The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1150: Sooner or later you will be punished!

What is a successful person?

Successful people just do n’t have the ability to get revenge, they can ask others for help!

Xi Jun often laughed and fully explained what a successful person is, because not only was someone to help, but he did not have the ability to break the void. Instead, he brought black and white double brakes to the axe to help dance in the universe.


The system sighed: "That guy was stared at by the host, and it was blood mold for eight lives."

However, in the desolate plane, the eight-year-old blood mold is now sitting on the throne in the palace, surrounded by broken pieces.

Puppet Star Navier is now very angry, angry that he has walked in the universe for many years, countless fierce battles, almost planted in the hands of a low-level warrior!


He clenched his fist, and his eyes were broken: "After the injury recovers, you will have no place to die!"

"the host."

A toad-like creature walked in and trembled, "The six generals did not return any news after entering the starfall continent, and their subordinates worried that an accident might occur."


Shuai Shuan said: "The noodle is better than the soul continent. Little Liuzi can easily solve it. You just need to wait for the news."


Said Toad's face respectfully.

The Shuaizi man originally planned to retreat and recuperate, but suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Go, take the blood of the Tieye clan supernatural power, and the handsome wants to recover the injury as soon as possible."

Toad's face was startled and said: "Master, although the Tieye bloodline can help restore the injury, it will bring uncontrollable side effects. Please think twice before you do it!"

"Less nonsense."

Shuai Shuai said coldly: "Hurry up!"


Toad's face could only be pulled back, then brought a small bottle of red blood, and said, "Master, please be careful!"

The handsome man with a waved hand took it over and said lightly, "Get back."


Toad's face had just walked outside the main hall, and the master's voice sounded in his ear: "Will all five generals in other planes come over, and when the handsome is in good condition, go to the soul continent."

The handsome man is really angry.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to mobilize his five generals to destroy the soul continent.

Xi Jun often laughs if she knows, she will definitely archway: "Thank you! Call them all together, so that I can do everything!"

Uh ...


The broken plane, the last strong guardian of the homeland fell down with blood.

"桀桀 桀."

There was a lizard tail behind the buttocks, and a human-like creature stepped on his head with one foot, and groaned: "This is the end of the fight against Uncle Ben."

"Can ... hate ..."

The strong man was lying on the ground weakly, and his eyes were broken: "Your star robbers, sooner or later, will be punished!"


The head burst and blood splattered.

The Lizardman kicked the corpse and kicked it out, facing away from the city that was torn apart due to fighting in the distance. His eyes were cold and cold: "Take all the resources away and all the people in the city are killed."


“咻咻 咻咻 ——————————”

Thousands of warriors who seemed to have undergone rigorous training flew over, with a smile like a demon-like 狰狞 on their faces.


At this moment, a hand came down and reported: "The host ordered us to return to the base as soon as possible."


Uh ...

In another low plane, the burly man with blood is holding a big knife and is killing thousands of warriors.



画面 The **** limbs are flying all over the sky, and the picture is terrible.

"Boss is just like a man who is in charge of one another!" Standing on a hill in the distance, there are thousands of warriors. From the perspective of dress and dress, they are obviously a group of lizardmen.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

一段 时间 After a period of killing, the only remaining power on this plane was killed and the blood gathered together to dye the earth.


The brawny man stood with his knife in the corpse, and laughed with his head raised, "It feels so good to cut the grass!"


A voice came from Ears: "The host asked us to return to the base as soon as possible."

Uh ...


The magnificent palace hall of the imperial palace, those in power kneeled on the ground, their bodies trembling violently.

On the throne, there was a young man with a very pale face. He was leaning his legs, holding the favorite concubine of the incumbent, and laughing: "I've come all the way, let you hand over some resources. Isn't this too much? "

"Not too much, not too much!"

The sweat on the forehead of those in power rained down.

The young man waved at him and Leng Sensen said, "Since it's not too much, why don't you cooperate?"



A man next to his uncle said, "The host ordered us to go back quickly."

"咻 ——————"

The young man dragged those in power and flew out, then stopped at the highest place, and laughed, "I threw you from here, and I'll see my luck if I can survive."

"Don't don't ..."

"Leave you!"

The young man threw the person in power and punched him in the abdomen, only to see that the latter fell to the ground like a shell, and then formed a deep pit with hundreds of feet.

Can I still live?

I ca n’t do it, because the one in power is dead, and the weak one is dead.

Uh ...




The wasteland, the five generals of the handsome man, and tens of thousands of men returned one after another. Judging from the emotionless smiles on their faces, it seemed that the gain was very good.

"Military Division."

The Lizard Man was puzzled: "Why did I wait to be recalled?"

Toad's face was dignified and said: "The owner was injured on the soul continent."


The eyes of the twenty-five generals were incredible.

The master's strength is far above himself, and it would hurt if he cleaned up a low plane. Are you sure you are not kidding?


At this moment, on the mountain peak behind the palace, a violent booming sound came. The handsome man flew from the cave full of blood and then fell out of the palace and said coldly: "Follow the coach ..."


Suddenly, he frowned.

In the sky of yellow sand outside the palace, a figure came gradually.

After seeing it clearly, the handsome male head said, "It's that guy!"


Is the most skinny and cheapest gentleman always laughs!

The top five generals also found him, and turned around to look at them, wondering: "How can anyone be in this deserted plane?"


It was as if Jun Chang, who had walked dozens of miles, laughed and stopped on the open space outside the castle.

He tore off the extremely powerful black robe, showing the handsome and handsome face of Yingwu, and smiled, "Dear everyone, I'm here to smash the field."


The twenty-five generals almost laughed.

Following the master's southward and northward battles in these years, he has always hit other people's places.

Wu Shuaizi sneered: "You have the courage to dare to come to this handsome base alone."


I waved my hand and looked coldly: "Take him down!"


The twenty-five majors turned into a streamer and rushed past, all eyes flickering bloodthirsty.

I was robbing other planes and was called back by the host before things were done. It was a little bit uncomfortable. Now that this guy has come to smash the scene, he must have a good 'entertainment'!



Five manic forces come down from three directions.

Especially with a strong man with a knife, he rushed out of the dust and yelled, "Where's a green onion, dare to hit us!"


The trowel light flickered ~ ~ torn space.

However, just before the chopping to Jun Chang's smile, he saw that the latter had a sword-like shape, and his voice was low: "Excuse me, Tiansuo cuts the moon!"

"锵 ————————"

A ripple of energy rippled instantly, and the dust and sand particles shocked by the five forces seemed to stand still.

When the generals saw this, they stopped in shock.

The brave man also stopped and stood on the ground holding a knife.

Xun Jun often laughed at the unsuccessful knife in the second form of unblocking, walked past him, and said lightly, "Looking at the starry sky, you know where I am from."

Starry sky?

The strong man tried to raise his head, but his neck suddenly felt pain, and then ... his head rolled to the ground.

"Old Fourth!"

The four generals yelled in tears.


Xun Jun often laughed into a streamer, rushed to them in an instant, and when the sword light flashed, there was a sound from Zhong Er: "All the star eyes are waiting! One! The stars!"


When the final ‘star’ word is finished, the other person blinks four times in a row, and then dazzles behind the lizard.



The four male generals of Shuaishuzi kneel down to the ground with sword marks on their necks, and then their heads are separated from their bodies.

If the previously killed plane strong had a spirit in heaven, he would laugh with Jiuquan, because he was right to say that these cruel star robbers were finally revenge, all died in the second middle school boy Under the sword.

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