The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1211: Dayling Principle

After getting a light curtain for a short time, and then plunging into endless darkness only made Zhao Doudou slightly depressed, and soon he was shaken.

Not bad.

I'm out of prison and I'm in again!

But not as a prisoner, but as a deputy warden!


Zhao Doudo fixed his attire, walked into the prison with his head raised, his eyes arrogant.

"Former prisoners!"

"From today, I will take good care of you!"


Suddenly, the sound of cold and violent wind broke.

Zhao Doudou was caught on his back, and the pain that touched his soul suddenly burst into his heart, making him unable to hold back.

"Heavy ground, no noise is allowed!" Erya raised her whip and drew it fiercely.




Surveillance room.

Erya looked like a child who had made a mistake, stood in the corner, bowed her head, rubbed her hands in a corner, and whispered, "Master, he didn't say he was the deputy warden."


The mistreated Zhao Doudou collapsed on the ground trying to vomit blood.

Big sister!

You greeted me with a whip, the pain that hurts my soul, so I can only cry in pain, I have no chance to introduce myself!

Jun Chang laughed sitting in a chair and said, "The prison will be handed over to the two of you. You will need to help each other in the future. Do not let this seat down."


Zhao Doudou endured pain.

Erya murmured in her heart: "Can such a little rookie be qualified as deputy warden?"

It is really difficult to control the Emperor Wu Sheng and Wu Sheng with Zhao Doudou's strength, but don't forget that he knows deception, and there is a mouth that can say the chicken soup of the soul at any time.



In the jail cell, Dai Li covered her face and laughed.

That guy who is as annoying as the fly is finally out of prison. This is definitely something to be happy and celebrated!


Suddenly, the door opened again.

Xiao Xieji and Su Xiaomo walked in, and then arbitrarily put Dai Lu up out of the cell.

"Torture me again?"

"Huh! If Uncle Ben frowns, follow your last name!"

During this time, Dai Li was not bullied by his disciples. He was accustomed to it and had no fear at all.

After stepping out of the cell, the strong sunlight made him instinctively close his eyes, and when he gradually adapted to prepare to open, he suddenly felt that the environment was dark again.


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guilin closed their doors and left.

Dai Lu stood still, opened her eyes a little blankly, and found herself in a darker environment than the sky font size. The floor was paved with slabs of stone and looked extra neat.

where is this place?

"Come here, brother."

Suddenly, there was a sound in my ear.

The muscles on Dai Lu's face suddenly stiffened.

This sound is not only familiar, but also very unforgettable!

After a while, Dai Li turned his head hard, and saw Zhao Doudou standing in front of himself, with a bright smile on his face.

He ... is here!

He ... isn't he out of prison!

Zhao Doudo laughed: "Here is the Tianyuan Town Prison Tower, an underground luxury prison. I am the deputy warden. My brother is now one of my management prisoners. Are you surprised or not?"


Dai Li spurted blood on the spot.

I thought I finally got rid of the nasty flies, but not only encountered them, but also changed the relationship!


Erya sat in the distance, wondering, "I didn't see it, my detained captain was a bit patient, and with a smile he vomited blood to the prisoner who just came in."

"Do not talk nonsense."

She shouted, "Hurry up and take this kid to the first floor of the prison."


After all, Zhao Doudou was deputy, so she obeyed her and hurriedly released Dai Lu to the bottom prison.

"Brother, you are so bullish."

On the way, he admiredly said, "All the Emperors are detained in the first-level prison. The suzerain ’s detention of you here shows great potential."

Although Zhao Doudou has just served as deputy governor, he already knows enough about the prison tower in Tianyuan Township, and especially knows that the prisoners in detention all use their strength to allocate the number of prison layers.


Dai Li said nothing.

If I had great potential, how would I be reduced to a prisoner.



In the study, Li Qingyang was puzzled: "This Dalu has just entered the emperor's emperor, why should he be detained in a prison?"

Jun Chang laughed: "Because it's dangerous."

"very dangerous?"

Li Qingyang was at a loss.

Jun Chang stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked back at the sky with his hands, and said, "This son has been locked for a long time, but he has not yielded to this seat, which means that he has great perseverance. It can be a big deal. "

"In that case, why do you keep it?" Li Qingyang said.


Jun Chang laughed and thought for a while, and said, "Getting a hard bone is more challenging than surrendering a Emperor Wu."

"Is the host not afraid of raising tigers?" Said the system.

Jun Chang laughed: "Do you think that the author's urine will perform such a **** plot?"

"This one……"

The system was silent, and said, "Unless the head is kicked by the donkey."

Jun Chang laughed: "So no matter what, I will take that guy into the door. If I don't give in, I will spend the rest of my life in a prison. Maybe I can happily pick up soap with the Emperor Wudi in the future. "


On the ground floor of the prison.

