The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1182: Title increase

There are many titles for Zhong Ersha carved in the pavilion, which is opened with a contribution of 100,000, which makes Jun Chang laugh very speechless.

"The name Shameless is very suitable for the host," said the system.


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, then clicked on the title of "Jade-Flying Dragon", and an introduction panel popped up.

Title: Jade-Flying Dragon.

Role: When equipped, it can increase the speed of movement, flight, and air crossing by 20%.

Condition: Must have face value.

"This works for me."


"Conditions have said it all."


"With this title, you can increase the speed by 20% in all directions. It doesn't seem to have much effect." Jun Chang smiled and held his chin.


He noticed that there was a '+' sign in the lower right corner of the introduction box, so he clicked on it, and suddenly appeared a series of names, including Lu Yan, Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others.


Jun Chang laughed: "Appellations can be used by disciples."

"Su Xiaomo and Li Fei are both famous for their speed. After adding the title of" Jade-Flying Dragon ", wouldn't it be better to add strength?"

Thinking, we chose Su Xiaomo's name.

"Ding! Su Xiaomo won the title of" Jade Face Flying Dragon. "

Su Xiaomo, who was experiencing the second-layer quenching speed of the tower, suddenly appeared on his head with the words "Jade Face Flying Dragon", then blinked invisible.

He didn't know the whole process.

However, he also noticed that he was faster than before, so he wondered: "What's the situation?"


Life and death in the secret territory.

Ye Xingchen stood proudly, and there were thousands of spirit beasts at the level of Wuhuang.

This guy has another challenge to the normal mode.

"Bloodthirsty Shura can provide a 20% increase in strength for the wearer. The conditions must be cold and arrogant. It is also very suitable for Aniu. You can match him first."

In the study, Jun Chang laughed and chose a name.

The night star in the secret territory, the title appeared on the head, and then hidden in the invisible, the psionic energy in the body instantly improved.


Aniu said with a stunned expression: "Why did I suddenly become stronger?"



At this moment, thousands of spirit beasts comparable to the Emperor Wuxia level rushed over!

Ye Xingchen gave up thinking, and the psionic energy increased by 20% in an instant and gathered in the fist, launching the wildest bombardment.

After half an hour.

All the beasts in the magical land were wiped out.

Ye Xingchen stood proudly, facing the camera with his back, and said lightly: "Trash."


"Boom! Boom!"

Within the days of the thunder in the Nine Heavens' Mystery, Li Qingyang was holding a Skyscraper Thunder Strike against a transfigured thunder spirit beast, and the word “The Golden Mean” suddenly appeared on his head, regardless of his psionic power or speed.

Feeling the slight increase in his coldness in all aspects, he wondered: "What's going on?"

There are also many titles in the title cabinet.

For example, the Longcheng flying general can increase the gun weapon, which is very suitable for Long Ziyang. After all, he likes to use the gun as the main weapon, and it is also related to the dragon character.

The mixed-world demon king can increase the power of demon repair. Jun Changxiao is assigned to Yao Mengying, who has an innate demon body and majors in martial arts.

"Ding! Xiao has earned the title [Master of Defense]."

"Ding! Lu Yan got the title" [Absolute Zero]. "

"Ding! Ding Xingwang got the title [Dark Yan Luo]."

"Ding! The Purple Witch Demon King was awarded the title of [Incompetent Roar]."


There are still a lot of titles in the appellation cabinet, and from the name, you can know what has increased, so they are not described one by one.

"The host can look at it shamelessly," the system advised.


Jun Chang laughed and considered for a while, but still clicked on it.

Title: Shameless.

Function: It can improve temperament and charm by 20%.

Condition: Must be shameless enough.

The system exclaimed: "Just looking at this condition, we know that only the host can go up and down in Wanzong, which is tailor-made."

"Am I shameless?"

"You are shameless and shameless."

"roll roll roll!"

After Jun Chang laughed and cursed, it was difficult to understand: "How can such a shameless title improve temperament and charm when matched? Is it true that the man is not bad, and the woman does not love?"

"Whatever you do, just bring it." System said: "Anyway, don't put the title on the forehead."

"So too."

"Ding! Jun often laughs and gets [Shameless] title."

When the ear cue disappeared, Jun Chang smiled with the words “Shameless” on the back of his hand, his wrists, thighs and even forehead!

The titles of Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others just appeared on the head like id, and then disappeared quickly, but he covered the whole body, showing how well matched the title is!


Jun Chang laughed and said madly, "You poisonous milk!"


The system couldn't help laughing wildly.

When Jun Changxiao was preparing to cancel the title, the shamelessness on the back of the hands, wrists, and forehead was particularly invisible, and his temperament was instantly sublimated a lot!

Since becoming the master of a case, he has always used his life to interpret hilarity, so except for a few scenes that will become extra serious and serious, most of the days are mostly like a slinger.

Now, with the title that goes very well with me, let alone, the temperament of Dang Erlang is even more intense than before!

20% increase.

Not a joke.


Standing in front of the mirror, looking at his unformed self, Jun Chang laughed and collapsed: "This is a negative increase!"


A laugh came from the system: "I'm laughing."

"No, no."

Jun Chang laughed: "This title is not suitable for me and must be cancelled."

Open the title pavilion, click on your own name, and the result pops up a prompt content-changing the title cd time for 1 year, it costs another 10,000 points of contribution value.


Jun Chang smiles paralyzed directly on the ground.


After adding titles to Li Qingyang and others, they have increased in varying degrees in various aspects, which can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of Zongmen, so it is not unfair to die for 100,000 points.


Jun Chang laughed and sat in the study room.

The disciples have been promoted, and their temperament has not risen, but it has fallen, which is very jerk.

"Don't forget the host."

The system promoted: "There are still a few bottles of God's Qualification Transformation Solution."


Being so reminded, Jun Changxiao began to consider how to distribute Sanpinshenpin qualification reforming liquid.

"Just give Su Xiaomo, Xiao Guiji and Ye Xingchen first."

Because the three disciples have delayed cultivation, they have not yet caught up with the core disciples. Therefore, in the qualifications, Jun Changxiao first thought of him.

As for Xiao Xieji and Ye Xingchen, one representative shield and one representative spear, ascension of spiritual roots will also bring great benefits.

The day.

Jun Chang laughed and called the three of them.

"Thank you for your reward!" Su Xiaomo and Xiao Guiji arched.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly returned to the residence with the qualification reforming solution, and then slammed the door shut, leaning against the door with short breath.

He has taken the drug to improve his qualifications many times, and naturally knows the effect. Now the lord gives another bottle, and he won't have it if he continues to take it ... does it have a spiritual root?

Yedi ’s hand holding the medicine bottle was shaking violently, and it was difficult for him to calm down for a while ~ ~ It is said that he had spiritual roots in the previous life. He should be light and light, why is he so excited?

Because when he was just born again, he had inferred from the strength of his body that he could rely on the Taixuan Zhenjing to get the spiritual roots to reach the level of divinity, at least a century or more, and now it has been reached only a few years in Wanzong, a dozen times faster!

When the spiritual root reaches the level of divinity, you can quickly understand the attributes of heaven and earth, and break through the cultivation faster. When you break through Wusheng Wudi all the way, with the ability to break the void, you can enter the upper world!


Open the stopper and drink the qualification liquid.


Spiritual root qualifications are instantly elevated to divine qualities.


Ye Xingchen shook his fist, looked at the starry sky through the window, and said aggressively, "Prince Yao Yao, your good days are coming to an end!"


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