The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1235: Confession

At the entrance of the inn.

The dust is flying and the psionic energy is disturbing.

Shang was directly shocked and directly stupid.

In the vision that he could see with the naked eye, the suzerain turned his back on himself and kept bombarding.

The anger and psionic energy that pervades the whole body is like a demon that bursts out!

For a moment.

When Shang had traces, he realized that the suzerain was doing it!

The psionic ripples that just spilled over shattered the coffee tables and tea cups in the tea house, which is certainly why!


The cold wind blew and the dust dispersed.

Shang Youchen's two big eyes were widened again!

The door of the inn was collapsed, and the walls inside were all cracked, even running through many shops and buildings!

The end of the spiritual thought was captured by the wall of the North City. Although the construction was unusually hard, it was now recessed and surrounded by spider webs.


Shang Youyan swallowed a saliva, and said secretly in his heart, "There is something wrong, something serious!"

how to say?

Because the irritable brother who repeatedly provokes his lord has sunk in the wall of the city wall at this moment, there is a huge hole in his chest, and he is half dead.

From the situation presented at the scene, and the lord's punch, Shang Youchen can guess that he did it!

If fighting or killing people in the universe is not a big deal, but here is the starry fortress, the warriors are forbidden to fight in private!

Shang wants to rush out.

However, the lord's previous call sounded in his ear.

I understand!

The suzerain had already planned to do so, so he said to himself, no matter what happened outside!


Time returned to Shang Youjin. Just before entering the teahouse, Jun Chang smiled and came to the door of the inn.

The impetuous brother holding his hands together, said proudly, "boy, you seem to have forgotten what I said."

"What is it?"

Jun Chang smiled and lowered his head.

There were no emotions in his eyes.

If the disciples such as Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji are present and seeing the suzerain, they will be able to guess in an instant, this is definitely a symptom only before the violence!


You're out of luck!

Obviously, the impetuous brother didn't realize it and said coldly, "As long as I see Lao Tzu, I have to bypass it like my grandson."

Pointing aside, he said, "Just now, walk in through the back door."

Because before entering the city, Jun Changxiao stopped a little bit and delayed him for a little time, he was completely resentful and had to say that his eyes were really small.


The dog left a reply and started to walk.

He did not make a detour, but ran forward.


Brother Cranky was a little surprised.

Is it not clear what he said, or he didn't hear it, so he chose to take the front door?

"Boy, you ..."


Brother Cranky just spoke, and Jun Changxiao, who was walking in front of him, suddenly raised his head, blinking in his eyes, making the former creepy and angry, and then punched over.

Pretend grandson.

Just to buy the materials first!

Now that you can buy everything, you dare to provoke me, that is to find death!

Jun Changxiao never advertises himself as a good person, as long as he provokes himself, as long as he touches his anger, whether he is heaven or earth!


A punch.

Just a punch!

The impetuous brother Xiuwei was also good, but he did not expect that the other party was strong and dared to operate in the fortress, so he was banged on his chest, and passed through the doorway through the layers of building depression on the wall.

"Spicy man, back again!" System said.

This is the host, this is the strength to be daring and dare to be tough, and dare to use your face to go to the thunder and horror force!


After solving the irritable brother who repeatedly targeted himself, Jun Chang laughed and stood still without any expression on his face.

However, the martial arts gathered around were stunned!

This seemingly elegant young man, despite ignoring the rules of the fortress, dared to act openly and even killed him. This is definitely an unforgivable charge!

In particular, the diners who previously questioned Jun Chang laughed, and some of them saw the scene just now, all of them narrowed their eyes.

Oh my God!

It turns out that this guy isn't a bag!

Getting up hard is just a pair of son-in-law who is not afraid of heaven!

Because of the psionic ripples that erupted in the hands, it filled a half of Beicheng District, which suddenly attracted a large number of warriors to spread their spiritual thoughts. When they saw the destroyed building, they saw the proud and always smiling, and their eyes rose in incredible ways!

"He's over!"

"Dare to kill in the fortress, this is definitely a great crime!"

"The law enforcement in the city must be here!"

Hearing everyone's argument, Jun Chang smiled with a smile in his mouth.



After a moment, a soldier wearing a battle armor rushed over from both sides of the street, quickly surrounded Jun Chang laugh, pulled out his waist weapon, raised it like a gun, and shouted "Do not move". .

The dog raised his hand, and then turned around.

A law enforcement general in charge of public security in the North District said angrily: "Opening hands in the fortress is tantamount to trampling the rules and shackle this general!"


Dozens of soldiers rounded up.


The sturdy iron chain was like a handcuff clasped on Jun Changxiao's wrist.

And he remained unresisted all the way, but left passers-by confused!

Just so good, why did you suddenly die?


Shang You, who was standing at the entrance of the tea house, saw that the suzerain was bound by a chain, and he had to rush to it ~ ~ but remembering the just call, he could only press the thought.

"take away!"

The law enforcement general shouted.


Jun Chang laughed like a prisoner, and was taken away in the eyes of everyone, especially the proud smile that appeared on his face before leaving, making the warriors look aggressive.

"The Starry Sky Fortress was built with nine layers of hell. This guy will be put in as long as he is convicted, and he can still laugh. It looks like a cruel man!"

"I know the guy being bombed and flying from the mainland of Iron Eagle. He has a bad temper and a brutal personality. Now he is bombed like this. I am afraid that the martial arts will stop there."

The crowd is still hot, but when the law enforcement soldiers in the city begin to clean up the damaged environment, they are dispersing one after another, and it is time to do their own work.

"what should I do?"

Shang Youjin stood in place and collapsed.

Although the suzerain did not let himself out, as a disciple, how could he watch his imprisonment.


Shang Youjin clenched his fist and said, "I'm going to find a trustee relationship to minimize your accusation!"



In the dark cell, Jun often laughed and walked in with a bracelet and anklet.

This is not a prison, but a temporary detention point.

The fortress will send a ruling officer to decide, and as long as the conviction level is convicted, he will consider whether to be put in nine layers of hell.

Jun Changxiao was held for an hour, and two soldiers took him out, and then took him to the ruling room.

A middle-aged man in the room looked very conserved. He sat at the table with pen and ink on it, and said, "You can plead guilty if you shot yourself in the fort without serious injuries."


Jun often laughed.

The middle-aged man was suddenly stunned.

There have been more rulings and interrogations, and it was the first time I saw such a frank one! Magic Moon Academy

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