The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1233: Entering the starry fortress, Jun Chang laughed

Jun Chang smiled to take care of the overall situation, without arrogance and patrolling.

This is correct, because during the low-speed driving, war ships coming from different directions have been found one after another, depending on the situation, they are going to the Starry Fortress.

"I haven't put up with it yet."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "If you don't agree with that guy, you will definitely alarm many people, and then you will be alerted by the fortress.


"Still not strong enough!"

"It's still not strong enough!"

The dog is very restless.

System Road: "It has not been more than ten years since the host traversed, and he has broken through the Emperor Wu immediately from the bottom. What else is not content?"

Jun Chang smiled, calmed down and thought, and said, "It seems to be the same."

This will be heard by the old monsters who practiced thousands of years before barely touching the threshold of Wu Sheng, and must have rushed to take turns to slap him.

On the way.

More and more war ships from different directions.

It's like catching up.

Jun Changxiao always releases spiritual thoughts.

It was quickly discovered that each warrior on the starry battlefield was wearing different costumes, and even human-like and beast-like creatures existed.

The nine layers of **** in Starry Fortress are terrible.

But the underground black market that exists is also the most sacred place for warriors on the surface.

So every moment will attract a lot of people, hoping to be able to find treasure from it.

Although there are many warships on the road, everyone understands the rules and there is no malicious overtaking and overcrowding. After all, this belongs to the fortress jurisdiction. No one dares to violate the rules unless it eats the heart of a bear.


Jun Chang looked at it with a smile and said, "Why do many people want to be easy?"

A few warships in the forefront gathered a lot of warriors, nearly half of them were easy to see, because the method was relatively inferior and could be seen at a glance.


Shang Youjin explained: "The underground black market in the fortress sells a lot of weapons and equipment, and some planes will send military soldiers to buy it, so Yirong is needed to avoid being discovered by the enemy."

"in this case."

Jun Chang laughed: "This is still an underground arsenal."


Touching his chin, he said, "To make business the entire universe, the starry fortress is quite business-minded."

He was envious.

If you can also develop the industry into the universal universe and earn money from various planes, it will be super cool.

For the moment, with the cooperation of Tang Ergong, the business has spread all over the starry continent, but only earning his own money, when is it really good to go out and earn foreign exchange.

I often do n’t understand things in business, so I do n’t think much about it. Instead, I think that I have a conflict with the Star Fortress after all. Is it better to change my status in advance?

Do it when you think.

The dog left returned to the living cabin and put on a delicate easy-to-fit mask.

Until putting on a brand-new blue robe, wearing a belt, putting on a headscarf, gently opening the paper fan, and instantly turned into a handsome scholar-like appearance.


Standing on the bow of the boat, looking at the meteorite area converging in the distance, the dog left groaned, "Flying down 3,000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days!"

The system said silently: "There is yaxing."


Where is the Star Fortress?

Jun Chang smiled and didn't look at the map, because he could only be found by following the warship in front.


It took about half a day.

It seems like the end of endless darkness, gradually showing the architectural form, until it gets closer and closer, like a huge castle standing in the void!


Shang Youchen said, "Here is the starry fortress!"

"It doesn't look like Tiancheng King City University yet."

Once the screen turned, Jun Chang smiled and took back what he said just now, because after being only a hundred feet away from the fortress, he and the warship looked like a little ant in front of him!

"Oh my God!"

Shang Youjin was shocked and said, "This is too big!"

The starry fortress is really big, and it can't be overstated to say that it is a small plane.

In particular, the surface of the castle is coated with a layer of black metal ore, which is very strong and durable at first glance.

"It should be interesting to explode in it." Jun Chang smiled secretly.

The system was speechless: "Host thinking is becoming more dangerous and extreme."


The starry sky fortress has a gate-like entrance to the west, but it is now closed. Many warships are docked nearby, and the warriors carrying it seem to be anxiously waiting to open.

Just ordinary entrance.

Plane warriors who come to the underground black market need to enter from here.

There is also a gate in each of the three directions: south, north, and east, which correspond to the third-, second-, and first-class soldiers entering.

Jun Changxiao could have entered from the North Gate, but after all, the main purpose of this trip was to come to the underground black market, so he drove the battleship at the West Gate.


