The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1153: My brother is willing to join Wanguzong, and help my brother ...

Jun Changxiao has never heard of his predecessors, and he doesn't even know what a disciple is.

However, he captured the admiration and worship that the black and white Rakshasa mentioned about him, and decided to lie.

Although I have told countless lies in my life, this one I think is the most perfect, because ... it is their own initiative to make up for it, not my intention!

"Still found by two brothers."

When Xi Jun often said this with a smile, she turned her back on the black and white double brakes and looked up at the starry sky at a forty-degree angle. Her gloomy eyes seemed to experience the vicissitudes of the world, and she was full of stories at a glance.

"Sure enough!"

He has always been relatively calm, but He Luochacha didn't see the flaws, but instead decided that he was a disciple of the predecessors of Tonggu!

"Oh my God!"

罗 Bai Luocha, who had never been over the line, was convinced at the moment that it was hard to believe. "Originally my brother still has this identity, it's too ... very explosive!"

Xun Jun often turned around with a smile, and said bitterly, "I wanted to get along with my two brothers as ordinary people, but in the end I couldn't hide it."

System said "This is really **** shameless!"

There are also two large sand sculptures of black and white double brakes. The host has always liked Huyou, how can you create such good conditions for him!

I ca n’t blame others, because the rumors about Tonggu's predecessors in the upper world are most widely known to have been announced in a high profile. If someone later inherits the Tonggu warship, he will be his own disciple.

For a long time, warriors have been discussing the issue of the ancient warships, and they have been discussing who will become the heir.

As for the Tonggu predecessor, the Tonggu predecessor, belongs to the top powers in the upper realm. When he sees it, he must respectfully call himself a junior.

I say so.

He likened the upper world to a starry continent. The strength and status of ancient people can reach the Emperor Wu level.

者 A strong man at such a level can be described as a superpower overlord who wants to worship him as a teacher. There is certainly no super-large city to hold.

About the ancient people, Black and White Rakshasa naturally heard about it, but never expected that the younger brother who worshipped in the Nether would have his ancient warship!

I pass on my disciples!

Well done, pass on the disciples!

Did n’t you question? Do you suspect the ship is fake or stolen?

In terms of materials and workmanship of ancient warships, black and white double brakes can be seen at a glance. Star warships that are not handsome men can be compared. Even if they are placed in the upper world, they are first-class. If the lower world is imitated, how can he not go to heaven?

As for stealing?

Please, that's the ancient man, the top power in the upper world!

Even the guy who dared to steal the dragon eggs back then did not dare to steal his old man's boat by giving him ten guts.

To sum up, his worship brother is the one who passed on the disciples to the ancients, and the ancient warships must have been passed to him!

The most terrible thing in the world is self-replenishment. What's more terrible is that everything happened to him!

What about the facts?

The ancient warship that Xun Jun often laughed at was found from the battlefield of the plane.

Of course, it is unknown why the warships seized the battlefield by chance.

"Little brother."

罗 Bai Luocha leaned over, put one hand on his shoulder, and smiled, "brother will take care of you from now on."

He and Hei Luocha can only be regarded as masters in the upper world. They are still far from the top. Now that I know that my brother has a stone statue magic power, or is an ancient predecessor, he immediately put down his body.

Hey, right!

I also have a relationship with the even more powerful Seven Mysteries!

Oh my God!

This is a golden thigh!

On the continent of the soul race, I also considered the black and white double brake as a pendant. Now the reverse, the black and white double brake almost embraced Jun Chang's thigh and said, "Little brother, is there no pendant on the leg!"

Uh ...

After a wonderful misunderstanding, the black and white double brake really attached great importance to Jun Changxiao and regarded it as a close brother.

Unfortunately, there is no smoke or fire, otherwise one will pass the smoke and the other will ignite.

good chance!

Great opportunity!

Looking at their great changes in their attitudes, Jun Chang laughed and persuaded, "Two brothers, you can't go back to the upper bound for a while and a half, why not join brother Vango Zongsuo?"

"This one……"

Black and white double brake fell into silence.

To be honest, the two belonged to casual practice in the Upper Realm. They never considered joining Zongmen, and they used to live in Yunyunyehe.

Xun Jun often laughs and retreats, saying, "If my brother doesn't agree, my brother will not be a tough man, and he will have to find another person to take up the position of protecting the law."

