Jun Chang laughed and left, still alone, but Zongmen didn't press down the pause button. The disciples, as always, cultivated and marched towards a higher level.

If they knew that the suzerain had the task of taking everyone to ascend to the upper bound, they would surely work harder. After all, no one hopes that one day they will really go to a higher world and become a miserable worm.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others were not idle. After breaking through the semi-holy by relying on the semi-sandan, they also practiced at all times.

On the contrary, Lu Yan, after entering Wu Sheng, began to calm down and teach new female disciples, but because the practice of mind is too extreme, the rate of return in the same school is not too high.

"Sister Lu."

Xia Shuiyun said: "Can I ... ask questions about the ice department?"

She would often come to Su Xiaomo from Wanguzong, although she was more responsible for throwing dog food to her disciples.


Lu Yan said.


Li Feihuan, who squatted in the distance, wondered: "Do you not think that Master Sister has changed a lot recently, especially in her speaking tone?

Su Xiaomo said: "Yeah, it's a bit abnormal."

Li Qingyang, who came from a distance, said, "The older sister just practiced the ice department to make people feel cold, but she really cared about us."


Suddenly, the cold air permeated.

Everyone looked back together, and saw Lu Yan staring at himself, saying: "Not yet to practice!"



Suddenly, Su Xiaomo and Li Fei disappeared without a trace.

Li Qingyang's mouth twitched slightly, adding in his heart: "It's just that the way of caring is a little too extreme!"




In the mysterious area of ​​life and death, Ye Xingchen sweated his fists dripping with sweat and wiped out an incoming spirit beast, his eyes exasperated.

The emperor who was supposed to belong to him was taken. He didn't care. What he cared about was when he could reach the top like a suzerain and rise to the upper world to seek revenge!


"Boom boom!"

The roar came with the sound of explosion, all the spirit beasts existing in the magical land were wiped out, Ye Xingchen clenched his fists, his eyes flickered with anger.

The higher the strength, the deeper the hatred.

At this moment, he just wanted to quickly break through to Emperor Wudi, step into the upper world to find the Emperor Ling Yao, and then chop it under the sword!


In the cafeteria, because the mood was really upset, Ye Xingchen put the drunk life on the table and yelled, "Punch!"

The drunkard grinned, "I can't wait!"



After the death of a drunk dream, Ye Xingchen's eyes began to get blurred, and his embarrassing memories flashed in front of him, which made him not only sorrow without drinking, but became more sad.

this day.

Aniu drank too much.

this day.

A Niu was hit by Lingzi Beast again.

this day.

An Niu was brought back to the room by Li Qingyang and others, his mouth kept muttering: "I want revenge, I want revenge ..."


Upper Bound.

In the magnificent hall, the queen of Ling Yao, who was surrounded by clouds and mists, said: "Some people have broken through the Emperor Wuxing Continent?"

"Yes, master," said the old man.


"Eternal Suzerain."


Queen Ling Yao answered.

The elder said with emotion: "It was only Wu Shengxiu who was sanctioned on the battlefield in this plane. He broke through the Emperor Wu in a short time, and the growth rate is really amazing!"

"Do you know about Jietang?"

"I don't know."


The elder elder said solemnly: "As soon as the subordinates got the news, after discussion with the Jietang, they decided to detain the rebels permanently in the nine layers of **** in the universal universe."

"This is a very dangerous guy. If it is difficult to suppress the sent to the nether, it is likely to cause life to be coated."

The Emperor Lingyao said: "Jietang really doesn't take mortal creatures seriously."

"The ninth-floor **** was built by Jietang. There are various high-definition formations. The rebels will be sent to the lower world, and the realm and cultivation will be suppressed. There should be no problem." Said the old man.

Ling Yao, the female emperor, said, "I'm afraid of accidents."


Inside the dark tunnel, a man with a chain and anklet revealing his upper body, and the man with his shawl came out under the confiscation of dozens of strong men. His back was engraved with strange tattoos, and his muscles trembled, like a fierce beast.

Slightly, everyone walked before the formation.

"Do you have anything to say before you leave?" The leader of the strong responsible for the **** said lightly.

The tattooed man standing in front of the formation raised his hand gently, and pulled away the scattered hair, showing a pale and sloppy smile, and said, "When the uncle returns, it will be the day of the destruction of Jietang!"


The leader of the strong man whispered coldly: "Reflect on the ninth hell!"


The tattooed man swayed towards the front until he was teleported, and the eerie laughter was still echoing in the sky.

"Master Dutong."

One of his men couldn't help but asked, "This rebel is extremely dangerous. Why not kill it directly, but have to be sent to the nether prison?"

The leader of the strong said: "This person has the spirit of reincarnation born in the universe. Every time he dies, he will be reincarnated and become stronger. The best way is to be permanently detained."

"That's it!" His enlightened man shook his head and said, "Owning the spirit species born in the universe will become a great tool, but unfortunately, it's not good to do anything but to be a rebel."


"call out!"

The celestial universe was suddenly torn by some infinite force, and a stream of light burst out from the depths of the void and merged into the interior of the starry fortress.


The fortress's complexion looked at the array of complex patterns drawn forward.

He has received the news from Jietang that a criminal will be detained in the ninth-floor hell, and he tells himself that he must be carefully guarded, and he must not be escaped from prison.


If the upper world knew that someone had already escaped, would it punish itself?

No, no.

Don't let Jietang know about this, otherwise the discarded black hat is small, and the death is big.

While thinking, the tattooed man with a disheveled hair walked out of the formation, then looked around the environment, and said lightly, "This is my nine-layer **** who is holding the uncle?"


The Lord of the Stronghold raised his hand, dragged the chain, and pulled him to the ninth level of hell.

Prisoners delivered directly from the upper world, no matter how miserable the realm is suppressed by the law of heaven, must be locked at the bottom, and the danger rating must also be above the first.


"Be gentle with uncle!"

"You mortal rubbish, if it wasn't for being bound by Uncle Ben, one finger could pinch you!"

"Are you dumb? Let the uncle listen!"


Just as the tattooed man chattered, the gate of the ninth-floor **** was closed, and there was only him in the dark environment, so he sat down and said, "No, I have to find a way to commit suicide, and I can't live a lifetime in jail!"


I picked up a nearby stone and slammed it on my brain several times. My face was covered with blood. The smashed stone foam fluttered and collapsed: "Is it so hard to die, uncle!"


"Just now ..."

Inside the sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jun Chang smiled and held his chin and said, "What is it?"

He just happened to see a streamer fly down in the universe, and it seemed to go in the direction of a starry fortress.


The sound of vomiting blood came from below.

After the camera was zoomed out, it was discovered that Jun Changxiao was not standing on the warship of Yin Shi, but was standing on a similar warship, and he was stepping on a fat man with at least three hundred pounds.

This man was the ambassador of the twelve patrols.

He tolerated pain, and said weakly: "You ... you are not Yinhu ... who are you ..."


"Handsome Emperor."

"Jun often laughs."

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