Daly is housed in a separate cell.

The internal environment is really good, there are soft beds and bathrooms, and there are many books to watch.


Dalupan sat on the bed and exhaled.

Qi Qi was untied and Wu Huangxiu was completely restored, but he was not happy at all.

Because the assistant's stronger soul is gone, even if there is still a strong world attribute here, it is difficult to improve with his own qualifications.


Dai Lu shook his head and said, "It is difficult to get out of prison. Even with Emperor Wu Xiuwei, he can only live a lonely life."

"and so."

Zhao Doudou leaned his head over, and said, "Join me in the Eternal Sect, it is your wise choice."

Dalu growled: "How did you get in!"

"Of course I walked in."

Zhao Doudou sat on the bed with a buttock and said, "You have been locked up for a long time, you should know that becoming a member can become stronger. Why insist, why not compromise?"


Da Li shook her fist and said, "This is my principle!"

"The principle of fart." Zhao Doudou said: "You are a tendon, you are dead to face your life and suffer."

This is the point.

From being forced to smash by the soul to break through quickly, and insisting on the principle not to hurt the innocent, it shows that Dai Lu has a conscience in his heart, and the label of the villain is not Chang Chang's turn.

The contradiction between him and the dog remains from the first chapter and the Lingquan ancestors involved later.

Because I was too dead-headed, because I was too nervous, I could n’t get over my heart, and always regarded Jun Changxiao and Wan Guzong as my enemies.

Hit the enemy?

This kind of thing that has been infamous for a long time can not be done by yourself with principle.

"I heard your brothers say about you," Zhao Doudou said, "It is nothing more than the suzerain's destruction of your suzerain."


Dai Lu covered her fist and said angrily: "The hatred of destroying the door is the hatred of killing the father!"


Zhao Doudou shook his head, then took out a token and said, "Do you know this thing?"

Dai Lu glanced and said, "This is the identity token of my Lingquan disciple! Are you ... also a Lingquan disciple?"


Zhao Doudou's eyes rose to recall the luster of the past, and then slowly said, "If you count according to the time of entering the gate, you should call me a brother."


Daly looked at him.

"You might think I'm lying to you."

"But in fact, I really was a disciple of Lingquan, and later defected for some reason."

Zhao Doudou looked sincere.

"what reason?"

"Have you heard of Heifengzhai?"

"heard about it."

"Have you heard of the killing of a thousand nights in Xiaolin Village and Dongyang Village ten years ago?"

"heard about it."

"Heifengzhai did it."

"What do you mean by saying this to me?"

"Heifengzhai made such a desolate deacon, Lingquan Zong instructed him behind.


Dai Lu suddenly laughed and said, "I see. You told me so much to let me know that Lingquan Sect is actually a downright evil sect and wants me to let go of my hatred against Eternal Zong!

Although ruthlessly pierced, Zhao Doudou was not panic.

The real master of deception, when you deceive, you must first deceive yourself.

you are wrong! "

Zhao Doudou got up and yelled, "I just let you know ~ ~ Even if an unforgiving martial art is not destroyed by the suzerain, sooner or later, it will be harvested by the sky. You should not be a man of such a skeleton Zong went to justice because "

"It! No! Good!"

The last three words spoke with a spit on Dai Li's face.

"As a disciple can take revenge, then I will ask you."

Zhao Doudou pointed to the sky, his emotions were rendered to the extreme, and he shouted, "Those thousands of villagers who died, those women who were insulted, those children who were buried alive, who should report their hatred!"


"My Sect's exterminator Lingquan Sect is to kill the people and to act for the heavens!"


"It's you who wear the law. Not only do the dignified 7-foot men help you, but you also need justice for a sect who deserves to die. Is this what you call a principle?"

"I bother!"

"Go to Nima's **** principle!"

In the end, Zhao Doudou's voice was almost roaring and mute, and his entire face was flushed with red bands appearing on his forehead.

This kind of textbook-level acting will make Su Xiaomo feel ashamed.

Da Li was captivated and remained silent.

Every sentence I heard seemed to turn into a sword, madly hitting my heart, and my seemingly indestructible belief.

Erya, who was standing outside, opened her mouth with an unbelievable face.

He clearly did not have a strong practice, why did he express a very special momentum when he was incompetent and roared, why is it so contagious?

this moment.

Erya's attitude towards Zhao Doudou changed, and she truly recognized the deputy warden sent by her host!

Jun Chang was sitting in the surveillance room with a smile. He saw it through the image formation method just now. He couldn't help expressing his emotions: "Who can not persuade me to surrender for this use by my eternal ancestors?"


ps, 3000 words, no status, half a day today (^)

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