On the ship next to him, a man vowed, "This time we come to the Starry Fortress by the order of the Sovereign, we must buy the goods required by Zongmen!"


The big brother nodded seriously.

The warriors at the surrounding docks were also arguing.

Jun Chang smiled lying on the seat with his eyes closed.

He also hopes that he can buy medicinal materials for refining half-step Wu Shengdan in the underground black market, and then mass production can be used for his disciples.

of course.

You have to go to the ninth level of **** and find nine super tragedies.

"From the appearance alone, the starry fortress is no different from a copper wall and an iron wall. The prison defense system for prisoners must be stronger. How can I mix in?" Jun Chang smiled secretly.

At first, he thought about letting Cuihua bite, but this would easily cause the fortress to be vigilant, and it was very unfavorable to mix himself in.

"It's actually easy to get in."

System said: "As long as the host commits something in the fortress?"

"It's not impossible to mix in as a prisoner."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "But I have to buy the medicine for refining elixir first, and have a comprehensive understanding of the fortress."


While thinking, the closed Xicheng Gate suddenly opened.

Dozens of soldiers in battle armor stepped out and said to the general, "To enter the Star Fortress, you must pay a standard 10,000 spirit stone!"


Jun Chang laughed and cursed: "You still need money to enter the city.


This guy seems to have forgotten the scene where the star warrior mainland warrior entered the stronghold and asked for shamelessly for money. Even the school uniforms were even sold excessively.

It is natural to collect money by yourself, and others have no virtue in collecting money.

My host should not be called dog left, but should be called dog tag.


Dozens of soldiers standing at the entrance are not inferior to Wu Sheng's completeness from the point of view of breath, especially the leading general has the ability to break through the air.

The gatekeepers are so bullish, and the fortress is also stubborn.


Jun Changxiao put the battleship into the space ring, then fell at the gate of the city, and paid ten thousand soul stones in order following the flow.

However, before entering the interior, I glanced back and found that there were at least tens of thousands of people in line. Immediately, I envy: "If there is also an underground black market of this size in China, the entrance fee is charged by lying alone."


When the five big and three strong men who followed followed him suddenly stopped, he was irritable and said, "You **** hurry away!"

"Who is the fool scolding?"

"The fool scolds you!"

"That line."

The brawny man stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. He would raise his fist and bombard him. He found that the soldiers on both sides were staring at himself, so he suppressed the anger and stared at Jun Chang who was walking in front of him.

"Damn guy!"

"I remember you!"

Jun Chang, who was walking in front of him, secretly said, "It turns out that there are also grumpy people in this kind of place. When the materials are available, can you just go in without a little calculation?"

In the face of the nine-story prison, all the majors talked about the tiger's discoloration, but the dog left was trying to get in. It was really ... a bargain!


The starry sky fortress ’s tunnel at the gate is very long, which means that the defense is very strong, and it must be very difficult to attack.


After walking about a hundred steps, Jun Chang laughed and stood inside the brightly lit castle.

The dark universe has been traveling for so long, he has not seen the light for a long time, although it is an artificial creation in terms of color.


Shang exclaimed.

At this moment, the two were standing on the street at the entrance of the city gate.

The most annoying thing is that there is a streamer enchantment visible to the naked eye, transfiguring the blue sky and white clouds.



The ancient bells came from afar, adding some solemnity to this castle-like city.

On the wide and large streets, people and beasts in various costumes are in endless stream. They are all in peace and peace, which is simply the heyday of peace.

After all, Jun Chang laughed. After experiencing strong winds and waves, although surprised by the luxury and grandeur of the starry fortress, his face was always indifferent, and he always maintained the stability after the dramatic change in the style of painting.

It may be because he was a bit reckless in front of the patrol, so that he began to treat everything as a suzerain.

I just do n’t know how long it will last.


The pattern of the starry fortress has the same four divisions as the city gate, of which the northern city is the worst and the eastern city is the best.


On the road to find the inn, Shang Youshen said, "You have second-class status, why not go to the second-class area."


Jun Chang laughed: "It is the usual style of this seat."

"So it is!"

Shang Wushen admired the ground.

Obviously there is a superior status, but it is in the lowest level of the city. This transcendent realm allows Shang to be admired by the five bodies.

"Sovereign, there is no identity in Beicheng. I heard that the cost of a resident's house alone is very expensive."

