The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1269: Return of Emperor 9

The ancient warships slammed the starship fortress in terms of performance, so when the speed rose completely, it was almost impossible to see even the stern lights, and even the exhaust was not smelled!

"Abominable guy!"

Ugly and instigating others are outraged!

The ninth-floor hell's main prisoner escaped all. If this was known to the host, he would be furious, and he would inevitably be scolded by the dog blood sprinkler.


While in the patrol room, the child who was informed of the latest information caused a spit of blood, and after a brief suppression, he exclaimed: "Notify the other patrol agents so that they must return to the fortress immediately!"

Investigation, thorough investigation!

Be sure to catch all the main prisoners who escaped!


His eyes were as cold as a serpent inspiring: "The nine-layer hell's formation system should be passive, so that the ugly servants and others will be unaware."

Zishi angered and blamed himself: "It turns out that guy can really break open, it's my intention!"

Although he didn't know how the main prisoners escaped from prison, it was basically certain that all of this must be related to Jun Changxiao, because the other party had said that it was going to be broken, and he gave me a stupid face and agreed!

"The fortress defense system is extremely strong. This person can easily break open, and his understanding of the battle method must be extraordinary." He frowned, "We need to be careful when we arrest."


Zi Shi agreed.

If you can break the battle, you can definitely play the battle.

This kind of strength itself is good, and the strong man who is proficient in frontiers is often the most headache.

Actually, I'm thinking too much.

Jun Chang just laughed and just broke the lineup.


"call out!"

In the endless universe, the ancient warships traveled at a fast speed, and the direction they went to was the starfall continent.

Jun Chang laughed sitting in the cockpit and was thinking seriously.

Prison breaks.

But the fortress will certainly not give up, if it comes to the door one day it is not surprising.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head and said, "Escape the first day, but not fifteen."

"and so."

System said: "Or the host is not strong enough, if there is no less than their strength, how would you worry about coming to your door?"


Jun Chang laughed and could hear that this guy again instigated himself to spend money.

If there are endless contribution values, whoever does n’t spend his time in the mountains will be the grandson!

"of course."

Systemically said: "Don't be too pessimistic about the host, after all, the nine emperor Wudi have been rescued. You only need to get the recognition of all the stars of the starfall continent to prove your success!"

"Are you nonsense?"

Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, and said, "Otherwise, what am I trying to do!"

If it wasn't for the Shi 14 mission, he would go to the Starry Fortress, at best, he would buy some medicinal materials for refining Ban Shengdan, and then inquire about his overall strength and return. He would never deliberately go to jail.

A patrol officer was encountered mainly on the road.

With the lowest median breaking through, there are twelve. With the ability of Jun Changxiao who is not even in the lower position now, he is definitely afraid to go straight to the front because he has to waste his hole cards and even win when he uses them.


Mentioning the Nine Great Emperors, Jun Chang laughed and said, "People have been rescued. Why hasn't the task of Shi 14 been completed?"

Systemically said: "It may be necessary for the host to take them to the astral continent to meet the completion conditions."

"I hope so."

With a smile, Jun Chang summoned all nine emperors.

Several strong men who have been detained for thousands of years have taken a bath as early as the prison tower and changed their heads. The former miserable look has weakened a lot, and has restored a little king style.

Seeing being on a warship, surrounded by an endless universe, the nine emperors suddenly realized that they had been rescued, so they thanked the monarchs for help: "Thank you for your help!"

"Everyone is a astronomical person, and it is right to help each other." Jun Chang laughed.

With his current strength, it is entirely possible not to put Jiu Emperor in his eyes, but after all, he is considered a senior, naturally he must give sufficient respect.


Shi 13 missions are still related to them.

Jun Changxiao talked with Jiu Di for a while, and then applied his mind to driving, because he had left Zongmen for a few months. Now he misses a lot of disciples and Miss Wan Wanshi's food.

At the beginning of the journey, the dog left was unfamiliar with the whole world of the Iron Bone Party, and even felt out of place. But as he grew and developed, he has regarded himself as a star-studded mainlander, and he has regarded Wanguzong as a home that will never die .

If it is not a restricted bomb, Jun Changxiao will have to work hard.

He is willing to spend every day with his disciples in laughter and swearing, in the simple and honest, until he grows old and passes.


"This seat is about to die for you."

In the cosmic sky, the roar of Jun often laughed.

The appearances of the disciples have also been stroked from the sea of ​​knowledge, including Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, Ye Xingchen, He Wudi, and Lu Yan and Liu Wanshi.

of course.

In Jun Changxiao's heart, not only Zongmen executives and disciples are concerned, but also the friends who met on the starfall continent, such as Ai Shangzhang, Xie Guangkun, Han Chengzhu, and Miaohua Palace's Jing Jingxuan.

"Don't forget your daughter-in-law."



Starfall continent.

The warriors in the states and counties were either practicing or busy as usual, and their lives were as calm as usual.



Suddenly, a strong breath was pressed down from the sky, and the world was shaking violently.

All beings are dumbfounded.

The strong men from the major gates walked out of the room and looked up at the shaking space.

"this is……"

Taixuan Shengzong, Yu Linyun, who had just succeeded the suzerain, walked out of the hall, watching the world change, and his voice trembled, "Here ... he comes ... they are back!"


came back?

The disciples looked blank.

"call out!"

At this moment, the red streamer flew out like a torn space, and when the light gradually dissipated, a mighty middle-aged man hung his hand in the air, and the whole body burst into a rage.



The properties of heaven and earth were infected and began to become excited.

"Ling Emperor!"

An elder Taixuan Shengzong exclaimed.

As soon as this word was spoken, the entire gate became silent for a moment, all the disciples were widening their eyes, and even breathing stopped almost!

This middle-aged person who worships impulsively with just a glance turns out to be one of the legendary nine emperors!

"Ling Emperor!"

"It's Lingdi!"

The entire continent is boiling!

"Grandpa Ding, do you know this person?" Liu Wanshi asked, shaking her spoon, at the entrance of Wan Guzong's cafeteria.

Ding Xingwang solemnly said, "He is one of the nine emperors and emperors."


Liu Wanshi looked dull for the next second, and then screamed, "Oh my God! God! Spirit Emperor! He is Spirit Emperor! Come and see!"

Disciples of Zongmen heard and looked up at the powerful man who looked like a rainbow, his gaze turned to worship.


The night star who had just reached the training tower stopped and found that the guy who was posing above was disdainful: "I thought he was dead."

"Hmm! Hmm!"

At this time ~ ~ Eight Emperors including Lidi and Tongdi appeared in the field of sentient beings.

They hung irregularly in the air, their majestic and noble breath filled with madness, and they could not see that they had ever been squatted and abused.

Under the vastness of Emperor Wei, an ordinary person kneeled unconsciously.

Each plane has the strongest representative, and the representative of the Starfall Continent is the Ten Great Emperors. Although there is one in the middle, although there are only nine, they are still the beliefs of the world and the gods in their hearts.


They are back!


As the sentient beings were so excited, a discordant streamer came and stopped on the nine emperors.

When the light gradually dissipated, he showed a very cheap handsome face, put on a very cheap gesture, and heard a very cheap voice: "This seat brought the nine emperors to a safe place. Excuse me, where are the flowers? Applause where is it?"

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