The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1204: I declare that you are guilty of death

The starry fortress was jeopardized by the major planes in the universal universe, and no one dared to provoke it.

Today, the law enforcement ship was attacked on its way, which made the men in black a bit unexpected.

Who is so bold?

Who is so bold?


The man in black flew out from the warship, unfolded lightly with one hand, and formed the actual enchantment.

Not only does he have to intercept it, he also has to see who has eaten the bear heart and leopard gall, and dare to challenge the authority of the fortress!

However, just after setting up the defense enchantment, when disdainful to Gu sneer, it seems that the streamers that are infinitely close suddenly split into five beams of light, bypassing themselves from different directions at a faster speed!

This accident caught the men in black by surprise.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, a powerful crackling sounded through the cosmic sky!

The colorful lights resemble fireworks in full bloom, rendering the darkness nearby bright.

The black man's face was printed brightly, and it was clear that the smile had solidified. The warship behind him was completely broken under the bombardment of five rays of light. Hundreds of his men were killed and wounded, and only a few dozen people could fly out of the light.



The fortress who survived the storm ran away in blood. From the look of the wolverine, he was obviously seriously injured.

A single Qixuanxia light has limited power, but when five kinds of Qixuanxia light are blasted at different angles, the explosive power generated instantly can definitely reach more than a handsome power.

Jun Chang smiled.

The first roll after the fusion of the five volumes, the power brought by him allows him to have the combat power of Wudi and achieve super-distance elimination without any hole cards. It feels really cool!

The black-and-white dual-brake look calm.

In their understanding, Qi Xuan Shengzun is even more powerful than his predecessors, and the martial arts he created have terrifying power even if they have not studied all.


The man in black turned his head eagerly and looked at the streamer flying to the area, locking the young man who raised his hand proudly!

Jun Chang smiled, raised his head, and faced with his nostrils.

Not to mention, this action and momentum is really a little rose Queen fan.

The soldiers were killed and wounded, and the warship was destroyed. The perpetrators made such a provocative action, which made the people in black suddenly anger!


He suddenly raised his right hand, and a long bow with a flash of golden light appeared. Then he pulled the string with his left hand and looked coldly, "Boy, you have committed an unforgivable capital!"


There is a world attribute of the universe. When you pull the bowstring, it will flutter in an instant, quickly condensing an arrow with an indomitable breath!

This is the fortress law enforcement bow.

A weapon that only the Star Fortress law enforcement generals are eligible to wear!

If it is calculated based on the starburst continent level, this thing is definitely higher than the high rank of the gods, and it is not inferior to the red lotus demon moon knife of the rose queen.

"capital offense?"

Jun Chang smiled, his eyes flashed coldly, and the nine-day-ten-day Sky Gun appeared in the void, saying, "You count that bird's hair, dare to condemn this seat?"


All kinds of flames converged on the gun head, and my life was instantly burst by my incompetence.

If combined with mixed nature, hot wheels, smoky makeup, black hair fluttering like a waterfall, you can star in the live-action movie of Nezha.

The man in black always pulled the bowstring with his left fingers and said coldly: "The fortress law enforcement general has the right to convict any living being of any kind!"

"call out!"

The words just fell, as if the arrows representing law enforcement trials flew out and flew across the void, smiling towards the monarch, leaving a majestic atmosphere in the space where they passed.

"this is……"

The black and white brakes looked at each other, and said, "The power of punishment!"

Why does the dust weapon condensate this momentum, isn't it ... Bai Luocha hurriedly said, "Black Dasha, the starry fortress has a relationship with Jietang?"

Black Luocha frowned.

The power of punishment is a kind of power controlled by Jietang. Most of them are used to punish mortal sinners. Now this arrow contains this power, and there must be any relationship between the two!

"Should you shoot?" Bai Luocha asked.


Black Rakshasa fell silent.

If Star Fortress has something to do with Jietang, it's like having a big backstage.

He and Bai Luocha are from the upper world and are under the control of this department. If they are known by the old antiques, they must be ...

Go to his uncle!

At this time, I can't control that much!


Black and white double brakes flew out of the dark, and their eyes locked on the arrows containing the power of punishment!

In front of Qixuan Saint, and in front of the ancient people, Jietang is a fart. Today, how can I offend them to worship the brothers and the master of the ancestors!

"Two brothers."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "This guy has given it to his brother."


The black-and-white double brakes braked suddenly, and finally the momentum of daring to compete with all rules disappeared.

"Black Dasha, I ate eight bowls of fried rice made by girl Liu yesterday."

"I ate ten bowls."

"You must have been born to starve to death in your last life."


Although the two were chatting, although they pretended not to exist, they were still concerned about the arrows carrying the power of punishment, and they were a little worried about whether the suzerain could hold it.

If it is purely powerful, and the black and white double brakes are not worried, then there will always be punishment from the upper world. This kind of special immortal creatures are hard to resist at will!

"call out!"

At this moment, Jun Chang laughed and grabbed the stun gun covered by the hot flames. The whole man rushed towards the flying arrows. His whole body was instantly shrouded in dozens of flames, like an ancient flame dragon roaring in the universe. .


The man in black sneered.

His law enforcement bow shot at an arrow, containing the power of punishment from the upper world. A guy who didn't even reach the broken broken voider wanted to try hard to resist!


Suddenly, there was a violent explosion from the cosmic sky!


The power of the hot fire was rippling like ripples, and the dark environment was instantly rendered red.

"Brush! Brush!"

The black-and-white double-brake hurriedly flew towards the astral continent area, then crossed his body in front, and the majestic breath emerged from the body, quickly condensing the two sides to form the enchantment, blocking the hot wave that came!

Inside the plane.

The warriors in all major states have looked up.

They could clearly see the end of the sky with their naked eyes, as if the red light was flashing, and they were surprised: "What's the situation?"

"Black Dasha!"

Bai Luocha, who successfully resisted Yu Weibo and the starry continent, ~ ~ said: "Our little brother is a bit too powerful!"

The Black Rakshasa didn't say a word, all his mind was in the area covered by the monstrous flames, and captured the existence of a towering towering ancient atmosphere, which was frantically absorbing the power of punishment that pervaded the surroundings!

"What a treasure is this!"

"It can take the power of the upper world!"

When the black and white double brake was shocked, it was found that Jun Changxiao had already stood in front of the person in black, and the Decapiter arrived on the neck of the other person.

"I declare that you are guilty of death."

"Do not……"

"Bashing ——————————”

The gun head containing special power directly penetrates the neck of the man in black, hot blood is sprayed out and scattered in the cosmic starry sky. Please Baidu "Throw Book Network" Thank you for your support!


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