The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1280: You pull the door, I open the door

I thought it would be very difficult. As a result, after destroying a bunch of sand people and snakes, I went to Dongfu and got the second half of Taixuanbing Xinjue. The whole process should not be too simple.

Do not let Aniu know, otherwise it will hurt self-esteem.

Because Lu Yan was still tempering the attributes of the ice system, Jun Chang laughed and sat on the stone bench with a cheat, and started to read it one step at a time.

He wasn't interested in the heart formula, so he turned to the last few pages, and soon found the layout of the array method, which was introduced to make the world great!

"Sure enough!"

Jun often laughs and his eyes light up.

As long as such a formation that ignores the ascension of the realm can be arranged, there is no need to worry about the broken void, because as long as the grandpa is happy, he can come and talk at any time.


The front line is very complicated.

Jun Chang laughed and looked dazzled just after watching it for a while.

"Forget it."

"I'll read the introduction."

He turned his attention to the introduction of the array method. He didn't know until the reading was finished. This array requires not only regular lineups, but also five-element attributes or treasures.

"I have the five elements, and the problem is not big."

Jun Changxiao is now struggling with how to arrange the large array and how to teleport to the upper world without being discovered by the Starry Fortress.

"Why are you afraid of being found?" A smile fluttered from the corner of his mouth. "If one day really wants to soar, it's okay to destroy the fortress that hinders him?"

If this idea is heard by the strong man in the universal universe, he will certainly raise his thumb and say, "Sovereign Monarch, you are so awesome!"

Jun Changxiao didn't have the idea of ​​flying for a while, let alone the formation method could not be arranged, so he put the lower half into the space ring first and started to walk around the cave.

"Dongxuan's Dongfu, there should be more than three boxes?"

and many more!

Jun Chang laughed at what he thought. When he came to Shitai, he forcibly put a beautifully crafted box into the space ring, and said, "Go back and let Master Fan see how the material is, and maybe you can make equipment by decomposing materials."

Because all three chances were taken away, the matrix method connecting the box and the stone platform became useless.

Sitting on the ground, Lu Yanpan was still tempering the properties of the ice system. Jun Changxiao started to walk around the cave house until he saw the six words written by the stone wall, "Yi Emperor Comes Here", and immediately spit a sputum. "Well, what about Emperor Wu? I don't have any quality!"

The system growled: "You have quality!"


Jun Chang laughed and offered Yulong to ask Tian Jian, first erased the word "night" and then carved the word "jun" on it. Then he nodded with satisfaction: "Quan Dang keep a memorial."


The system is speechless.

Just now, he was still condemning Yedi's lack of quality, spitting and damaging public facilities, and it was indeed the standard of Jungou.


After two hours.

Lu Yan finally stood up. The meaning of ice cold was stronger than in the past. It can be seen that the type of ice extracted from the box had greatly improved her overall strength.


Jun Chang laughed: "Return to Zongmen."

He was frustrated because he walked around Dongfu for a long time and found nothing.

The legend of the starfall continent is a bit ridiculous.

"Thank you."

Lu Yan whispered.

"What did you just say? I didn't hear it." Jun Chang smiled sideways.


Lu Yan said a little silence, bowed his head and said, "Thank the lord, help the disciples to temper the ice system."

Jun Chang smiled, stopped and looked at her with a serious look, and said, "What I need is not thank you. What I need is that you can afford the responsibility of the big disciple."

"The disciples understand." Lu Yan said.

Jun Chang smiled a little surprised, this woman obviously looks colder than before, but the tone is more warm than before.

"Let's go."

The three returned in the same way.

Until the approaching Shimen, Jun Chang smiled and shook his head with a smile: "Predecessor Tai Xuan, such a large cave house will leave a box. Since you are picking the door, don't blame the younger ones for opening the door."

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

All kinds of weapons such as Qinglong Yueyuedao, Yulongwentianjian, etc. were all sacrificed, and two ancient stone gates were removed skillfully and sharply.


Lu Yan was speechless.

With the opportunity left by others, when the door was removed, the suzerain could do it.

Mr. Tai Xuan.

did you see that!

Don't you dare to cover such a person, and wipe his **** every day.

In fact, it can't be said that Jun Chang laughs too shamelessly. After all, all three opportunities have been taken away. Taixuandong Mansion has completed its mission and there is no longer any need. It is not good to remove Shimen to refine the equipment and continue to play the waste heat?


"call out!"

The ancient warships dragged the streamer and merged into the front line of Tianhai.

Jun Changxiao took out the lower half of Tai Xuanbing Xinjue, and then took a pen and engraved the matrix method pattern, which was then handed over to Lu Yan together with the upper half.

He is not interested in learning this ice-based mentality.

"Sovereign, wait for me to write down the second half of the recipe, you can put Tai Xuanbing Xinjue in the Gongfa Pavilion for the masters and brothers to practice." Lu Yan said.

Jun Chang laughed: "You can feel that way, I'm very pleased."


Lu Yan added: "It requires a specific body of ice to cultivate, otherwise it will be counterproductive."

"A top sect is not only a few hundred or hundreds of years old, it will also exist for thousands and thousands of years. In the long process, generations of outstanding disciples will inevitably emerge, so our ancestors can leave various martial arts for them to inherit. Jun said with a smile.

Lu Yandao: "The suzerain thinks very far."

"As the master of a sect, your vision must be far away." Jun Chang smiled and turned around, jokingly: "Is this the master of my seat now?"


When Lu Gang first joined Wanguzong, he once said that it is better to pass the position of head to himself. In fact, he had already recognized him after experiencing the martial arts comparison.

"This seat must also vigorously develop the martial arts, and rely on you disciples to make the iron-bone corgis famous on the mainland. How can you be lazy?"

This is a sentence that Jun Chang laughed. To this day, Lu Yan remembers again and understands that he is not a liar or a joke. In just a few years, he has built a silent martial art into the strongest sect of the famous continent. door.


Jun Chang, standing on the bow of the ship, smiled and turned his head, looked up at the sky, and said with arrogance: "This is just the beginning, and the sea of ​​stars is waiting for us to conquer!"

Li Qingyang is not here.

Xiao sin is gone.

Page is not there either.

Otherwise it will be surging by the blood of the suzerain.

Incidentally, Lu Yan was beside her. She responded with a ‘oh’ utterance, and did not hold up the image that was supposed to explode, but pulled the atmosphere to the bottom.


Early month.

Wan Guzong routinely recruits disciples ~ ~ Because the suzeraint advised in advance that the Ning brothers will require a proper reduction, so after several rounds of screening, at least 5,000 new disciples have been admitted, creating a recruitment volume in recent years New high.

"It's ten thousand."

On a certain island in the North Sea, Jun Chang smiled. Hearing the number reached 90,000, a smile appeared on his face.


The robber leader who was trampled under his feet to make a living by killing people and goods, begged with horror: "Please ... please let grandchildren ..."

"call out!"

The knife light flickered and the head rolled off.

Jun Chang laughed and retracted the blue dragon and the moon knife, and said, "Let's go."


Tonggu warships once again entangled the island for decades, and the gangsters who killed and killed innocent people also turned to ashes under the fire.

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