The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1202: Remnant 5 is still stolen!

Huo Xun demon.

A devil born before Wanzai turned out.

This person has a ferocious heart and is addicted to killing. He has destroyed 50 planes in a few years. The blood of the soul contaminated by his hands is inestimable!

Later, for some unknown reason, the fortressed master was captured and put into second floor **** as the main offender, and was given a 'C' rating.

The principal offenders who are detained in the ninth floor of **** have a danger rating of four levels: A, B, and D, with D being the last and A being the highest. The degree of danger is determined according to the rating.

of course.

Regardless of the level and height of the ordinary prisoner, as long as the main offender is not defined, the danger rating will not be given.

Guan Jiu and the old man had never seen Huo Yaoyin, but had heard of his deeds and knew that he was being held in the second floor of hell. So when he saw the word “principal offender”, he immediately guessed his identity!

It's over!

We're fucked!


Monster Huo laughed, then caught the two, and put their left and right hands on their shoulders, lowering their voices, "Since you know me, you should know my interest?"

Their legs and stomach trembled violently, and every hair on every inch of skin shivered.

Suddenly, when Guan Jiu and the old man thought about chatting with their companions, they talked about this guy and learned that there was a bad taste, that is,-like to spank other people!

For this reason, he yelled, "He is sick!"

Who would have thought that a private chat in those days met today in the second **** and the Lord.


Help us!

The old man held back the fear and said, "Huo ... Senior Huo, know ... know ..."



Huo Xiong pulled the two closer together, and his voice was somber as hell-like demons said, "I don't know if you can hurry up!"

Guan Jiu: "..."

Old man: "..."

In order to survive and survive, after a painful choice, the two still chose to compromise with reality.


A slap and two slaps continued, and a clear voice sounded through the second layer of hell.

When the prisoner crouched in the corner heard it, he was all creepy, and covered his swollen **** subconsciously.

"call out!"

At this moment, the space was slightly rippling, as if a certain force suddenly appeared, and then flew down the second hell.


Huo Yuemon stopped and said suddenly: "That power has appeared again, it seems stronger than before!"

The energy wave that appeared in this layer of **** was only captured by him.

"call out!"

Soon, the invisible force penetrated the second **** into the third **** at a fast speed.


A sturdy, scary man lying on a rocking chair opened his eyes and secretly said, "Here it is again!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

The invisible forces have penetrated the fourth and fifth floors ... everyone passing by a **** is noticed by the strong inside.


In the sixth layer of hell, a young man with a pink makeup and a slender figure opened the folding fan, which wrote the words "The First Master of Fanchen" and said: "There are various ancient formations in the ninth layer of hell. It's incredible to be able to penetrate one after another! "

"call out!"

"call out!"

The invisible force penetrates seven or eight layers.

Until passing through the ninth floor, in the area that seemed to be endless darkness, suddenly a big eye opened, covered with bloodshot, and made a deep voice: "What kind of power is this?"


At the bottom of the ninth-floor **** is the secret room that was sealed by a special array when Jun Chang laughed to buy the remnant five.

At this moment, the lord of the fortress was in it, watching the cheats placed on the stone platform.

"The remnants left by the Seven Sacred Masters contain the supreme mystery inside. If you have a little understanding, you can make the realm of leaps and bounds, but I have been hard to understand for hundreds of years, why have I never gained?


Just then, the Lord of the Stronghold raised his head.

A force that was invisible to the naked eye was pressed down from the top, and then seemed to be turned into an invisible large hand and grabbed at Remnant V.

"not good!"

He exclaimed, made his fingerprints in the fastest time, and released the blessing of soul power ...

The main reaction of the fortress was extremely fast, and the speed of the invisible hand to grab the remnants was also very fast. Before the various seals were held up, the remnants disappeared out of thin air.

Because it is too overbearing, it even brings a strong backlash.


The meridians in the main body of the fortress were affected, and the whole person stepped back a few steps until they hit the barrier walls and spurted out blood, and his face under the mask became extremely pale.

"This this……"

He was stunned.

He was completely dumbfounded.

The power that I just pressed down is much stronger than the first time. Fortunately, the process is very short. It is fortunate that I have no time to suppress it, otherwise ... it is likely to be defeated on the spot!

I want to stop here.

The Lord of the fortress burst into cold sweat.

After gradually calming down, he looked at the empty stone platform and once again did not suppress the blood spurt of the wounded ‘wow’.

This kind of remnant that hides great chances and is regarded as a treasure on weekdays is stolen under the eyelids. Who can afford it?


"Ding! The host consumes 20,000 points of contribution value and gets five x1 Xuanxiaguang broken remnants, which have been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 10100/70000."

When the prompt in the ear was over, Jun Changxiao Space Ring added a copy of Qixuanxiaguang broken volume five, and immediately burst into a smile.

"You believe me?"

The system proudly said, "As long as you get serious, you can't buy anything!"

"Please buy it for theft, thank you."

Jun Changxiao spent the contribution value and copied 100,000 copies of the remnants. He secretly said: "It's only two more to make up the complete Seven Xuanxia Light!"

This kind of high-level high-level martial arts, only the whole society can reflect the value.



With the door closed, Ye Xingchen was anxious and took out five copies of Qi Xuan Xia Guang's broken volume, then began to study it seriously.

As a former Emperor Wu, as the realm got higher and higher, he could fully practice the martial arts that he had practiced in his last life, but now he is particularly fond of Qi Xuanxia Guang, because each of them has a completely different understanding and power Significantly improved!

What cut moon burst.

Nothing breaks.

In front of Qi Xuanxia, ​​it's not enough to see!

Yedi changed ~ ~ has become new and tired.

What invincible is also invincible, at this moment has begun to understand.

In the world where he used to be, a tragic situation of being chased and killed by various powerful men just for a piece of scraps, now he comes to the Fanchen Plane and trains one book every three points and five, one two three and four five. Too happy!

"Senior Xuan!"

He Invincible's eyes flickered with a firm luster, and said, "I will not disappoint your high hopes, and I will do my utmost to assist Wan Gu Zong!"

The absolute core of the Naobu trio has completely established Wangu Zong as the Seven Sects, and he was forced to join the Zong Men as a member, which is certainly arranged by the seniors of the Seven Sects in the underworld!


4th more


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