The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1146: Not one family, do n’t enter one

Since the star-navigation king made a living by robbery, he would definitely come again. With his character of always smiling, it is impossible to wait for death. He must turn passive into active.

The bald man and all his men are still locked in jail. Finding that guy's position should be easy. The key is the lack of effective thugs to cross him.

Black and white double brakes are very suitable for being a thug. After all, both are Emperor Wu Xi's repairs, and they are super durable.

So the star of the sea and sea, has been arranged by Jun Chang laugh.

The system reminded: "The main task of the second task is to let the host defeat or kill Star One and One King. It doesn't help to find someone to help."

It can be so determined, because Jun Changxiao previously defeated the opponent clearly, but the main task was not completed, and it should be related to the Queen Rose's playing assistance.

"It doesn't matter."

Xun Jun often laughed: "Let them be half disabled, I'll make up the last cut."

As a professional player, it's not how to prove how powerful your technology is, but it is good at using various bugs in the game.

主 Anyway, the mainline task didn't explain, so I first asked the black and white double brakes to survive the guy's abuse, and then pretended to pass by, and solved it.


The system is speechless.

"Little brother." Bai Luocha drank high, and said, "Where is that guy, my brother will help you abuse him!"

Black Rakshasa was speechless.

This guy forgot a bit of wine and forgot his current state.

"This matter is not urgent."

Xi Jun often toasted with a smile: "Three brothers drink first!"

"Come on!"

The wine was drunk from the evening until late at night. The drunk Jun Chang laughed drunk, and fell to sleep on the bed.

The next day.

I waited for him to open his eyes and found that it wasn't his own palace that was sleeping, but the palace where the Queen of Roses handled government affairs on weekdays.

"damn it……"

Xi Jun often smiled and patted his head and said, "Why am I a Ye Aiu ... I can't find my bed after drinking too much."


The night star is not as good as the dog left.

Well, the latter drank too much, and could also find out who cares about who bed. The former drank too much and slept properly in the livestock pen.

Nowadays, Liu Wanshi and Zhen Dejun are still thinking hard about how to arrange a solid formation so that the guy will not break in again.

The Queen Rose did not sleep all night. She was busy with government affairs. She looked back at Jun Chang and said, "If you ca n’t drink, drink less."

I like the wife's blame on the pregnant.

Xi Jun often got up in a hurry with a smile, and then walked out of the palace without looking back, until his face was washed with cold water, and his brain was awake.

The next few days.

He lived in his own palace and waited for the end of time and space to end.

Black and white Rakshasa has also entered a state of healing, and it is estimated that ten days and a half months can be restored to Wu Di Xiuwei.

The conspiracy continent suffered a catastrophe, splitting up many new lands. The Queen Rose dealt with government affairs with all her heart, so she rarely disturbed Jun often.

After all, a woman with ideals and ambitions will not be so indulged in emotions as little girls.

Xi Jun often laughs, not to mention, proper steel straight man.

So, the relationship between the two looks very subtle, but in fact there has been no progress during this time.

After five days.

Xun Jun often laughed to call out the mystery of time and space, and then incorporated it to recuperate the injury. The recovery process was boring and boring, and Tian Jun refined his soul to cultivate.

This secret method, which is accidentally obtained in the deep void, becomes more obscure as you study it.

System said: "If the host is successful in cultivation, the soul, spirituality, and even knowledge of the sea will definitely have a qualitative leap."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Will you use the stone statue in the future to stay awake?"

"This one……"

The thinking jump of the host is really extraordinary.

System said: "After the host uses the stone statue, a violent attribute will merge into the sea, penetrate the soul, and thus dominate the body. If both aspects are improved, it may be able to resist invasion and keep himself awake."

Xun Jun often laughs and his eyes light up.

For now, the second form of the hard-to-reach sword is no longer able to face stronger enemies. The stone statue is undoubtedly the strongest hole card, but because it will lose its rationality, it will always be less decisive to use.

If you can stay awake at all times, it is undoubtedly great.


Xun Jun often laughed and opened the Rune Pavilion, and focused on the amulet of Need for Insight.

Auxiliary materials are sufficient to treat the injury, but lack the required high-level spiritual core.

"That woman should have a private good."

大多 Most of the things he stole from the treasury were medicinal materials, ores and spirits. There were crystal nuclei, but the grade was not high and the number was not large.

Uh ...


休息 After resting for a year in the secret territory, Jun Chang laughed and walked out, and went straight to the palace, asking about the high-grade crystal nucleus of the Queen Rose, and found that there was a model similar to a sand table in it.

"what is this?"

"Divided Soul Land Terrain."

Xun Jun often walked with a smile, wondering: "So serious?"

The Queen Rose gave him a white look, and said, "If it wasn't for your two worshiping brothers to bind you in a matrix, my soul tribe would only be destroyed."


Xi Jun often laughed and was silent.

Queen Rose said: "Our soul continent has invaded your starfall continent, and now you have broken it into pieces, can you count it as a tie?"

"Flat hair!"

Xun Jun often growled with a smile: "You are invading, I am here to help, the situation is not the same!"

"Then you also took half of the resources in our country's library, it should be able to offset the mistakes committed before Wanzai." Queen Rose said.


Xun Jun often laughs and doesn't want to tangle with her on this issue, and shifts the topic: "Are there any high-grade ore here? It's better to be comparable to the level of spiritual harmony."


Queen of roses.

"Bring it." Jun Chang smiled.

The Queen Rose glared at him and said, "Why can I give you my things?"

"By ..."

Xun Jun often thought for a while and said, "I just saved the soul continent and ran away the handsome man."

The system said silently: "If there is no other person to assist you, you will be abused even if you stimulate the power of the stone statue, so saving the mainland is also two people, not your credit."

Queen Rose smiled and said, "It makes sense, how much is needed?"


The system wanted to imitate the shape and raised his hand to pull **** his face.

不 Queen Rose's unusual thinking and host have a fight, really answer the old saying ~ ~ not a family, do not enter a door!

"As much as you want."

As soon as the camera turned around, Jun Chang smiled like a chicken standing in place.

At this moment, he is holding hundreds of crystal nucleus comparable to the martial arts level in his hand, which can not only refine the amulet of insight, but also overflow a lot!

"Enough?" Queen Rose said.


Xun Jun often smiles a little dizzy.

I tried to ask for it casually. She gave so much.

The system said with emotion: "The wife who is so painful can't find the lantern, what is the host's resistance?"

Xun Jun often laughed and put the crystal nucleus into the space ring, began to refine the insight amulet, and arched his hand: "My Jun often laughs and won't take your advantage for nothing. Let me help you."

"Bear brothers still know how to settle accounts, not to mention his wife," said the system.

Xun Jun often growled with a smile: "Will you die if you don't meow?"


"I suffer from terminal illness if I do not vomit."


When encountering such a dog-by-pin system that sees the needle, the mentality of the dog really explodes.


The Queen Rose looked at the sand table and shook her head: "I want to restore the fragmented continent to its original state. Can you help?"


Xun Jun often smiled proudly.

The queen of roses looked at him suddenly.

Xun Jun often laughed and walked to the sand table, pointed to the broken continental terrain, and said, "It is difficult to restore the original condition, but I can help you modify the terrain so that the separated land is connected to each other."

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