The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1166: This block hates being threatened, especially with loved ones ...


In the hall, Li Qingyang reported in detail the various resources counted in the space ring of the Stars IV, and said weakly, "Are you listening?"

Jun Chang, who sits on top, smiles like Jun Chang, who is thinking, smiled and said, "What did you say?"


Li Qingyang was speechless.

I have reported things back to the suzerain many times, and I rarely see an absent-minded look.

In desperation, he can only return various resources.

After listening to it, Jun Chang said, "The whole refining of medicinal materials and ores is made into elixir equipment, and the spiritual stone is given to Lao Yuan, and he is assigned.


Li Qingyang was ordered to leave.

System said: "Don't go to the soul tribe to save your daughter-in-law?"


Jun Chang laughed: "The mission of Shi 11 is completed, and the enemy representing Star Sky and Sea King is gone. How could she be in trouble?"

"Maybe there are people in the throne who make trouble?"

"Impossible, I have been arranged in the continent of the three purified temple masters. With them, who dares to commit confusion?"

"Since the epic mission has a mission to protect loved ones, sooner or later, something will happen. Will the host die in a trip?"


Jun Chang smiled and compromised.

On the same day, he took Cuihua to Wangucheng, and then went to the soul continent according to the previous passage.

Because the space-time tunnel can be patched and opened at any time, coming to this plane is as easy as visiting the back garden.

It's been almost a few months since Jun Changxiao left last time, and the space that he had previously cracked against handsome men gradually healed.

Standing at the entrance of the tunnel, his spiritual thoughts shrouded a large city in the distance. Looking at the soul warrior who lived normally as usual, he spread his hand and said, "No one came at all."

"That's weird." The system was puzzled.

Jun Changxiao didn't go to the Queen's City, and after confirming that the soul continent was intact, he returned to the starfall continent.

"Since it's here, why not check it out?"

"I haven't dealt with the Star Warriors yet. It's like you're in a corner and don't eat, drink, pull or pee. You don't have to do anything."

If Jun Chang laughs and walks towards the central area of ​​the soul continent, he can see the gate hanging in mid-air to the battlefield of the plane.

Of course, if you don't go to the Queen's City to avoid suspicion, the Star Warriors really have to ask quickly, especially how they found the starry continent, and how they determined that they were the murderer.

Looking for someone in a continent to find a needle in the sea, he really didn't believe that these few could rely on feelings, and found himself in the universe.

After spending so long in the martial arts world, Jun Changxiao roughly guessed what methods they might have, such as props and martial arts. If they did it, they would definitely be useful in the future.


Ground cell.

The bald man, one of the six star warriors, shrank in a corner in horror, and repeated in his heart, "Why is the master's enemy, here!"

At that time, he followed the commander's quest for the South to the North, and was intercepted by the Xinghai Five Hegemons in the universe and then severely tortured.

In order to survive, the host told them a shocking secret that they were able to survive.

I thought it would be harder to meet for this life, but ended up in a cell.

Is this the world too small or the universe too small?


One of the men leaned over and whispered: "The four Star Wars were hit terribly, lying on the ground like mud!"


The fear in the bald man's eyes grew stronger.

The four of them can be here, no doubt was caught by Jun Changxiao, so badly injured that he must not be disconnected!

"The master is in big trouble!" The bald man secretly said.

The four star fighters are all abused, and he doesn't think that the master can retreat when he encounters Jun Chang.


Suddenly, the prison door opened.

Xiao Guiji stepped forward and set up his chair.

Jun Chang sat down with a smile and clasped his habitual fingers together and said, "Four people, I killed the Star King in the deserted plane. How do you know, and how did you find the starfall continent?"

This remark was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which directly made the bald man and all his men's eyes dull.

the host……

Killed by him? !!

The bald man froze for a while, and a wry smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

It is normal for the master to die in his hands by being able to torture the Star Wars IV into this situation.

The bald man should be glad that he was put in a cell, otherwise he will be the same as the handsome man and the other five generals.

"Little ... boy ..."

The burly middle-aged man's voice was weak: "We are the fortress of the starry sky, you ... if you know the truth ... then let us go!"

"Starry Sky Fortress?"

Jun Chang smiled blankly.

However, when he saw the bald man in the corner horrified, he asked, "Have you heard of it?"

"Listen ... heard!"


The bald man trained by Erya was very obedient and hurriedly told everything he knew.

There is an extremely gloomy area in the starry sky of the mortal universe. There is no plane in it, and there is only a huge castle suspended. Therefore, it is called the starry fortress by the world.

The master in charge of the fortress, who claims to be the fortress's master, can be entered by warriors from other planes, provided that sufficient resources are paid, and as long as he obtains identity in it, he will enjoy different levels of protection.

Fortress status is classified as first, second, third.

