The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1264: Brother, we are here!

South China Sea crossing.

The Purple King Demon King wore never-wearing clothes and hung his hands above the mountains and mountains.

This Dao Huan from the upper world who dared to steal the dragon eggs, although the strength has not recovered to its peak, but the pervasive king style is getting stronger and stronger.

On the mountain ahead.

There are seven old men in uniform.

They are the seven elders of the Seven Star Palace, and their strength is all at the level of Wu Sheng.

As for Qixing Palace, it is the strongest sect of Duzhou in the South China Sea, and its status is equal to Taixuan Shengzong on the mainland.

"Are you heads-up? Or a group attack?" Zi Zi demon king proudly said, as if he was saying that he was not afraid of heads-up group attack, and they were all proficient.

The seven elders were gloomy.

They practiced in retreats with reverence, and haven't asked the world for a long time.

But some time ago, a few outsiders suddenly appeared in Duzhou, and they acted very publicly, and they also dealt with many cases, so they broke through.


Very arrogant!


An elder said coldly: "Our Seven Star Palace is mainly proficient in array formation, and we have always played together with others."


The king of the purple magpie said: "Battery strike, group strike, don't make excuses."


There was anger on the faces of the seven elders.

"Come on."

The Purple King Demon King waved his hand and said, "Let's go together."

This guy is really not afraid of being attacked by the masses, because since he came to the Starfall Continent, he has always been singled out a lot, especially after joining the Vanguard Sect.

no way.

Who makes Zitang's skin rough and thick?

Existence like this is meaningless if you don't single out more than one.

The seven elders haven't seen such a arrogant guy for a long time, and the anger suddenly rose in their bodies, then they looked at each other and rushed into the stream.

Judging from the order of their actions, there is obviously a certain array of mysteries.

The corner of Zitang's mouth raised a disdainful smile.

Some time ago, he consulted with his disciples at Zongmen Tiantian and Shifangtiandizhen. Although he couldn't carry more people, he still had extremely rich clinical experience.

Playing with this king?

Unless your combination is better than my eternity!

Although the owner of Zitang always emphasized that he became a member of Zongmen and used it with Jun Changxiao, in fact, he had already recognized it from the bottom of his heart. After all ... he had completely bowed to Liu Wanshi's food.

He and Ye Xingchen in the brain-reinforcing trio are both representatives of the Aojiao Department, and they are the hard-bodied type of dead duck.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Seven elder elders flew in, quickly surrounded the purple prince demon king, and then operated the matrix method, and immediately formed a layer of streamer enchantment.


There is a strong wind in the sky, and the thick spirit can pervade freely.

The Purple King Demon King did not move at all, until he was trapped in the formation, then slowly took off his clothes and put the exclusive Shenbing Hell Fury on his fists.

With his current strength, it is certainly no problem to fight the seven martial arts saints, but since the other party is in line, they must be taken seriously.

The Seven Elders collapsed.

This guy can still bear the fight and take off his clothes. Wearing red underwear and a pair of pink gloves, he really can't help it.

As a result, the seven serious men who had been serious in earnest, said in unison, "You are a change and a state!"


Suddenly, the king of the purple crickets punched with a punch, shaking the enchantment severely.


"I am a pervert."

The owner of Zitang is not a human being, and he doesn't care about worldly visions, so he is naked and wears pink gloves without any psychological pressure. This can be done with dog leftovers ... it can be done, after all, it is generally recognized as shameless.

The eyes of the seven elders changed.

The opponent looks like an ordinary punch, but they can shake their cohesive formation barriers, and the strength is much stronger than imagined!

"You all!"

A strong man said, "Go ahead!"


"Whirring whirring!"

Suddenly, the psionic energy broke out inside the formation, and then a phantom relentlessly passed over.


The Purple King Demon yelled angrily: "Fight to the end!"

Because of the blessing of [Incompetent Roar], this voice shouted and directly broke through the dozens of phantoms that came over.

The seven elders were shocked.

For the first time, they witnessed a powerful attack in this voice!




In the combined formation method, the power of the Purple Demon King was fully opened, and a wonderful battle was launched. The camera then turned to a distance, turned to a dusty area, and the area of ​​the ground was continuously pitted.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The impetuous spirit can bombard frequently like shells, Yu Wei ripples frantically, and constantly destroys the surrounding space and environment.

Dozens of top warriors and semi-sacred powerhouses were shot. They stood in different positions, and various forces gathered at one point of bombardment. They stopped panting for a moment.


The cold wind blew, blowing away the dust and psionic energy in the bombing area, and the golden shield with a thick breath first came into view, surrounded by a substantial enchantment.

The shield is Xiao's own sin.

At this moment, he was standing proudly beside him.

Ye Xingchen and He Wudi were also there. The two held their hands in the air, one cold and arrogant, and the other light.

The expressions on the faces of dozens of martial arts became exciting.

The big guys shot together and bombarded for so long, they didn't break the defensive air wall arranged by the opponent. This is really a blow to pride!

"Two brothers."

Xiao Sin said, "I hold them back, and you should hurry to assist Elder Jiang."

"No need to."

Ye Xingchen stepped out of the defensive zone, took out the wine gourd in his waist, and said calmly, "Just leave this garbage to me."

"Okay, brother."

When Xiao Xie had said this, he had flew far away with He Wudi. As for Aniu, the defense enchantment disappeared.


You're leaving too soon!



Dozens of warriors immediately launched a second round of attack, and the glorious energy came from all sides.


Jun Chang laughed and tossed the wine gourd up, and drank, "Sacrifice to heaven!"


The white-gourd gourd flew to the sky flashing light, then quickly expanded, and the mouth of the gourd swiveled around to collect all the energy from all directions.


Dozens of warriors were dumbfounded.


At this moment, the giant wine gourd was oriented towards the crowd that gathered the most, and it suddenly sprayed out all kinds of energy just ingested!

"not good!"

"Hurry away!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Although more than a dozen warriors responded quickly, they had no time to escape, and were immediately bombarded by the energy released by themselves, and then planted like a kite with a broken line.


Night stars said lightly.

His exclusive sacred soldiers leave the burnt offering. The first form is the altar of wine, which is mainly to take the first class of humans. The second form of gourd can absorb all the energy, and then under its control to attack others.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

At this time, reinforcements from various gates in Duzhou successively flew in, and there were nearly 10,000 warriors who could not fly in the distance.

I don't know what happened to the Purple King Demon King when they came here.


Shouted an executive from Zongmen.


The martial arts-level strongmen from various gates across Duzhou flew in and surrounded the three outer layers and three outer layers of Ye Xingchen.

This number, this lineup, is a bit tough!

Although Ye Xingchen is arrogant in character, at this moment there is a little bit of imagination. After all, people are too ...


Suddenly, a voice came from afar, "We are coming!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The core disciples of Wanguzong, headed by Li Qingyang, dragged the gorgeous streamers and shocked the space to fly at a fast speed.


"we are coming!"

Su Xiaomo, Li Fei, Tian Qi and others shouted in unison, the sound seemed to shake the mountains and rivers.

Ye Xingchen looked for a moment.

When in danger ~ ~ there is a group of colleagues behind to help, that feeling ... really good.


Yedi smiled.


The majestic spirit can cover the whole body. Against the background of the pictures of everyone coming to the aid behind him, he looks up at the sky and yells, "I'm not alone anymore!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Countless Tao Xuanxia rays burst out of the beam, and will instantly fly around the enemies behind Ye Xingchen.




Li Qingyang, Su Xiaomo and others flew in succession and stood behind Aniu in various stances. At that moment, the explosive momentum presented seemed to be able to break through Jiuxiao!

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