The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1266: The Breakthrough of Qi Men's Armor

"Opening is impossible, I need to prove myself!" This is what Jun Changxiao said before, but now he secretly pulls out of the high-end mall without any integrity at all.

no way.

The nine-tier **** defense system is too strong.

Jun Changxiao is now very regretful. He used to give the old man the qualification liquid of Zhenpinzhen, otherwise, he might be able to use it by himself.

"Stop dreaming."

Systemically said: "Even if the host is taking the holy product qualification liquid, the star level is the same as the star continent level.

It is not afraid of being beaten.

Because there is a very strict scientific basis!


Jun Chang smiled and looked at the newly refreshed merchandise. At first glance, he saw the elixir called “Nine Turns to Qingshen Dan”.

According to reports, this substance can quickly restore consciousness and restore the soul after taking it.

"Nothing," Jun Chang said with a smile.

"no effect?"

Systemically: "Are the hosts serious?"

"I mean, it doesn't work for me at the moment." Jun Chang smiled.

The elixir of restoring the soul is definitely awesome.

However, he now needs to be able to help himself out of trouble and can find the goods of the nine emperor Wudi, naturally he will not consider spending 10,000 contributions to buy elixir.

"Keep watching."

The system did not recommend buying. At this time, in the case of limited contribution value, it is really not cost-effective to buy nine transfers of Qingshendan.

Jun Chang smiled and continued to watch, but it collapsed.

There are a lot of good things about the products that are brushed out, but those that do not provide immediate combat power.

"Buy it and then brush it." As a qualified salesman, the system definitely has the basic qualities.


Jun Chang smiles distressed.

However, considering that the first epic mission has a limited time, it must be returned to the Astral Continent as soon as possible. It is not a waste of time, so it is decided to refresh it again.

Here comes the problem.

Consumption is required in order to trigger refresh conditions.

"What should I buy?" Jun Chang laughed and tangled.

The first-level mall can spend 10 points to buy a product and you can continue to refresh. The high-end mall refreshes the purchase. The minimum value is 20,000.

The system said: "It is recommended that the host buy nine transfer Qingshendan."


"In the current state of the host, the opponents encountered are all at the level of the Emperor Wudi, even stronger. Once injured, not only the body but also the soul, so this elixir is really a necessary medicine for going out to die in the future."

Jun Chang smiled and held his chin and said, "That makes sense."

"not to mention."

Systemically said: "Using the host's urine, if you encounter a strong opponent who can't be beaten, you will definitely use the power of the stone statue and take it in time before you lose your sense. Maybe you can effectively avoid going into magic."

The first reason makes Jun Chang laugh and heartbeat, the second reason makes him heartbeat!

"Ding! The host consumes 10,000 points of contribution value and gets nine turns of Qingshenx1, which has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 60,000 / 100000."


Refresh it once, buy it once, and directly use the 20,000 contribution value, which makes Jun Chang smile and take a deep breath, saying: "Be sure to produce something good next time!"

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 50000/100000."



Unscrupulous laughter sounded in the ninth-floor hell, and several patrols in charge of round-the-clock surveillance passed through the light curtain.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

"Can't break the defense and drive yourself crazy?"


Jun Chang laughs and sits all the time these days, as if the monk has settled in, and suddenly he laughs a lot, and he really feels crazy.

In fact.

Whenever such unscrupulous laughter appears, it means that brushing the mall to brush out good things, so good that the mood can't be controlled.

So what did he do?

"Ding! The host consumes 10,000 points of contribution value to obtain Qimen Armor Breakdown Chapter x1, which has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 40,000 / 100000."


Jun Chang laughed his soul into the ring of space, holding the newly-appeared ancient cheats in his palms, and his eyes were hot: "This kind of stuff that teaches others how to break the battlefield is more useful than the formation law qualification fluid!"

Let this goods go to battle, he was troublesome and tired, so he would rather give it to Zhen Lao, but if it is broken, he would be a bit interested.

Systemically: "As long as the host is willing to invest, there will be gains."

"Come and cool down."

Jun Chang opened the homepage with a smile, and the blood suddenly boiled, because what was written above

There are traces to follow in the world array method, which can be broken under the shreds, so when Shou Yuan is approaching, Chuang Qi Men's armor is broken and passed on to future generations.

The loser, Qimen Zhenshen.

what the hell!

Dare to call it ‘God’, this creator is so great!

Indeed, as written in the cheats, there is no absolutely perfect formation in the world. As long as you follow the layout rules, there will be flaws in the end, but how to find it is technically alive.

Qimen Jiajia's Broken Array articles are divided into three levels: entry, master, and master, corresponding to different levels of matrix system.

Jun Chang laughed and began to read. After simply reading the entry level, he exclaimed: "True is God!"

He has taken a lot of Zhenfa qualification fluids and consulted with Zhen Lao, so his understanding of the battlefield is not weak. After reading the analysis of the structure, layout and other aspects of Pokijinjin ’s battlefield, he immediately felt that he had learned everything What shit!

"Sure enough, there are people outside, there is a sky outside."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "If you can comprehend the entire chapter, not only to break the prison defense system, it will be very helpful in the future!"


Must learn!

It doesn't matter if it takes time and energy.

Shushan has a path to the road, learning the sea without limits.

Jun Chang laughs rarely to pursue the power of opening up, but to devote himself to learning, even forgetting time and forgetting himself.


"Second Brother."

He gazed at the light curtain, patrolling the room: "This guy has been sitting there for half a month. Could he still communicate with the formation barriers on the previous level?"

The ugly faintly said: "This level matrix system, who can break the universal dust universe, in my opinion he has given up, and is now dozing and sleeping."


He made his mouth laugh.


Ugly almost couldn't help but bang in the punch, after all, the other person looked very moving, but his voice was very masculine!


Nine levels of hell.

Jun Chang laughed still sitting, his soul had been integrated into the matrix system on the ceiling, as if the whole person was in an intricate chessboard.


"It's all flaws ~ ~ I've carefully learned the entry level of the breakouts, and those complex battle lines are completely flawed.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Jun Chang laughed, his soul was scattered, and he became a streamer and merged into various battles and fronts. He even integrated the image formation method.

After half an hour.

Jun Chang laughed and opened his eyes from the entry, then got up and flew up, and finally got into it easily.

"Second Brother."

He kept staring at the motionless Jun Chang in the light curtain and said, "When will this boy sleep?"

"As long as you stay honest, how long will he sleep?" Ugly.

They were afraid they would never dream of it. The picture presented on the light curtain would always freeze in the shape of a regular smile. Even the picture connecting other prisons would be secretly moved.

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