The lowest third-level status only has the right of access, the second-level status has the right of residence, and the highest first-level status is similar to a nobleman. Not only does he have the right of residence, but he can also choose slaves at will.


Jun Chang laughed: "It's kind of feudal."

The bald man also said: "As long as you obtain second-class status in the Star Fortress, you can not only live permanently, but also be protected by the fortress."

"That's the way." Jun Chang smiled and looked at the four star fighters lying on the ground, and said, "You have obtained the second-class status of the starry fortress?"

"No ... nice ..."

The burly middle-aged man has a bit of pride and is obviously proud of his second-class status as a fortress.

Jun Chang laughed: "The starry fortress is strong?"


The bald man solemnly said: "My master once said that the strength of the fortress master is very horrible, and he also meets with many large planes, especially the fortress army that is trained. It is said that sending a team of 100 people can easily destroy a plane.

"Such a cow?"

Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

To tell the truth, if Star Wars Five and his group of men, if you attack the starfall continent with nine Emperor Wudi, if you can destroy it, you have to pay the price.

This so-called fortress army sent a hundred people to easily destroy a plane. Could it be repaired to the level of Emperor Wu?

The Bald Man Road: "I heard that there is a very large underground black market in the Starry Fortress, which sells many strange treasures, and attracts many face-to-face warriors to buy it every year."


Jun Changxiao became interested in the starry fortress, which was mainly a strange treasure.

"Little ... boy ..." The burly middle-aged man said weakly: "We have second-class status and are fully protected by the Star Fortress. As long as they know it, they will certainly not spare you, and even affect relatives and the entire plane. ! "

Jun Chang laughed and heard his words, his eyes suddenly became cold.

He has been thinking about the task of Shi Twelve, and now he knows that the other person told himself that someone will help him in the face of danger, and will also involve relatives and planes. Is it related to it?

"call out--------"


The blue dragon moonlight flashes blue, hot blood splashes on the cell wall, and the burly middle-aged man has a different place.

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said: "This place hates being threatened most, especially threatened by relatives!"


The system said helplessly: "Is it bad to live? I have to die."

The hanging burly middle-aged man never dreamed of it. He just wanted to let this guy know that there was a starry fortress to support him. He deliberately said something hard, but it turned out to be cool immediately!


A strong Emperor Wudi level.

"Old fourth!" The three white-haired old men grieved.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Qinglong Yueyue Sword, Zhenyang Sword, and Yulong asked Tianjian to insert the edge of their necks.

Jun Chang smiled coldly: "Lao Tzu, no matter whether you are protected by the Starry Fortress or the universe emperor Frieza, answer the question I asked just now."

The burly middle-aged man offended his inverse scale.

At this time, if the three do not cooperate, they can all be killed.

The fierce Jun Chang laughs not to care that the other party is Emperor Wu, nor does he care that surrender can provide powerful combat power to Zong Men.

"I ... I said!"

The gray-haired man chose to compromise.

Strictly speaking, if it wasn't for the reason of the remnants, they and Jun often laughed without any resentment.

Now being captured, why bother with iron bones? It's better to be soft and get a chance to survive.

The white-haired man explained how he identified Jun Changxiao as the murderer and how he found the star continent.

In fact, there is no mystery, everything is reversed because of time.

"A cheat?"

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Take it out."


The white-haired man thought about it and took out a jelly-like thing.

This object is also a space storage, but it is more advanced than a space ring, because there is some kind of isolation on the surface, and it is not easy to find it in your pocket.

"Hidden goods."

Jun Changxiao took it over, pinched his two fingers, and found that the spiritual thoughts were hindered by the imprint of the soul. He said lightly, "Do you untie it yourself or let me do it?"

"This space object cannot be unlocked as long as it is embedded in the soul brand, unless ..."

The white-haired man closed his mouth when he said that, because Jun Chang laughed, a caterpillar-like creature appeared next to him, so he stared at the eyes and said, "The worm of time ..."

"call out------"

The summoned jade flower was stuck on the jelly bean-like thing.

It first sniffed with its nose, then differentiated a force into it, forcibly eating the imprinted soul.


The white-haired old man spurted out blood.

The soul in the reservoir was placed by him. Once forcibly destroyed by external forces, it will naturally bring a huge backlash.

The other two bulls lay on the ground and looked at the little bug.

This kind of space-time worm that can penetrate deep space is an extremely rare commodity even in the starry sky black market ~ ~ A low-level plane will exist!

"the host."

Cuihua regained her strength and said, "The imprint inside has been broken."

"Tough work."

Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his little head with his fingers.

Originally about to prepare a space ring, Cuihua said first: "Master, it's too boring inside."

"So too."

With a smile, Jun Chang summoned the pillar and said, "Just stay outside for the time being."

Oh my God!

This guy even has a bug in time and space!

Seeing the pillars appearing, Xing Xia Ba's eyes almost stared out of his eyes.


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