The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1155: Stimulate the function of the ancient warship shuttle space

Jun Changxiao didn't get too tangled in one punch, but put his mind on the secret of nine days.

This kind of inner cultivation place of Jiuzhongtian, the more benefits the disciples can gain, the more it will help Zongmen become the strongest.

"Return to Zongmen as soon as possible and set this thing up."

Xun Jun often laughed and looked at the reward for never wearing clothes and pants, secretly: "You can wear it to the King of the Purple Witch Demon, and you don't need to worry about his outbreak in the future."

Xi Zongmen is getting stronger and stronger, so naturally we must pay attention to quality.

The act of bursting clothes in a fight like the owner of the Purple Church severely lowered Zongmen's image.


System said: "As long as there is a host, it does not exist!"

怎么 "What? I'm poor?"

"呸! I'm running the train with my mouth full all day, or I'm going to slap people everywhere, sorry to say that I have quality?"


Xun Jun often growled with a smile: "Aren't I doing this all for the ancestral gate? I'm serious about it, and it will definitely explode in a hundred years!"

Admittedly, he did spanking sometimes, and sometimes really shameless, but the starting point for all cases in the door, or take the honorable course, black and white double brake will not be fooled came.

"One will succeed."

Xun Jun often smiled back and said proudly, "Those who get things done, don't stick to the bar!"


The system is speechless.

After opening the Supreme Merchandise, Jun Changxiao put his mind on the amulet of the seal. There is no doubt that this is definitely used to unblock the third form.

"Should you change it now?"

He also has a seal of unsealing the second form, so he is a little hesitant.

"Remake it."

System said: "Take the host now Jiu Pin Jian Wu Shuang Xiu as the master, even without the hard-to-receive sword, you can kill the Quartet in the chaos, why not quickly transform the third form and enrich your own library?"

"Make sense!"

Xun Jun often smiled and waved, and took the transformed spirit stone, then released the soul and shrouded it until it became a viscous liquid, and then took the hard-to-receive knife for the second transformation.

Not much to say about the process.

After half an hour of integration, the hard-to-find sword was successfully upgraded.

形态 From the point of view of the form, as usual, I don't know what it will look like after drawing a knife.

"It should be really cool!"

十六 The sixteen-word sword in the second form is very good in shape, so Jun often laughs and judges that the third form will definitely be more handsome.

"Little brother."

At this moment, Bai Luocha's voice came to his ear and said, "What are you thinking?"

Xun Jun often laughed back to God and said: "I was thinking that the warship Master gave me can only be used for flight. Why is there no cosmic ability of the starship warship?"

罗 Bai Luocha's wonder: "The seniors in ancient times haven't told you how to use this ship?"


Xi Jun often sighed with a sigh, saying: "The Master has a strange temperament and usually has no words, so naturally he won't tell me, and often even persecutes me with‘ the master leads the door and practices by himself ’.”

What this lie says makes the system think that he is really a passer-by disciple of ancient people!


Bai Raksha laughed and said: "The power of personality is the same, but the younger brother can become a disciple of the predecessors of ancient times, it is how many days it is enviable."

He Luozao, who is manipulating the warship, said, "In general, warships with shuttle space functions need advanced power stones to drive them. Brothers can find some."

"I tried."

Xun Jun often laughed: "You can only speed up your flight, you can't shuttle the universe."

"What energy stone is used?" He Luochao asked.

Xun Jun often laughed and took out a six-pointed star stone, and said, "This."

Hei Raksha took it, and after a little perception, he dismissed his face with disdain: "This kind of garbage in the upper world is nothing more than low-level stone, and it will certainly be difficult to drive the ancient warships to shuttle the universe."


Xun Jun often laughs silently.

The Liuliu Mountain Star Stone is the highest spirit stone he has seen since, and it has been described as low-level rubbish.

罗 Black Rakshasa pointed to the formation driving system used to drive the starship warship, and said, "The energy stones inlaid here can be used to shuttle the universe."

"is it?"

Xun Jun often laughed and looked over.


驱动 The warship drive is similar to the one in Tonggu!

I want to say that the difference is that the energy stone sunken in the energy trough looks larger than the six-pointed star stone, and the breath is thicker.

"In the extraordinary world, is there a stronger energy source than the Nine Heavens Spirit Stone?" Jun Chang smiled.

"Nine days continent?"

Hei Raksha said: "I have heard of this plane. Although the strength is good, in the thousands of planes, it can only barely be ranked. There are still many stronger than him."

"For example?"

"Luotian continent, Xinghai continent."

Bai Raksha said: "These mortal planes are very strong, and the energy source that exists is much stronger than any star stone."

Xi Jun often smiled bitterly.

He thought that he had enough knowledge of the entire mortal universe when he entered the battlefield of the planes. Hearing the words of black and white double brakes, he realized that he knew nothing but nine cows.

The ninth plane battlefield is only a battlefield, or selected by the upper world to enter, so it does not mean that all the planes have been gathered, and there are many powerful planes that have not come in.


Is too strong.

Putting them in will affect balance.

As for the two continents listed by Bai Luocha, the overall strength is not only strong, there are even people in the upper world.

"Right, brother."

Hei Raksha said: "What kind of sea king, there should be a high-level spirit stone in the space ring. You can use it for energy, and maybe let the ancient warships shuttle the universe."

"Let me see."

Xun Jun often laughs into an oversized space ring.

Sure enough, I found 10,000 large-sized spirit stones that are different from other spirit stones. The heaven and earth attributes contained in the stones are ten times stronger than the six-stone stones!

"Get rich!"

Xun Jun often laughed, covering her face.

One such large-sized spirit stone is worth ten six-mountain star stones, which is equivalent to one hundred natural spirit stones on the starfall continent!

I opened a nine-day secret, and now there are higher-level spiritual stones, not to mention that the overall strength of Zongmen has risen, it is entirely possible to train the core disciples and senior management as soon as possible!

Uh ...

"Little brother, the spirit stone is already inlaid."

In the Universe, the Tonggu battlefield was called out, and it was hovering quietly. Bai Luocha took out the six phoenix spirit stones embedded in the energy trough and replaced them with large-sized spirit stones.

"It's time to go ~ ~" Hei Luocha said with his hands.


Xi Jun often smiles and closes his eyes, then integrates into the driving device, and immediately ‘嘭’, the whole person is stuck on the door of the cab!

"咻 ————————"

In the vast universe, the ancient warships fired at full speed, several times faster than the starry warships, and moved towards the starry continent at a fast speed. It seemed as if they jumped directly instead of flying in the blink of an eye.

"My God, this is too fast!"

Jun, who was supported by Bai Luocha, always smiled, his expression gradually solidified.

Hei Raksha Road: "If there is a higher-level spirit stone, this warship of Tonggu's predecessor will be faster, and it will not take more than an hour to travel back and forth between two planes."

Xun Jun often smiled excitedly and said, "This is really a must-have for traveling and looting!"

Uh ...

在 As the dog left to excite the ability of an ancient warship to shuttle the universe with a high-level spirit stone, a few strongholds on the battlefield of the plane saw the eyes of dozens of warriors from the mainland of Chihai.

In front of them, the leader with a strong name has been lying on the ground with scaly wounds.

"Da da da."

A graceful figure came over, then stopped in front of each other and stepped on his face, looking up at the group of horrified people with his nostrils, and proudly said: "Go back and tell your boss, let him use the money to redeem, otherwise ... wait Just collect the body for this guy. "


几十 Dozens of warriors on the mainland of the Red Sea swallowed.

My mother, this plane that just came in to replace the starfall continent is so much stronger than that mad guy!

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