The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1148: Is there no ordinary person in Manchuria?

Starfall continent.

Xun Jun often laughed and came back again.

Last time I returned, I completed a lot of missions, upgraded several realms, and brought back various martial arts resources.

It's even better this time, bringing back the two Emperors directly, or from the upper world!

The moment I entered the homeland, Jun Chang laughed and sang loudly, but turned up the eyelids of the black and white double brake singing, foaming his mouth, almost unconscious on the spot.

If singing can also be used to fight, the dog left has reached the level of invincibility and loneliness.

"Come on, hurry ..."

"Little brother, don't sing, brother, I want to live for two more years!"

The black-and-white double brake said in unison, the expression on his face was very painful, as if he wanted to bleed at seven holes at any time.


Xun Jun often laughed and gave up expressing his feelings, and then took the two of them into Wangu City and returned to Wanguzong with the help of the teleportation array.


Black Rakshasa was surprised: "A low-level mortal plane has a transmission system!"

However, what made him even more shocked was a famous disciple that he saw after entering the ancient emperor.

"Black Dasha."

Bai Luocha stared at his eyes and said, "This disciple is not high in spiritual root qualifications, but physical and psionic energy seems to be excellent!"


罗 Black Raksha nodded.

The layman looks at the excitement, the layman looks at the doorway.

Wan Guzong disciples started to enter the shaping room for tempering, and then went through the training tower and practiced in the high-level spiritual gathering at all times. Physical strength and psionic purity are absolutely impeccable!

Walking outside, both the family and the ancestors measure a person's future and future with spiritual root qualifications.

However, even if there are only low-quality goods and spiritual roots in this place, as long as you are willing to work hard and strive hard, you can achieve higher achievements than the best and even the highest quality.

This is eternal fire, different fireworks.

At this moment, the black-and-white double-brake gaze suddenly became serious, because of the cafeteria orientation, a young man came out with a toothpick in his mouth.


He He Wudi also found the two of them, and his face suddenly surprised.


Xi Jun often asked with a smile: "The two brothers and my close disciple know each other?"

"do not know."

Black and white double brake shook his head.

He He Wudi also did not know them either.

But you can feel the breath that the other party inadvertently sends out is unusual, maybe ... from the higher plane!

I have lived in one place for a long time, and naturally there will be differences. It is difficult for an ordinary warrior such as Jun Changxiao to find it, but no one can detect it.

The black and white double brake also captured the difference in him, so guess that the other party may also come from the upper bound.

It is unbelievable that there is a warrior from the upper world on a mortal plane, and he has been accepted as a disciple.

"Little brother."

Bai Raksha laughed, "You disciple are of extraordinary qualifications, and your achievements will be boundless in the future."

"Brother Miao praised."

Xi Jun often smiled at Wu Wutian and said, "Go, close the door."


He He invincible retracted his gaze and headed towards the mountain gate.

罗 Bai Luochacha wondered: "Little brother, is it a bit worthless to let a core disciple close the door?"

"This is his responsibility." Jun Changxiao explained.


罗 Bai Luocha was at a loss.

Hei Luosha's brain turned fast and collapsed, "Is this closed disciple really closed?"


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "I still have open disciples."

罗 Bai Luocha almost fell to the ground.

Are n’t all the disciples in Xi Zongmen the core existence? It ’s really close to him!

"Too strange!"

"very strange!"

The black and white double brakes murmured in their hearts, and then gave each other a look, and said in unison: "Is this ... really related to the Seven Mysteries?"


此时 At this moment, Li Qingyang rushed over after hearing the news.

With sharp eyes, the black and white double brake immediately judged that this son has the strongest spiritual root qualification of the Fanchen Plane!

Next, the two will be shocked along the way.

Because Su Xiaomo, Li Fei, Tian Qi and other core disciples have appeared one after another, both in terms of qualifications and in all aspects, they can be called the top geniuses in the world!

罗 Bai Luocha broke down in his heart and said: "Are there no ordinary people in Wanzong?"


At this moment, the two saw Ma Yongning.

This person looks ordinary!

In the middle of his thoughts, Ma Qiedun had stopped in the kitchen.

He waved a kitchen knife, turned into countless knife shadows, and began to skillfully cut vegetables.

Every step, every detail is controlled to perfection, and suddenly the black and white double brake collapses again.

It's an exaggeration for a cut pier to realize the mystery of the knife path!

Hey, it ’s not that their brothers did n’t know it, but a low-level ancestral ancestor. The disciples ’spiritual root qualifications are totally incompatible with the physical body and psionic energy.


青 Li Qingyang whispered: "The two seem to be a bit difficult."

He can't capture the breath of black and white double brakes from the upper world, but the thick breath that has been inadvertently also roughly guessed that the strength must be very strong.

Xun Jun often laughed: "They are Emperor Wu, naturally not simple."

"So it is."

After Li Qingyang responded, he stopped suddenly, and his mouth gradually opened, staring at two pairs of big eyes and screaming: "Wu ... Emperor Wu ?!"

Uh ...

Wan Guzong was blown up.

Because of the two middle-aged people brought back by the suzerain, they actually have Emperor Wu Xiuwei!

Emperor Wu Wu.

The most powerful realm of the star continent!

上 Since ancient times, and the dead worm that has been eliminated, there are only nine today, and they have not been seen for thousands of years!

For a while, tens of thousands of elders from the ancient martial arts gathered on the Yanwu field, and they looked inside the hall, hoping to have a glimpse of the strongest warrior on the continent!

"Brother Su, the suzerain actually brought back two Emperors!" Li Fei said excitedly: "My God, is this a dream?"

武 The warriors who lived in the starry continent knew from an early age that Wu Di is the strongest person in the world and regards it as an absolute belief. Today, there are two sects, and there are two more.

Wu Su Xiaomo collapsed and said, "Can you come down from me first."

飞 Li Fei, who was too excited, rode on him and looked up into the hall with his head up.

"Brother Su."

Li Shangtian came and said, "Who are the two emperors brought by the suzerain?"

"This one……"

After Su Su Mo considered for a moment, she said: "It must not be Ye Di, the sad guy who has been urging the poor has been dead for thousands of years."

Xuan Ye Xingchen just happened to be here, almost couldn't help but kick him with a big foot to Quzhou, Northeast ~ ~ How did the suzerain invited two emperors? "

Pei Aniu stood in Yanwu Stadium, his expression was lightly released and the spirit was permeated until he could see the appearance of black and white double brakes, wondering: "Who are these two goods? I don't know!"

He and Su Xiaomo misunderstood.

I thought that the two strongest men brought back by Jun Changxiao were two of the nine Great Emperors of the Starfall Continent.

首 The black and white double brake sitting in the first place of His Highness is also being examined, gathering tens of thousands of disciples in Yanwu Stadium, and marveling at a gate of the mortal sect, all of them are talented in nature!


Bai Luosha found Ye Xingchen and laughed: "Little brother, the bitter gourd face has the image of Emperor Wu, and his achievements may not be worse than your close disciples."

"Miao Zan, Miao Zan!"

Xun Jun often held his fist with a smile and said, "The two brothers are coming from the mainland of the soul tribe. They must be hungry. The brother has ordered his disciples to prepare meals."

Bai Raksha said in disapproval: "Brother and I have been able to break the valley for a long time. They have not eaten for hundreds of years and are hungry, so there is no need to spend a lot of time preparing food."

To be precise, they ate more meals with higher attributes, and the two were totally uninterested in Fanchen's food, especially in the soul continent and Jun Changxiao. They drank without food.

With the power of the upper world, his mouth is a bit tricky.

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