The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1248: High energy ahead!


I'm wrong.

Speaking in four words, Jun Chang laughed a little bit shyly.

The boss of the sixth floor **** just recognized it? Just surrendered?

This is too boneless!

From the perspective of Jun Changxiao, thousands of prisoners have a strong overall strength. The enchantment matrix method they have arranged together also forces themselves to use the punch of time and space. As a principal, no matter how strong they are, they are better than drunkards!


Jun Changxiao suddenly realized that there was a problem. The breath on the other side didn't seem to be very strong, so he collapsed and said, "He won't meow a comparison!"

The system said: "A handsome force."


Jun Chang almost fell down with a smile.

This man, man and woman, has only a handsome power. No wonder he can easily get close after breaking the enchantment. It turned out not to be a hidden trick, but to fail to avoid it!


The guy who is set as the main offender in the sixth floor of **** does not want to reach the median to break through the air, but he can't only have a handsome power!

"Have the host not seen yet?" Said the system: "The principal prisoners of the nine-tier **** have their own characteristics, and may not be divided solely by realm strength."

"So too."

"Not to mention, just now thousands of prisoners were burned by the power of the fire soul, and some control force in the existence body disappeared, which may be related to him."

Jun Chang smiled and realized: "This guy has the special ability to control others and make them crazy!"

and many more!

What about that guy?

When Jun Chang smiled and thought, he found that the main criminal kneeling in front of him had disappeared, so he quickly released the psionic search.


At this moment, there was a wonderful sound of the piano behind him, as if it contained some penetrating force, and instantly invaded the interior of the sea of ​​knowledge.


Xiao Huo and Xiao Xie played again, offsetting the energy that disturbed the mind.

When Jun Chang smiled and looked back, he saw a table gradually appearing in the dark, with a slightly old guqin placed on it, and the disappeared culprit sitting in a disc, and his fingers, more delicate than women, fluctuated strings.


Qin Yin gathered ripples, permeating the prison.

The prisoners, who had clear eyes, suddenly became extremely crazy again, and then, regardless of their burned wounds, stood up together and formed a special formation in front of the main criminal.


People who are not male or female lay on the strings with their fingers and laughed, "You can break the sea fortress of Qin Linran, and you can be a bit patient."

The arrogance overflowing from the corners of his mouth completely disappeared from the kneeling injustice.


Jun Chang smiled and sneered, "It turns out you are a fake surrender."

Qin Lin dyed: "The soldiers don't tire of cheating."


Jun Chang laughed and put the Sky Gun in front of him, and said, "If you are not wrong, you are not strong enough. You can control the prisoner by the sound of the piano, and you can solve the enemy without yourself."


Qin Linran pinched his finger on a string and laughed: "So this boy is classified as a B-class principal offense by the fortress. He sits on the sixth floor of **** and is more dangerous than the C-drinker above."

B character?

C character?

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Is there a letter A on it?"

Qin Linran didn't explain, put his other hand on the strings, and laughed, "This boy's performance begins, please listen carefully."



The strings are plucked and beautiful.

For a moment, the entire six layers of **** seemed to be madly fluctuating on the calm water surface, forming layers of ripples.

They contain some kind of penetration force, penetrate the defensive air wall gathered in front of Jun Changxiao, quickly penetrate the body and attack in all directions.

Fire spirits and evil spirits blocked the door and frantically competed against it, but because the power of this vocal music was not as powerful as the drunken wine, it was difficult to purify in time.


Xiao Huodao: "It's a bit unbearable!"

"Call me master! Don't call me dad!"

Although Jun Chang laughed and roared in his heart, he also realized that Qin Yin was too weird. If he fell short, he might become an avid fan, so he hurriedly operated Tian Jun's soul-refining method.


Qin Lin dyed all ten fingers and moved.

The sound of the melody is melodious and euphemistic, and it is a sound of nature!

Don't blow or black.

This guy plays really well.

Those prisoners who were controlled again were fascinated and overwhelmed. If they were not afraid to affect their masters, they would have shouted aloud.


Jun Chang smiled more and more.

The two babies are purifying, and Tian Jun's soul refining method is assisting. The piano sound that controls one's own thinking and knowledge of the sea is getting stronger!

"Don't wait!"

The system said, "Hurry up!"

"I'll go to his uncle!"

Suddenly, Jun Chang smiled and screamed angrily, took out the magic change sound, put it on the ground, raised his loud speaker with his right hand!


High energy ahead!

"Ding! The system is temporarily off ..."



Qin Linran saw that Jun Chang laughed and took out two things, and raised the corners of his mouth to disdain a smile, and his ten-finger fluctuating strings accelerated.

Under his own playing, this person can stand up for so long, which means that he has great perseverance. As long as he is completely in control, he will be an extra tiger!

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

Fortunately, there was a **** rhythm in the magic reform sound.

Because it is adjusted to the maximum amount, it is also accompanied by the bass effect, which immediately overrides the sound of the piano.


Jun Chang smiled and stepped on the sound, raised his loud speaker loudly.

At the same time, the intense and exciting battles instantly entered the style of ktv paintings, and the lyrics prompt appeared even at the bottom.

Three laps, two laps, one lap, no lap ...

"Long journey with you!"

"Bring courage and warmth!"

"Find yourself and find the truth!"

"Stop at the author's hometown!"

The kind of singing that was not in the tone all the time and deeply affectionate was transmitted through the loudspeaker and suddenly turned into an ancient beast with blue-faced fangs.



The prisoners immersed in the beautiful melody heard the laughter of Jun Chang, and the internal organs seemed to be severely wounded, and it was difficult to suppress the instant blood spurt.

Qin Linran's complexion gradually transformed from a smile to a twist.

As a genius obsessed with temperament, it is the most difficult to tolerate people with incomplete tone and can sing so devotedly!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Qin Linran forcibly calmed down, the ten fingers fluctuated the strings, and the wonderful sound of the piano changed from the ephemeral continuous moment to the storm, Jin Ge iron horse.


The sound of the piano that spread out seemed to turn into a soldier named Leaping Horse, and then the hoof hoarsely killed the beasts with their fangs on the green side.

"Welcome into the sun and the moon!"

"Smiling, the breeze is washing me crazy!"

Jun Changxiao still loudly sang Lin Zixiang's long road to accompany you, because he was not proficient in Cantonese, and the lyrics were replaced with messy weird words.

Just sing the tune, I ca n’t remember the lyrics, I even used ‘Hum’, it ’s just ... it ’s a super devil!



The fighting power of the ancient beasts gathered by the song soared until they merged with thousands of horses and horses, tore them all in an instant, and then rushed forward.

Do you have a strong temperament?

Sorry ~ ~ It's totally vulnerable in front of the strongest running tuning king!


"Roar roar!"

Jun Chang laughed and tuned to the singing of the end of the world, forming a roar of all beasts, as if the raging waves were pressing down on Qin Linran.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

In a split second, the strings are completely broken!

Qin Linran was swept away instantly, then slammed into the wall severely, and finally fell asleep on the ground kneeling, it was difficult to suppress the vomiting of the internal injury ‘wow’.

"Destroy fire of fate!"

"How to measure the gains and losses!"

Jun Changxiao was still immersed in the song of self-stirring, and invisiblely gathered a head of ancient ferocious bombardment towards Qin Linran, until the bass was gradually closed, the latter had his legs spread, his head crooked, and his **** faint passed out. .

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