The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1186: My night star, not drunk!

According to the rules of the Astral Continent, those who are promoted to second-class sects can be named after the word "sacred", such as lily sect and proud sect.

Now that the certification is successful, the second-class Vanguard can also add a holy word to the name of the sect.

In fact, the full name of Wanguzong is the strongest zonggu of Wangu, so the plaque in front of the mountain gate is written like this.

Later, he broke through the top five and got the opportunity to change his name. Yi Tianxing was worried about calling for trouble, so he wiped out the word ‘strongest’ without authorization.

Master Yi is really taking care of the dog leftovers.

Otherwise, just those five words will definitely make the top Zongmen fryers.

Because Zongmen announced the Manchu sect, even if Jun Changxiao and his disciples thought that it should be called the strongest sect of Wangu, it would not be recognized by the world.

It doesn't matter.

Zongmen's name is equal to the code, as long as it is loud.

Big deal is called the strongest saint of all ages.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Yi Tianxing Road: "Congratulations to Guizong for being promoted to second-class. After I return, my certification hall will be announced to the public."

"There is the owner of the Workhouse." Jun Chang smiled and smiled.



After seeing Yi Tianxing leave, Jun Chang smiled and looked at Mu Changhong and Situ Haoyun, and said, "You have seen the miracle, so I won't stay here for dinner."

"Since Junzong mainly stayed with us for dinner, it would be better to respect him."

"The two diners are so mad that they are so mad!"

"I am over-flattered."


Since it is the first Zongmen in Yangzhou in Southwest China, Jun Changxiao must have a good celebration, so he ordered the dining hall to prepare as soon as possible and have a celebration party in the evening.

Knowing this, Ye Xingchen's eyelids jumped.

Every time there is a celebration in Zongmen, he guarantees that he will go out, so over time, he has a psychological shadow.

"Can't drink."

"Can't drink!"

Ye Xingchen firmly thought again and again.

But when the banquet started, when Lan Kang introduced that drunken life and death had been improved, after drinking it, the properties of heaven and earth were taken up faster, or the glass was held up by the defense line, saying, "Come here!"


Su Xiaomo also lifted up the wine with arrogance.

As long as Aniu is open-hearted, the two are bound to consume, and they are simply enemies on the winery.

"Zhen Lao."

Seeing this, Liu Wanshi sitting in the distance asked quickly: "Did you arrange the array?"


Zhen Dejun said: "This time is absolutely foolproof!"

Why so confident? Because I have just taken the Zhenfa qualification fluid recently, I have already reached the rank of Zhensheng at this moment.

Mu Changhong and Situ Haoyun are afraid that they would never have dreamed that since the ancient array emperor fell, Wanzong had a strong person who reached the Holy Level!


Jun Chang stood up with a smile and said, "Promoted to second-rate for Zongmen, everyone made this glass of wine!"



The disciples raised their glasses and drank the drunk life and dreamed of it.

Not to mention, after the improvement of Lankang, the increase effect of the wine is not only improved, but the strength of the wine is also a lot smaller. The disciples who are overpowering drink a drink as if they are drinking a certain brand of beverage.


Suddenly, the sound of a fall came.

The crowd turned their heads and saw Ye Xingchen fall under the table.

Su Xiaomo: "..."

Li Qingyang: "..."

Lan Kang said with a broken face: "Jiu Jin is too small to be equivalent, how can he pour as soon as he drinks!"


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Take this guy back."


Xiao Sin came over and set up a drunken night star.

Li Qingyang hurried to follow him. He was worried that Brother Shi Ye would not return to his room when he was drunk, and then ran to a place he should not go.


When he arrived at the accommodation area, Ye Xingchen suddenly opened his eyes and said lightly, "Go back."

Li Qingyang and Xiao had sinned.

The clear and arrogant eyes, the arrogant but motionless body, could not see the drunk at all except a little wine!

"Master Ye, didn't you drink too much?"


Ye Xingchen said something lightly, then turned and left, knowing that she was conscious from the pace.


Xiao Sin was a little confused.

Li Qingyang laughed: "Brother Ye changed, she became worldly."

He had roughly guessed that when Ye Xingchen and Su Xiaomo drank, they either drank the alcohol or pretended to be drunk.

That's right.

Aniu is pretending to be drunk.

The improved drunk life is not easy to get drunk, but the increase effect has already come out. In order to make better use and strengthen yourself faster, you can only find opportunities to slip out.

So many attendees were present, drunk on the ground regardless of the image.

What did Lord Yedi experience in Wanguzong?


Back at the residence, Ye Xingchen exhaled, and then set off for Ju Ling Zhen.

Under the blessing of drunken life and death, the speed of heaven and earth attribute intake has been greatly improved. The next day will be spent in the formation, just to become stronger!

But ... an accident happened.

Just half an hour after Ye Xingchen practiced, the drunken dream of the remaining body suddenly erupted, and Jiu Jin seemed to turn into a raging sea and rush to the sea of ​​knowledge, making him lose his self-consciousness instantly.


"Come on!"

"Drink this glass!"

On the performance martial arts field, the lights were bright and the disciples were still drinking happily.

Even Lu Yan, who has always been out of place, gave a drink to Liu Wanshi and Yao Mengying.



Late at night, the purple prince demon king Huangyou pushed open the door of the room, then took off his never worn clothes, and planted it in bed.

Although this guy is an orc, he is also obsessed with human food and wine, so he didn't drink a lot at the banquet just now, and he also drank Su Xiaomo, Li Fei, etc. to drink and dance in front of the fire.

"A group of little farts, also ... want to fight with Ben Wang, it's almost ..." Murmured to this place, and the purple demon king subconsciously put his hand around his neck back.



The Purple King Demon King suddenly got up, trying to keep the confused vision stable, and found that there was a person lying on the bed, so the wine energy subsided more than half, and growled, "How did this boy sleep in my bed!"


Disciples accommodation area.

Li Qingyang, who was about to undress and go to bed, instinctively released his spiritual thoughts and merged into the night master's room. When he found that there was no one in it, he stood up and was shocked: "Where is the night master!"

"Oh no!"

Su Xiaomo's voice came from outside and said, "Second Brother, Brother Ye is not in his room!"


Li Qingyang grabbed the door and hurriedly said, "Hurry to the livestock pen!"

"it is good!"

brush! brush! brush!

For a time ~ ~ Li Fei, Tian Qi, Long Ziyang and others were all shocked. Because of their experience, they went to the livestock pen.

However, just as I passed the Beast Peak, I first heard the sound of bombardment, and then saw a figure falling from above, planted on the ground in the shape of '字'.

Take a deep look.

Isn't that the night star everyone is looking for!

"His uncle!"

Standing on the Lingshou Peak, the Purple Demon King wearing only a pair of red underwear, yelled on his hips and cursed: "I ran to the main bed of this church to sleep in the middle of the night, is this kid sick, is he abnormal?"


The expressions on everyone's faces became wonderful.


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