The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1184: Disciple Exclusive Upgrade

"Star Fortress ..."

Jun Chang laughed sitting in the study and was thinking about it.

The bald man once said that there was an underground black market where many treasures were sold.

Today, the purchase of Remnant V is sealed in the fortress, just to confirm what the other party said.

Jun Chang laughed: "Find a time to see."

The system uttered: "The host is contributing 20,000."

"I don't see this contribution," Jun Chang smiled proudly.


The system said: "Wait for the time and space secret cd to recover, you can speed up the title after entering, please spend 10,000 points to change the value first."

Jun Chang laughs into deep thought.



Regardless of the contribution value or Remnant V, Jun Changxiao decided to find a time to go to the Star Fortress, so the next thing is to wait for the secret cd refresh to offset the side effects.


One day, Master Fan said excitedly: "Successful, I transformed successfully!"

Jun Chang smiled and went to the Foundry Hall. He just walked in, and suddenly felt a strong and powerful momentum rushing forward.

"I go!"

The next second, the dog's eyes widened.

On the casting table, a gold-plated shield is placed, and a special pattern is carved on the surface. At first glance, it is ultra-luxury equipment!

Fan Yezi introduced: "Sovereign, this is Xiao Xieji's Yun Zhouxiayin. After the transformation, he changed from pot form to shield form, and his defense level has been greatly improved!"

"is it?"

Jun Chang laughed and grabbed the shield with one hand. He didn't lift up his milk. He realized that he was in a weak period, so he shook his head and said, "Notify the sinner and let him inspect the goods."



There was a sudden noise on the martial arts field during the Wanzong main peak performance.

Come and watch the lively disciples stare wide, because the dust is falling, and a seemingly heavy shield gradually appears.



A thick breath like the earth surged, and they were immediately made aware that this was definitely a treasure with a strong defense!


Just then, Xiao Xie flew over from a distance.

He floated down in front of the shield inlaid with gold, put his hands on the edge, and yelled, "Come!"

"Step! Step! Step!"

Core disciples such as Su Xiaomo, Li Fei, Tian Qi, Long Ziyang, and Song Xuanzhou appeared in line at the Yanwu Stadium.

Jun Chang, sitting in front of the hall, laughed and waved, "Go!"

"Brush! Brush!"

The disciples glanced at each other, and then rushed from different positions in order to show their fist prints, palm prints, foot prints, and seal prints, and they rushed to the transformed Yun Zhouxia.


Xiao Xie waved his hand, holding up a heavy gold-plated shield like a mountain, and the pattern sketched on the surface seemed to transform into an ancient beast, roaring at the chest with various forces.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, the rays of light on the Yanwu field flickered, and the irritability burst out.

Fortunately, before the war, Zhen Dejun had arranged a high-level defense enchantment around him in advance, which did not affect the disciples outside.

"Oh my God!"

"Brothers are too strong!"

Looking at the gorgeous light inside, everyone was startled.

Li Qingyang, who had not shot, stood in front of them and said, "When they first entered the sect, they were not as strong as you, so as long as you are diligent in cultivation, you will become stronger one day."

"Second Brother!"

Everyone said in unison: "We see!"

"Still Qingyang is sensible." Jun Chang, who was sitting in front of the hall, appeared with a smile on his face, but when he saw a cold-looking disciple in the distance, he shook his head and said, "When can she get rid of it?"

Among the many disciples, what bothers him the most is Lu Yan and Ye Xingchen, because one is cold and the other is arrogant, always out of step with the happy atmosphere of Zongmen.



The bombardment on the martial arts field brought Jun Changxiao back to reality, and then turned to look at it, and saw that Xiao Xieji had easily resolved the various forces of Su Xiaomao and others.

"So strong?"

The dog was a little surprised.

You must know that the core disciples sent out are no less inferior to Xiao Guiji in the realm. They are placed on the starfall continent to fight with their peers. It is definitely a fight with less and more, and now they ca n’t be beaten together!



The fighting continues.

Until after more than an hour, Xiao Xieji backed up to the edge of the martial arts field with his shield, saying, "No, no more!"


Su Xiaomo bent over, put her hands on her knees, and breathed a little sharply: "Master, your shield is too strong!"

Li Fei, Tian Qi and others were also tired.

A group of evil spirits fought for such a long time, but they retreated from Xiao's sin and placed them on the mainland and the battlefield of the plane. It was really an indestructible mobile bunker.


Jun Chang smiled, "Can you still be satisfied?"

"Satisfied! Satisfied!"

Xiao Gui couldn't bear to touch Yunzhou Xiayin, who was in the second form, with a smile on his face.

Not only did he turn around, the soldiers became more defensive, but also got rid of the cauldron form, and he will no longer have to be a joke for the pot guy!


Back Shieldman now!



Ye Xingchen said, "Is this your cauldron?"


Xiao Gui nodded.


Ye Xingchen immediately went to the main peak to find Jun Changxiao, and said, "Sect master, can the disciples' exclusive soldiers be changed?"

As a big man with a head and a face, as long as he fights, he carries the wine jar, which is really detrimental to the image. Since Xiao Gui can change, he can certainly do it!

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Jun Chang laughed: "Fan Tangzhu is in the process of transformation."

As a result, Ye Xingchen began to wait anxiously, until a few days later, his expression was stagnant in the Foundry Hall, because the transformed form of Lizhai offering changed from a wine altar to a wine gourd!

Me he meows!

Exclusive soldiers and ‘wine’ ca n’t be separated, right?

The morphology and function of the sacrifice sacrifice changed. The head was previously covered, but now the gourd mouth becomes larger and the whole person is put in, and then dissolved.


Jun Chang smiled diligently: "Your exclusive soldier was originally called Zijin Red Gourd. It came from the wisteria vine at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, which was acquired and preserved by my predecessors in the ancient times.


Ye Xingchen twitched, "Zongzhu, this is obviously white jade!"

"A long time ago, it faded." Jun Changxiao explained ~ ~ Ye Xingchen questioned what he said.

However, after testing the power, I found that I can still use it to smash people, and a ‘true fragrant’ expression suddenly appeared on my face.

After the transformation of Xiao Guiji and Pei Aniu's magical soldiers, their forms changed, at least they didn't look so funny.

However, when Fan Yezi transformed Li Qingyang's Skyscraper, his shape was exactly the same as before, and his strength was greatly improved.


The system said with emotion: "From here, you can see that the second disciple is the most normal."


Endless universe.

Responsible for investigating the fortress strongmen who have lost contact with the Five Stars, at this moment are on their way by boat.


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