The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1171: Jun Chang laughs: I'm stronger again, System: You also become ...

Queen Rose is not bald.

The main gentleman often smiles even if he loses his hair. It will not affect his face value, but he is more cute than before, so he ca n’t help but want to feel it.

This has to be replaced by difficulties.

The old woman kicked him directly out of the battlefield with a big foot.

Therefore, if the Queen Rose really has a bald head, then only the dog will be left alone.

At this moment she was like a soft snake, entangled in front of the husband, letting the opponent block left and right, still could not avoid being touched.

To tell the truth, Jun Chang laughs his head big and round.

Not to mention Queen Rose, he feels comfortable to himself.

"Ding! The host spends 1000 points of contribution value to get the magic wig x1, which has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 65000/70000."

Unbearable dog leftover, spent 5000 points of contribution value in the mid-level mall, bought a wig pullover.

However, what made him vomit blood was that the so-called magic wig changed, although it looked like real hair, but it was limited by the environment and time, and the hairstyle presented at this moment turned out to be an explosive head!


The professionally trained system couldn't help laughing.

The Queen Rose said in a loss: "The bald head looks good, why should you hide it?"


Jun Chang laughed and forcibly suppressed the irritability in his heart, and said with a stern expression: "First of all, I am not obliged ..."

The camera turns spiritually.

Holding various resources in both hands, the expression on his face is very wonderful.

The Queen Rose put another space ring on her back, and clapped her hands and smiled, "I do n’t rely on my husband to help me spend roses. These are your reward for helping me."

Big sister!

You're so cooperative that I've failed. Hey!


The queen of roses sternly said, "The siege that came just now, my lord will not let them go!"

In fact, there is no sudden rescue of Jun Changxiao. Although she can't compete with so many planes, she will also make the other party pay a painful price.

"What do you want to do?"

"What does the husband want?"


Jun Chang laughed and looked at her, suddenly it seemed as if she could understand. This woman wanted to go to each of the 'near' planes just like herself!

Systemically said: "This is the rhythm of black and white cooperation between husband and wife!"

"Ding! The epic mission is complete and the settlement begins."

"Ding! The host successfully protects loved ones, meets the defined conditions, the epic mission is completed, the completion degree is 150%, and the host receives 75,000 points of contribution!"

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 140000/70000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."


The system laughed recklessly: "I finally guessed right once, and I was finally not beaten, hahaha!"

Although the laughter is unrestrained, but more transparent hair is desolate. After all, it has been beaten all year round. Today, it finally cleared the clouds to see the sky, and kept the clouds open to see the moon!

One anniversary.

Please give applause for the strongest beating system.


Jun Chang squatted on the ground with a smile, squinting his head with both hands, and said in his heart, "Even the epic task thinks she is my loved one!"

"Stop it."

System said: "Recognize the reality."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the epic quest eleven, getting the God Product Qualification Transformation Solution x1, God Product Kendo Qualification Solution x1, and the Seal of Seal (3) x1."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the epic quest twelve, obtaining the Divine Product Qualification Transformation Solution x2, the Holy Product Front Qualification Solution x1, Qi Xuan Xia Guang Broken Remnant Five, the purchase right x1, another bottle of purchase right x1, Lingyan Pavilion exclusive God Bing Transformation Stone x1. "

Frequent beeps came from the ears.

From the comparison of the rewards of the two epic tasks, the task of Shi Twelve is obviously richer than that of Shi XI. The reason is that one completes only 100% and the other completes 150%.

Giving 50% more may be due to the sudden deterrence of dozens of united planes after Jun Changxiao appeared.

Whenever the epic quest is settled and rewarded, it is the happiest moment for Jun Changxiao, but now he is struggling to hold his hair and his face expression collapses.

Why is it difficult?

Because the magic wig changed from an exploding head to an inch head, it was too short to catch.

This kind of merchandise that automatically changes hairstyle every so often, it's like ... give me hundreds of them!

"Buy buy buy!"

Jun Chang laughed and opened the high-end shopping mall. Because of irritability, a brain will overflow the contribution value and buy it into elixir and weapon formula.


At this moment, a majestic gas wave emerged.

Jun Changxiao's realm has also stepped from the peak of Sword and Martial Arts to a great level!

Feeling the more explosive power and his deeper understanding of the attributes of heaven, earth, space, etc., he shook his fist and secretly said, "I'm stronger again!"

The system whispered, "You are also bald."


"Have you heard!"

"The husband of the rose concubine in the soul tribe is the one who always laughs!"

"Oh my god! That's breaking news!"

"No wonder a newcomer will be so powerful, there is an amazing man behind him!"

"Jun often laughs at the battlefield, doesn't he do whatever he wants, really a couple!"

"The Chihai and Lingyun continents joined forces to attack Jun Changxiao's wife, didn't they kick on the iron plate full of thorns?"

"Hey, the major planes are bleeding again."

Just as everyone was arguing about it, Jun Changxiao had already appeared outside the Chihai mainland stronghold.

The breeze came.

Hair curled in the forehead.

During this time, the dog's remaining hairstyle changed from inch to instant noodles.

The system couldn't help but sigh: "Uncle Jiao was the first person to support this hairstyle, and the host is now the second!"




The Queen Rose followed.

She stood behind Jun Chang laughed and kept staring at the back of her head. There was a great urge to raise his hand to pull his wig down.



Hong Yao and several elders flew out of the stronghold, arching in trembling, "Monarch Sovereign ..."

"Listen to Jun first."

Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand to interrupt, and said, "Soul tribe and your Chihai continent had no enmity or complaint before?"


"Then why did you send someone to bully as soon as you came up?"


"Bullying can't be bullied. You can only say that you are not as good as others. Is this okay?"

"No comment!"

"Since there is no opinion, why should we continue to make trouble with other planes?"


Hong Yao sweated heavily on his forehead.



Do n’t you want money?

I give! Give as much as you want.

Jun Chang laughs to make sense, not to be blackmailed, so ... Take out an abacus made of pure gold, and after a careful calculation, he said: "The total cost of mental loss, lost work, and nutrition is five million . "


"I give!"

At this time, even if the owner of Hong Gong smashed into a pot to sell iron, even if he lost his home, he must quickly send the two demon husband and wife stalls away.

"Master Hong Gong."

When it came, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Don't bully new people in the future, after all, it's not easy for anyone."

Hong Yao raised his hand and vowed: "If I would dare to bully new people in the future, I would like to be hit by five thunders!"

It's two and its horrible lessons that first provoke Jun to laugh and provoke Queen Rose, so as long as he is still the boss of the stronghold, there will be no battlefield violence!

"Let's go."

Jun often laughs and waves.

The Queen Rose followed.

On the road, he laughed: "The husband's means of humiliating people are so gentle. If you change to me, you must beat him first."


Jun often laughed and went crazy.

The woman took a bite of her husband and shouted that her mentality was about to explode.


I will endure!

Since you do n’t like it, why does Jun Chang laugh and let the Queen Rose follow? Because this matter is related to her, she can justify herself and blackmail the major plane resources!

"call out!"

The magical hairstyle changed again ~ ~ The instant noodle head turned into a big back.


Jun Chang sighed with a smile.

He put on a windbreaker first, put on dazzling sunglasses, and finally hung the cigar on his mouth. He said, "When you reach the Lingyun continent, you can come forward and catch your clothes as soon as I shake my shoulder."


"Don't ask why, just do it."

"Okay, husband."


ps, the fifth more, add up to 120,000 words in Chapter 5, the body is hollowed out and feels very comfortable.

Ask for votes.


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