"It doesn't matter."

Jun Chang smiled unconcerned, and then found a pretty good inn, came to the counter, and said, "The shopkeeper, come to the two best rooms."

The chubby shopkeeper glanced at the two of them, and said lightly: "A finest room needs to pay fifty thousand fines."

For many years, I've been running an inn. What kind of people and what brand I wear can immediately tell if you have money or not, so your attitude will change.

"fifty thousand?"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "It's so expensive, you grab the money!"

Even the ultra-luxury presidential suite, which is folded into silver on the continent of stars, is worth a thousand or two.

It takes fifty thousand soul stones to get here. Although it is the lowest, even if the guest room and the bathroom are made of pure gold, it can't be so expensive!

Jun Chang said with a loud voice that shocked all the face-to-face warriors who came in one after another and cast a scornful look.

Who came to the Star Fortress without enough money in his pocket? Some people even suspected that the room was expensive.

Next second.

The martial arts soldiers took back their disdainful gaze.

Because Shang Youchen put a lot of high-quality spirit stones on the counter understatedly, he asked lightly, "Enough?"


The shopkeeper hurriedly smiled and said, "Please, please, upstairs!"

He was about to collect money, but was stopped by Jun Chang with a smile in his hand, and said, "I still like the way you were unruly."


He took back half of the high-quality spirits and said, "Just one now."

This is obviously a black shop. Instead of giving him fifty thousand spirits, he might as well squeeze with his disciples.



The door of the superior room was pushed open.

After Shang Youjin came in, he exclaimed, "My God, this is too luxurious!"


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

He was wrong. The first-class room was not made of pure gold, but was made of more rare ore. Even the floor underneath was hard to buy!

壕 Inhumanity!

No wonder it's so expensive!


Shang came to the bedroom with a trace and frowned, "It's a little smaller."


Jun Chang smiled earnestly: "I know that you have money, but you must be frugal when you go out, and you must not waste your money."


The business has marks.

Jun Chang patted his shoulder with a smile, and commanded: "You sleep on the chair, this bed."


Shang has a look of depression.

As for the part of the spirit stone just taken out, it has already fallen into Jun Changxiao's pocket.

This is by no means a disciple's money, but it is kept for him first, and when the problems with the large sums of money are corrected, they will be returned.

It is really moving that the suzerain did this.


Jun Changxiao and Shang Youchen temporarily live in the inn.

However, when I went to eat, I encountered a grumpy old man when he entered the city.

Jun Chang laughed to find a place and was preparing to sit down. The other side was standing in front of him like a mountain, and fierce evil appeared on his face.

"excuse me."

"Are you blind? You won't go away?"


Jun Chang laughed silently and walked around.

"This kid is good at rubbing."

"It was too expensive when I came to make a reservation just now. At first glance, I was a poor and weak rookie."

"How did he come here?"

The diners in the dining room on the first floor all whispered and looked a little scornful in the eyes of Jun Changxiao.

It is undeniable that the starry fortress explicitly prohibits fighting in the city, but as a dignified man, he was deliberately provoked to the door without even the courage to speak hard.

The Shang Shang who just settled couldn't bear it anymore. When he got up and stood up, he would have to quarrel with his irritable brother. Be low-key. "


The irritable brother stared at the bull's eye, and said, "Don't you agree?"


Shang had fist marks, but still sat down.

Jun Chang smiled and sipped tea, then released his mind, and quickly locked his way to the underground black market. After eating enough, he said, "Let's go out and walk around."


The irritable old man sitting in the distance deliberately took one foot out and said coldly: "Walk a little longer and don't hit Lao Tzu!"

The meaning is obvious, let the dog left to detour.

Many people came to see it with interest.

The second time was proactively provoked ~ ~ If you are a little bloody, I'm afraid you can't help it?

However, they were greatly disappointed, because Jun Chang laughed and walked away from the irritable man with a trace of Shang, leaving the inn.

"It's too much!"

"Cultivation of martial arts is no longer here!"

The irritable man retracted his feet proudly, and shouted at the door: "boy, remember, when I meet Lao Tzu, I will go around!"


Shang Youqi was blown up.

Jun Chang smiled and comforted: "Don't have general knowledge about garbage."

The system was a bit difficult to understand: "Is this still the host? This character has really changed!"


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