The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1277: Spanking

Star Fortress.

Zishi and Ugishi and others lowered their heads, because beside them stood the Lord of the fortress who had just left the gate.


"A bunch of waste!"

After brewing for a long time, the big man who couldn't see the real content finally broke out.

Because he was wounded by the back phasing retreat, the nine prisoners in the ninth **** all escaped from prison. No one could help it.

"the host."

The son said: "Subordinates bear all responsibilities."

As the boss who cares for hell, he certainly cannot blame him.

The Lord of the fortress whispered coldly: "Be sure to catch all the prison-breakers in the fastest time!"

"Subordinates have been deployed to actively investigate." Zi Shi expression calmly: "It won't be long before there will be news."

The escape of the principal offender is indeed a major event.

He directly mobilized nearly all the elites of the Starry Fortress, and searched in a wide range of mortal universe. Unless the prisoner ascends to the upper bound, he will find it sooner or later.

"And the star continent."

The stronghold said: "You can take the opportunity to investigate."

Because of his injuries, he suspended the matter, and now he can just use the sentiment to find out who killed the law enforcement general.


The child makes the order.

The Lord of the Stronghold left.

After he left, the big guy was relieved.

"You all."

Zi Shi earnestly said: "The host is very angry. I must wait for the fugitive to be brought to justice as soon as possible. As for the starfall continent, it will be temporarily set aside."

There are priorities.

In his opinion, it was more important to catch the main criminal than to kill the law enforcement general.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Star warships flew from the fortress.

The warrior in the city was very surprised. What happened in the end, even causing the fortress to repeatedly dispatch a large number of manpower?


Starfall continent, North Sea.

Tonggu warships are suspended in the sky, and there are many islands densely packed with stars in the sea below. At first glance, it looks like a certain constellation on the sky.

"It should be here."

Standing on the deck, Jun Changxiao took out Tai Xuanbing Xinjue Cheats, and then carefully compared the introduction, his gaze was affirmed.

"and so."

The system murmured, "This upper part is not going to be returned to the disciples?"


The ancient warship descended slowly and landed on the beach of an island.

Jun Chang laughed and covered the island covered with grass and said, "No one has been here for a long time."

Lu Yan warned: "There are many powerful spirit beasts here."


Jun Chang rubbed his hands with a smile, his eyes glowed and said, "It's all martial arts resources!"



In the mountain forest inside the island, a giant roar came out.

Jun Chang smiled standing still, still tasting the freshly picked wild fruits in Meizi.


The cold light flashed, and the beast's head flew down.

Lu Yan retracted the Hanmang sword and landed in front of the suzerain.

After breaking through Wu Sheng, her strength has improved significantly. She has encountered many spirit beasts before and was killed by a sword on the spot.


Lu Yan came to the carcass of the beast, took out the crystal nucleus skillfully with a sword, and threw it to Jun Changxiao, saying, "Zongzhu, there doesn't seem to be a cave here."

"Let's find them one by one."

The islands in this sea area have existed since ancient times, and there are hundreds of islands. It will take a little time to find the cave house where the Taixuan elderly retreat.


Over the past few days, the two have been searching for dozens of them, and even digging for three feet, they still have no clue.

Jun Chang laughed and sat on the stone, flipping through the pages of the cheat book carefully, holding his chin and saying, "Will there be an isolated formation?"


Just then, Lu Yan pointed to the sea: "Look!"


Jun Chang looked up with a smile, and found that in the distant waters, a wave erupted like a spring, rushing towards the clouds!


Several other directions appeared in succession, separated by a certain distance from each other, implying some mystery.

"Go up and see."

Jun Chang laughed and Lu Yan flew up.

The two men surveyed from a bird's-eye view and found that there were a total of nine water pillars rising near the sea and covering a solitary island.


"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

They cut through the sky and flew over two water columns.

However, just before approaching the island, the surrounding properties suddenly stirred, and then gathered two palm prints over.



Jun Chang smiled when he opened the bow with both hands at the same time, broke the pressure energy, looked at the cold woman standing in front of himself, and said silently, "Is this seat too weak, do you need a disciple to block the knife?"


Lu Yan staggered.

The two palm prints appeared too suddenly, and she stood in front of the suzerain without thinking about it, preparing to freeze the ice before shattering.


Jun Chang laughed and flew over in one step, but ‘嘭’ hit the invisible enchantment, and the whole handsome face was recessed.

Lying down!

How are there formations!

The dog left is always releasing spiritual thoughts, and has not captured any array of breath.



At this moment, the attributes of the heavens and the earth were more agitated, and then gathered into a series of palm prints and pressed down from all sides.


Ye Xingchen sat in the room.

He remembered how many hours he had bombarded him before breaking the image of the enchantment surrounding the island outside the sky.

"Too bad!"

Yedi shook his head bitterly.

As one of the top ten emperors of the year, only the exhaustion of the outer enchantment defense was exhausted, and this passed out ...

"It's my fault, too," Ye Xingchen comforted himself. "It must not be broken for another!"


Jun Chang, who was in Jiuquan's rushing days, directly used his powerful ability to break through the array to get the blockade formation enchantment on the spot. It took one minute.

As for the various palm prints that came over, all the gaps in his breakout were also resolved, so that Lu Yan, who was responsible for protection, was in a state of soy sauce.


Ye Xingchen is still thinking about the past, thinking of the image that fell to the island covered by Jiuquan after breaking the formation, was besieged by hundreds of huge creatures gathered in the sand, and it took effort to solve it.

"Those biological powers are incredibly powerful."

"It's the only one that I can destroy after spending some time."

"Changing for Emperor Ling and so on."

The emperor's eyes arrogantly appeared, but he didn't know that Jun Chang laughed on the island. He took a landing and walked deeper. Hundreds of giant creatures appeared to have been beaten back to the sand and dust for a minute.

"That door!"

Ye Xingchen's face suddenly condensed ~ ~ He clearly remembered that he entered the interior from the beach and walked to the central area. He saw an ancient stone gate filled with vines and vines, with quirky text engraved on it, revealing unpredictable. breath.

The first two dangers were solved by strength, but how to open the door made the night emperor worry, until he wandered for several days ... Suddenly he opened it!

"and so."

Ye Di secretly said: "I went early that year. In fact, I can wait a few more days and wait for Jiuquan to weaken the sky. Then I can easily enter the interior. If anyone doesn't know this law, he will die for nothing."


At this moment, Jun Chang, who was also in front of the stone gate, laughed and raised the glowing Tai Xuanbing Xinjue Cheats. The seemingly indestructible door gradually opened, so his eyes were surprised: "It's that simple?"


Ye Xingchen touched his face subconsciously, quite puzzled: "Why a little pain?"

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