The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1175: I am not guilty, why confession

The thick sound is rippling on the battlefield of the plane, and it is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Sitting in the hall waiting for the news of the vast continent, Mo Shangsheng directly sprayed out the tea.

He didn't care about violations.

After all, hasn't the rule been violated since the guy entered the battlefield?

What really hurt Mo Shengsheng is that Jun Changxiao even broke the barriers of the vast mainland base by illegal means!

Oh my God!

This is terrible, terrifying!

After the battlefield of the plane was created by the upper bound, the stronghold was defined as unbreakable, unless it could be achieved by declaring war or ghost punishment on the battlefield.

Therefore, as long as everyone makes no mistakes and does not fight, even if the enemy is all over the battlefield, there will always be a very safe place to live.

Now that there is a broken way for Jun Chang to laugh, is n’t it equal to being able to enter at will?

"Monarch Sovereign."

Mo Shangsheng looked solemnly, "You can be troublesome!"

If it ’s just slaying with sorrowful sorrow, if there is someone in the upper world, it may fall from light, but this behavior that breaks other planes is definitely the basic rule defined in shaking.


The last word is not punishment, but severe sanctions.

This means that the upper realm is moving, and it is necessary to obliterate Jun Changxiao!


An elder hurriedly rushed and was shocked: "It's changed a lot outside!"


Mo Shangsheng hurriedly went out, and he saw the sky area that can be seen in the field of vision, all rolling clouds, the original desolate and dark environment, at this moment seems to become a dark hell!

"The upper world is angry."

"The upper world is angry!"


Vast mainland stronghold.

The fissures that were broken up by the insects of time and space are slowly recovering.

When Jia Haojie, paralyzed on the ground, heard the thick voice, he felt like a grievance to his child, and his tears couldn't stop flowing.


Elder Shan shivered with excitement and said, "Up ... the upper world is going to take revenge for us, it is going to be fair for us!"

To be honest, Jun Changxiao forcibly broke the stronghold, and indeed behaved more aggressively.


Does this mean that the vast continent is innocent?

No no no

They are also not good people, but just smiled when they met Jun Chang.

Because you are strong, you can bully others at will, and when you are stronger and bullied, do n’t pretend to be honest, do n’t pretend to be poor.


The voice from the upper world resounded through the sky, and the dark clouds that pervaded the battlefield seemed to be under the pressure of the army. While the warriors were shocked, they guessed that Jun Chang laughed really bad luck!

"It's over, it's over!"

Ke Jinnan's eyes became worried.

The last time I was punished for cheating in the Shura field, but no ghosts from the battlefield were sent. This time, the battle was simply huge!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

At this moment, no matter where the warriors were on the battlefield, they could clearly see that black shadows flew from the dark clouds like locusts.


"Let's go and see!"

At this moment in the world, there was a killing, but it still couldn't stop the strong and lively heart of all the warriors.

"Palace Lord!"

Inside the hall, an elder asked, "Will you go?"

Hong Yao, who had just been blackmailed and had not returned to God, after a difficult choice, said, "Go!"

The upper world came to punish Jun often, and he was so imposing that he must not sit still.


Well scars forget the pain.

Of course, Hong Yao did not touch the fish in muddy waters, and the mentality of falling into the hole was purely an eye-opener in the past.



For a time, the warriors from the north and the south of the sky traveled at the fastest speed towards the densest area of ​​the dark cloud.

Without exaggeration.

When Jun Changxiao was punished by the upper bound, all forces on the battlefield were dispatched!

Even Mo Shangsheng, who had always been cautious and had an IQ online, didn't sit still, rushing with a group of experts.


When they arrived at the scene, they all looked dumbfounded.

In the field of vision, the battlefields wearing black battle armors and scythes were neatly arranged. Because there were too many, the entire earth seemed to be dyed black.


Mo Shangsheng took a breath of air-conditioning.

He only swept with the spiritual thoughts roughly, and roughly concluded that the ghosts on the battlefield started at least 100,000!

Although they did not officially start with their heads down, from the perspective of breath, the lowest strength must also be at the level of mystery!

It is comparable to 100,000 and a half martial arts martial arts. They are all armed together, and the picture presented is extremely shocking!


This is only the lowest level yet.

The more spiritual thoughts look forward, there are still many levels of characters!

Until Mo Shangsheng locked in the front row, the muscles on his face could not hold up stiff at last, and he was scared in his heart and said, "At least a hundred heavenly names!"

After successively coming out of the plane warriors spied out the strength of the 100,000 battlefield ghosts, there is no non-explosive mentality, no heart is not shocking!

This terrorist force, let alone destroy a few planes, even destroy all planes on the battlefield is a breeze!

Great battle!

Super battle!

Even if Jun Changxiao is obliterated, it will inevitably be remembered by future generations, since no one has been subjected to such high-level sanctions since the battlefield of the plane was opened!


Hong Yao and many other big men were calm on their faces and were very happy inside.

With such a degree of sanction, it is impossible for the guy to repair the sky!


The camera turns to ...

Sorry, because there are too many ghosts on the battlefield, it took a long time to lock on to Jun Changxiao who seems to be drowned in the dark wave.

At this moment, the expression on the dog's left face was wonderful.

He didn't care when he heard that the upper bound was going to sanction himself. After all, he came to the battlefield and experienced many times, and even sent himself an experience bag as the reader thought.

But when you see the dark battlefield ghosts appear, there are hundreds of leading sky font levels, and your heart and expression can't be calm!

Upper Bound!

You are so cruel!

"call out!"

The Queen of the Rose sacrificed the Red Lotus Demon Moon Sword, and the green battle armor worn on her body became more substantive. Then she smiled close to Jun Chang, and her beautiful eyes were full of war.

Big sister!

Are you going to fight them!

If there are only more than a dozen battlefield ghosts, Jun Chang will not care, but there are hundreds of them at once, and there are nearly 100,000 in the sideline. If they are to fight, they will be dragged alive, even if they are not bombed into **** Yourself.


Hurry up!

The dog is left to seduce once.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

At this moment, all substantive enchantments descended from the dark clouds, as if cauldrons were buckled over Jun Changxiao and the ghost of 100,000 battlefields, forming an absolute blockade.

"There is no hope of running," said the system helplessly.

Jun Chang smiled with a serious expression on his face.

The upper world fought such a big battle, and then blocked this area, making it clear that he was going to die himself.

"Fu Jun."

Queen Rose said: "Don't be afraid, I protect you."


In this case, don't protect me, but protect yourself first.

"Jun often laughs."

Ranran ~ ~ The voice from the sky: "You have repeatedly entered the battlefield of the plane illegally, and have broken the vast mainland stronghold by illegal means, pleaded not guilty?"

Rolling clouds are on it, and 100,000 battlefield ghosts are below.

In this scene, it seems as if the Emperor Chang laughs into a heavenly holy moment and faces sanctions from 100,000 soldiers.


Nine days and ten territories of the Sky Gun appeared out of thin air, and the bottom of the gun hit the ground and cracked.


Xuanyuan Shenjia was put on his body, and the camera swept over Jun Chang's smile and brightened his head, only to see him standing proudly, grabbing one hand with the gun handle, and the whole body showed the momentum of not bowing to fate, saying: "I am not guilty, why confess! "

Qi Zi said, shaking the earth.

At that moment, everyone who was watching him who was strong in the plane raised his respect deep in his heart!


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