The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1161: Hospitality Starfall Welcome 恁

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others saw from the deployment of the suzerain that something big would happen, so they all devoted their minds to cultivation.

They also know that the opponents this time may be very powerful, but as a member of Van Gouzong, you must swear to fight anyway, because this is your own home, no outsiders can tolerate it!

"Old Wu."

In the universe, on the starry warship that is open ahead, the powerful and burly man asked, "How long can I find the killer who killed One King?"

"The fastest is seven or eight days, the slowest is one month." The white-haired old man replied.

He just determined the smile of King Chang from the time-reversal Dafa. He wanted to find a hiding place in the vast universe, and he needed to deduct all the way.

To be precise, now you can only follow the breath left by the other party to explore, not that you have locked people in the starfall continent.

"The guy killed the queen of the sea, took all the space rings, and the remnants must be on him." The old man with white hair said in a determined tone.

of course.

He was also a little surprised.

Judging from the mirror image, the murderer seems young, and it is easy to cut off the head of Star and Aquaman, is it a veteran warrior who is deliberately pretending to be tender?

The picture of the white-haired old man pushing the show is nothing more than the scene where the black and white double-brake shots and brutality were not seen when Jun Chang laughed and killed the handsome man, otherwise, it would never have been so much.


The burly middle-aged man whispered coldly: "No one wants to **** what we see in the Starry Big Five."

They have searched and searched for seven Xuanxiaguang broken fragments for a long time, and finally determined that the star of the sea and sky was one of them. As a result, they were first ascended by others, and they certainly could not bear it.


The white-haired old man did not promote the starfall continent where Jun Changxiao was located within seven or eight days, because after walking a certain distance, the breath suddenly interrupted out of thin air, and it was not found for a long time.

Why is it broken?

At that time, Jun Changxiao had switched to an ancient warship, and then used a high-level spiritual stone to achieve a quicker way, so the breath left for the white-haired old man to capture was almost no.

According to this rhythm, it takes at least a month to find the star continent.

When the rainstorm comes, Jun often laughs, but I do n’t know, but since the epic mission is given, it will definitely happen, so I am in absolute alert every day.

Moreover, I also took the opportunity to call out the ancient warship to fly out, and found a desolate plane in the starry sky not far from the starfall continent.

Black and white double brakes can be used to beat the force of the universe regardless of the power of the universe, but Jun often can't laugh, so he must choose a battle site in advance.

Find a place before the fight, which is very particular about it.


Ten days.

Twenty days.

Time passed slowly.


One day, at the entrance to the Nine Heavens Realm, Ye Xingchen came out of it, and the whole body instantly burst into majestic momentum.

For nearly a month, he has always put his mind on cultivation, and his realm has reached its peak!

What it took hundreds of years to do in the previous life, now it can be done in the next few years. The speed is super fast.

Ye Xingchen increased speed, and Tai Xuan Zhen Jing's credit was very small. The greatest help was the various martial arts facilities of Wanzong, especially the nine-day secret place that had not been settled for long.

This magical martial arts auxiliary prop made him realize that he could break through Emperor Wudi more quickly and even rely on it!


Jun Changxiao, who was sitting in the main hall, heard a voice: "Sometimes, there may be strong enemies coming to commit crimes. This seat hopes that you can fight for the gates and stand up for the same gates."

Why do you say that?

Because in his opinion, Ye Xingchen never had a strong sense of identification with Zongmen.

It is hoped that with this foreign enemy's invasion, the unforgettable and sentimental emotions can be cultivated.

Ye Xingchen solemnly said, "I will."

"It gives you a sense of identification with Zongmen, and I am very pleased." Jun Chang smiled.


Ye Xingchen turned her face and said secretly in her heart: "I don't allow others to move eternity. I don't want to lose a holy place for cultivation. Don't get me wrong."

okay, got it.

Dead proud.


More than just a night star broke through the realm.

Lu Yan and He Wudi are also making rapid progress. Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others are reluctant to show weakness and chase after them.

This month, the cultivation of the core disciples of Wanguzong can be described as `` swelling '' to improve the speed.

"Everything was as I expected."

Jun Chang smiled proudly.

