!

The Lord of the Emperor's Gate suddenly felt worried.

The overall strength of Xihai Lingzhou evil repair is very strong, but in case they invite them over, it is like drawing a wolf into the room, and finally putting yourself together, it is very fucking.


The leader of the Korean League laughed: "Done this glass of wine for the sincere cooperation between us."


The Lord of the Demon Gates drank alcohol, but the more he felt the more wrong, and even felt fooled.

At this time, the importance of Yuan Gongzi was revealed, because if he was present, he would definitely give a very comprehensive analysis and suggestions.


Sorry, the life and death of Demon Gate has nothing to do with me, because I only support eternal ancestors, only Jun often laughs, and only Yao Mengying with the innate demon!

"Korean Alliance."

The Emperor's Gate said: "This eternal ancient sect rises in just a few years and must not be underestimated."

"Business owners please rest assured."

The leader of the Korean Alliance drank a glass of wine and vowed swearing: "A third-rate sect, there are 10,000 ways for Han to make it into the dust of history in an instant."


The Lord of the Emperor Gate was silent.

This guy was already awesome. Drinking some wine was even more awesome. I am afraid that in the current state, it would be okay to single out the nine emperors.


As a partner, I do n’t think it ’s reliable.

This kind of pig teammate that even the strongest king Yuan Gongzi can't bring, even has the face to abandon other teammates.


Hanmeng said, "This glass of wine wishes us all the best and the best!"

"League ... Leader ..." As soon as the words were finished, a subordinate ran in from outside, pointing at the outside, and said in horror: "Yes ... Yes ... There is a ship ... I entered ...

ferry? Come in!

The leader of the Korean League stood up and patted the table angrily, "Did you drink too much!"

"Hey Hey hey."

Suddenly, an audition sound was heard from outside the hall, saying, "The leader of the Korean Alliance is not here. Please come out. There is something to discuss."


The wine glass in the hands of the Lord of the Emperor's Gate fell on the table, his face changed in shock: "Jun always laughs! It is often laugh! Why is he here!"

"Jun always laughs?"

The Korean League said: "The lord of the elders that Shangmen just said?"

"Yes! That's him!"

The face of the Lord of the Emperor Gate became more and more difficult to look, especially when I recalled the scene of the crossing of the valley, there was a burst of coolness from the bottom.

"It came to my place."

The leader of the Korean League stepped out, angrily: "Han will meet him when he goes."


Outside the hall.

Thousands of members of the Wanxian League stood in the outer courtyard with various weapons, and looked at the ancient warship hanging above the gate in dismay.

Hell, the ship can fly!

"call out------"

The leader of the League of Korea flew out of the hall, and a loud blast fell on the performance martial arts field.

This person is very strong!


The leader of the Korean Alliance looked up at the warship, and finally understood why his men said the ship came in, so he sneered and said, "Who is the regular laughter above?"


"Get off!"

"you are?"

"Sect Lord Xieyuan, Lord of Wanxian League, Han Wentian is also ..."


The words did not fall down, and a powerful psionic energy was heard in the Yanwu Stadium. Thousands of members were swept away and flew out ~ ~ The solid hall collapsed directly.

The camera plays back and enters the slow-motion state.

It can be clearly captured that Jun Changxiao appeared in front of Han Wentian out of thin air, with an extremely serious and ruthless appearance, blasted on his right face fiercely.

The master of the Emperor Gate who just came out of the hall gradually widened his eyes, opened his mouth gradually, and waited for the slow motion to recover. A streamer wiped his shoulders and flew away. The hall collapsed behind him, and the entire ground shuddered.

Depression dozens of feet on the Yanwu field.

Jun Chang smiled, crossed his legs, bent slightly, and still kept his fists. The air wave similar to the Super Saiyan's transformation burst out.


Under the turbulence of waves, black hair waved wildly.

He slowly raised his head and said coldly, "Dare to let this seat roll down, you are impatient."


Shuai Shuai Shuai!

In the ruins of the collapsed hall, the leader of the Korean alliance who drunk the air every second after drinking and drinking, was now sunken in his right face, lying like mud, and occasionally twitching his right leg.

One punch, KO!

Don't underestimate this punch, because from the shot, the attack, as well as the face, expression, environment, camera, rendering, post-special effects, the cost of each frame must be more than hundreds of thousands.

In front of the ruins, the Lord of the Emperor's Gate, the blood and alcohol in his body rolled madly.

Saying yes, there are thousands of ways to make Wan Guzong into the dust of history. As soon as they meet, they will be seconds! kill! It's up!


PS, there is something in the afternoon, it will be 2 today.

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