The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1262: New 9th-level BOSS, Jungou left.

The small fire and the small evil just get the energy inside the big eyeball monster and let it fall into absolute weakness, but as long as the tank is still there, as long as it is placed outside, sooner or later it will be filled with water again after rainy days.

and so.

This is a carrier that can be recycled repeatedly.

"come on."

Jun Chang walked with a smile and said, "We can have a good discussion now."

For the small fire and evil, he decided to endure the risk of vomiting and forcibly subdue this ugly monster.

Systematicly said: "Father loves like a mountain."

"Get off your uncle!"

Jun Chang laughed and cursed, and then said coldly: "I only give you three counts of time to consider, if you do not compromise, wait for it to die."


The big eyeballs shed tears.

This must have been deliberately sent by Star Fortress to torture yourself!


"Compromise! Compromise!"

As an ancient-level fierce prince, immediately after Jun Changxiao shouted, he immediately recognized him.

Two baby spirits can eat their own attributes and one can purify their attributes.

"Relax and don't resist."

When Jun Chang laughed and spoke, the soul power had been released, and then he merged into the thinking of the eye of the void and began to sign unequal contracts.

Xiao Huo and Xiao Xie were on both sides, holding their hands and holding their heads up. If you dare not be honest, we will look at you.

Regarding the signing of beasts, Jun Changxiao has gone through many times. It can be said that he is quite experienced. In addition, his goals are very cooperative, so he can get it in only half an hour.

"the host."

The Void Eye shouted respectfully.

At this point, the nine prison principals in the ninth-floor **** were all dealt with by Jun Chang, and he unlocked the customs achievements.

"Ding! The spur mission is completed and you get 50,000 points of contribution."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 80,000 / 100000."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side missions, triggering hidden rewards, and obtaining Lingyan Pavilion's exclusive soldier transforming stone x1, printing symbol (three) x1, has been delivered to the space ring."

Because the Eye of the Void became the contracting beast of the Emperor Changxiao, the side mission was completed.

The exclusive Shenbing transformation stone will be given almost for completing the task, so it is not a rare item, and now it is rewarded with a stamp of opening. It must be very cool.


Suddenly, there was a voice in the image formation method over the sky: "According to the rules of the starry fortress, since you have fixed the eye of the void, from now on, you are the **** leader."

"call out!"

On the prison uniform worn by Jun Chang with a smile, the word "primary culprit" was gradually condensed, and pictures about him were successively transmitted to eight other hells, and all the prisoners witnessed it.

"Oh my god!"

Shang Youyan's eyes widened, and said, "The suzerain ... has become the principal offender ... or the ninth-tier principal offender ..."

I heard and exclaimed, "The master is so fierce!"

Other prisoners in Hell, such as Huo Xiu Yao, such as Xing Yunzi, also saw Jun Chang smile gathered on the chest through the light curtain that suddenly appeared, shocked: "He turned out!"

The whole prison exploded.

However, the change of the ninth-floor **** is a very big thing, so just after the announcement, there was also a picture and a voice in the Star Fortress City.

For a time.

Gouyu seems to be on TV, becoming the focus of everyone's attention, and making a stronger sensation!

"The ninth **** turned out to be the main offender!"

"I heard that the former detainee was an ancient and fierce man with infinite strength close to the upper level. This guy can defeat him and replace it. The strength must be terrible!"

"Don't you feel familiar with this back?"

"Crouch! It seems like a guy who is openly doing something at the door of the inn!"

Jun Changxiao and Yin regained their original look during the battle, but they were still recognized. After all, such an outstanding man, no matter where he was, was as bright and outstanding as the fireflies in the dark.

"It's him……"

The irritable brother lying on the hospital bed, looking through the window to the light curtain, his face and even every muscle in his body became stiff.

That guy can beat the ninth-tier principal offender. His previous provocations have not been tempted on the edge of the hidden government.


Jun Changxiao replaced the Eye of the Void and became the last boss in the Nine Hells, which immediately caused a huge sensation.

In fact, the warriors in the city did not know that this guy hit from the first floor to the ninth floor, otherwise the shock will only be stronger.

"Is the principal offender?"

After watching the two words printed on the prison uniform, Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't want to be locked here forever."

"Host can go," the system said.

There are two reasons to come to Star Fortress, one is to buy Ban Shengdan, and the other is to search for the nine emperors. As for the clearance of the ninth layer of hell, it is nothing more than interest, so now it is all completed and it is time to return to the starfall continent.

System said: "How should the host go out?"


Jun Chang sat down with a smile and thought, "How can I get out?"

From the first floor to the ninth floor, why don't you ask the fortress? Certainly allow others to take the initiative to challenge, otherwise no teleportation array will be established.

simply say.

As long as people are in hell, whatever you do.

However, if you want to escape, you will never agree.

"If you take out the worm-defense formation of time and space, unless they are broken instantly, they will immediately alarm them." Jun Chang smiled secretly.

The system said earnestly: "The big eyeball monster just struck for so long that it didn't shake the defense system existing in it. The host relies on the space-time worm alone, and it is difficult to escape from prison."


Jun Chang laughed and said, "It means one is not enough? Cuihua and Pillar need to be together?"


The system crashed.

I mean, it does n’t work with the worm of time and space. What does he think of this brain circuit!

"No rush, no rush."

Jun Chang smiled secretly in his heart and said, "I still have to find a way to take away the nine emperors who are trapped, so even if I escape, I have to go to the top instead of fleeing to the outside world."


He looked up and shouted, "Can I come down and go up?"



Jun often laughs and is depressed.

I knew that I would find a way to do it first, and secretly put the nine emperors into the prison tower of Tianyuan Town.

"What if I insist on going up?"

"You can't go up."

The child sitting in the patrol room said through the Impression Matrix: "Because this kind of mortal universe has the strongest defense system, even the superiors can't help it."

Jun Chang smiled disdainfully: "No matter what kind of formation in the world is flawed, it will not be flawless ~ ~ as long as I am willing, I can break it casually."


Several patrols sniffled.

It is undeniable that from the first floor to the ninth floor, he also defeated Yin Shi, this guy is very capable, but the fortress formation system is the highest level in the universal universe, how can it be broken by others casually.


The ugly faintly said, "Don't you be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue?"

Jun Chang smiled and spread his hands, saying, "If you don't believe it, you can gamble."

"What bet?"

"Bet your gun has no child ... oh, I said the wrong line, bet if I break through each layer of isolation, you allow me to come and go freely inside.

"If it can't be done?"

"That big block that was blocking the way before, the million spirit stones that owe me are gone."

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