After reading the instructions for the Nine Heavens Realm in detail, he already thought of the pictures now and now, after all, it is worth 100,000 contributions!


Suddenly, on the mountain where the elders lived, a sign of strong promotion erupted, and the disciples turned around in surprise.

"Elder Gongsun is about to break through the martial arts!"

The envy of Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others are envious, and this level is what they most yearn for.

Jun Chang, who was lying on the top of the hall, laughed and said, "From today on, I have another Martial Saint elder in Wan Gu Zong."

However, just a few days after Gongsun Haohai broke through Wu Sheng, the four old versions of Jiang Xie, the Ning Brothers and Ge Lao also relied on martial arts facilities such as the Nine Heavens Realm to successfully step into Wu Sheng!

The high-level combat effectiveness of Wanzong, except for the black and white double brakes that have just arrived, and the Orc, such as the Purple King Demon King, already have two martial saints and four and a half saints.

This is very hardcore.


Li Qingyang reported: "There are two thousand inner disciples, and there are three hundred emperors, and the rest are all emperors."

When Jun Chang laughs when he waves outside, Zongmen is not in a static state. For example, every year the Zongmen big match will arrive as expected, and disciples who have achieved good results will enter the inner door. Today, it has grown to 2,000.

In fact, in terms of other sectarian standards, the disciples who are not elected are eligible to become insiders, but a group of evil spirits can only choose more evil spirits than fighting.

It is no exaggeration to say that each year, the ancient ancestors are compared with each other, and the intensity and intensity are enough to kill the dragon and tiger hegemony of the highest standard in the starfall continent.

This is a bit like China table tennis.

It may be easy to go out and get the world championship, and come back to get the National Games championship properly in **** mode.

After listening to the report, Jun Chang laughed and instructed: "Let them continue to cultivate, you can't be distracted for a moment."


Li Qingyang hurriedly arranged.

Jun Changxiao continued to visit the halls as usual, but when he first came to the Yuyu Hall, Bai Luocha's voice sounded in his ears: "Little brother, there are dozens of star warships coming."

Dozens of ships?

There are so many enemies in Starcraft One Piece?

The handsome man can hold tens of thousands of people. Now there are dozens of ships, and there must be a lot of them!

"The disciples obey!"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Take the ancient warship with you!"


"Hmm! Hmm!"

The entire Vanguardian was immediately active.

Zongmen, headed by Ding Lao, flew to the warship docked outside Tiegushan.

Core disciples such as Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji followed closely behind.

In a short time.

Thousands of people were accommodated on the Tungu warship.

The cameras have been shot one by one, and they all wear well-made armor, which means that Wan Guzong is currently the strongest fighting force!


Jun Chang laughed and finally flew up and stood on the bow of the ship.

The Tonggu battlefield ‘咻’ flew out of the starburst continent and hung in the endless dark universe.

Those disciples who did not follow, all silently prayed for the suzerain, elders, and brothers, hoping that they would return in peace.


Because Li Qingyang and others followed the previous search for a battle site, they did not look around in the universe, but kept on high alert at all times.


Ding Lao pointed to the distance and said, "What's that?"

There are dozens of light spots like grains of rice in the endless dark place, and then they grow larger and closer.


On the first warship on the way, the white-haired old man sitting cross-opened suddenly opened his eyes, his cloudy eyes seemed to penetrate the void, and the young man locked on the warship in the distance, said in a deep voice: "This son is a murderer!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly ~ ~ Dozens of warships speeded up, and then hung in the distance of the ancient warships with strong momentum.

A warrior of various names appeared on the deck, and they looked at Jun Changxiao and Wanguzong disciples with brutal and teasing eyes.

A star warship was parked on the low-level starry sky. It seemed that he was waiting for us on purpose.

This is a bit interesting.


One of the starry five fighters stood at the bow of the ship, and smiled eeriely: "I thought it was the top strong man who took away the remnants, but it turned out to be nothing but the garbage in the lower planes."

"Ding! One punch will charge 5% ..."

I go!

Is this recharged?

Jun Chang smiled with a stunned expression, but with a pretty hug, he said, "The hospitality star welcomes you."


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