How to protect?

宗 This position is not low!

In general, the elders and guardians are the highest except for the chief and deputy chiefs. The former has certain rights, while the latter belong to super thugs and are relatively free.


Xun Jun often shook his head with a smile and said, "Master, in order to test me, threw me into the lower bound, and developed the sectarian gate at a prescribed time, and then ascended to the upper bound. It seems that it may take a long time to complete."

The black-and-white double-brake look surprised.

Walking the dog left this sentence, and gave them two messages.

At first, he was ordered by the predecessors of Tonggu to develop the lower realm. Second, he will return to the upper realm in the future.

If I help my brother develop the sect and wait for it to rise up in the future, will I not be able to see his predecessors? If his elders are happy and give themselves a chance, wouldn't it be beautiful!

"Little brother!"

The black and white double brakes are standing neatly, arching, "If you don't dislike it, my brother is willing to join the Vanguard Sect and help my brother to build a better tomorrow!"

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "The two brothers joined. The younger brother is too happy to be too late. How can he be disgusted."

I talked and pulled out two forms.


Black and white double brake mouth jerks.

I deserve to be the master of the sect, take the sect door entry table with you!

"first name."

"White Rakshasa!"


"You write a man is a man, you write a woman is a woman!"

Uh ...

Fill out the form and seal the gate of the Zongmen, and the black and white double brake officially joined the Vanguard Zong. As for the position of protecting the law, you need to return to the Zongmen to make arrangements.

"I said that my ancestral gate is now the strongest star continent, who dares not accept it!" Jun Chang smiled proudly.

System Road "It is indeed the strongest from the top strength, but ... the host must first raise the level of the sect door."

"No difficulty, no problem."

Regarding the level of Yi Zong Men, Jun often laughed and didn't care.

In addition, the top and backbone forces are now increasing, and the certification level is easy.


Bai Raksha Road "Will this Star Warship be taken away?"


Xun Jun often smiled and said, "We are brothers, and we do n’t need to call the suzerain when there is no outsider."

The two Emperor Wudi levels are combat power, and they must be treated well.

微笑 A smile appeared on the faces of Bai Luocha and He Luocha, and secretly said, "It is a great chance to make such a kind and righteous little brother in the Nether."

Uh ...


Desolate the plane, Jun Chang laughed to drive the star warship, broke through the barriers of space and flew into the endless universe.


On the way, he wondered, "Why isn't the main mission still over?"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the second branch task and earning 100,000 points."

"Ding! Zongmen contributed 190000/70000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."

叮 "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the main line task to get the main line reward, get the printing symbol x1, seven Xuanxiaguang broken residual volume four purchase rights x1."

"This ... is it gone?"

When he heard the prompt, Jun often smiled dumbfounded.

The brand-new opening amulet and the seven Xuanxiaguang broken broken volume four are pretty good ~ ~ But anyway, it is the main task, and the rewards are too small!

叮 "Ding! The host completes the main task, the high-end mall is temporarily replaced by the supreme product, please be sure to buy within 24 hours, otherwise it will be restored to its original state."

"I go!"

"Extreme goods!"

Xun Jun often laughs and his eyes light up.

在 At this moment, an unstoppable sign of promotion suddenly appeared in the body!

"Ding! The host successfully broke through the sixth grade sword and double martial arts!"

"Ding! Host ..."

"Ding! Host ...!"

"Ding! The host successfully broke through the Jiupin Sword and Wu Shuangsheng!"

常 After a series of prompts, Jun Chang smiled and stood still.

A little, he shook his fist with ecstasy and growled loudly in his heart, "Shuang Shuang Shuang, yeah yeah ..."


The whole person was paralyzed on the ground like mud.

"Little brother!"

Bai Luosha said, "How do you lie on the ground!"

"Brother ... I'm a bit imaginary." Jun often laughed weakly. "You need to rest for a while. The battleship is controlled by you first."

表情 The expression on the black and white Luo Cha's face became wonderful.

Just as excited, he jumped up like a monkey, why suddenly he collapsed?

"Little brother."

Bai Raksha helped him up and said earnestly, "You are still very young, and your mind should be used for cultivation. You must not be too absorbed in beauty."

My brother!

My deficiency is because of side effects, not the kind you think! .

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