The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1298: Re-entry 9 hells

Jun Chang laughed and wondered why Yunhe released the water and why he was willing to be held in the ninth-floor **** to perform, but the twelve patrols had at least all been done, leaving only the fortress master.


"I caught him all, why didn't I do anything?"

On the way to the fortress, Jun Changxiao was always thinking.

Chen Shi suddenly found himself, it means that the other party has got the news, the real leader has never appeared, can not help but make people doubt.

However, the dog left did not know that the fortress master was also immature at the moment, and had a headache, because the prisoner sent by the upper bound was not honest at all, and even sought death all day.


"Let me die!"

"Boom! Boom!"

In the ninth-floor hell, the tattooed man repeatedly hit the defensive enchantment with his forehead, breaking his head to break the blood flow, but he could not die alone, but the more he hit the more the spirit.


He took out the strong poison and swallowed it. As a result, he was excreted in the fart, and there was nothing wrong with the whole person.

He has the spirit of reincarnation. He can regenerate when he dies, and it will be even stronger than ever. This looks very bad, but there is also a fatal weakness, that is, it is difficult to die.

In this case, is it bad to live?

Of course it's good to live, but if you don't die, the realm will always be confined to a certain realm, until Shou Yuan is exhausted, there will never be a return.

Throughout the life of a tattooed man, as long as he reaches a certain level of bottleneck, he will seek death. After rebirth, he will break through a higher level, and then continue to seek death. The whole process is death, resurrection, becoming stronger, death ...

In front of such people, Jun often laughs without being worth mentioning, because they really dare to die!


The Lord of the fortress was silent.

Could the upper world send a neurosis? All day trying to find life like a wicked woman?

The more so, the less dared to relax their vigilance, for fear that the other party accidentally broke through the barriers of the formation and escaped.

In the past, he had absolute confidence in the fortress defense system, but after a set of prison escapes, he began to face the problem squarely.

Because of the strangeness of the tattooed man, the fortress master put his mind in the ninth layer of hell, so it was possible for Jun Changxiao to successfully capture the 12 patrolmen.


In the starry sky, the ancient warships traveled at high speed.

Jun Chang laughed while thinking about how to get rid of the starry fortress, and at the same time researched the battle for the world.

Because he has reached the level of the emperor, he has a better understanding of the formation, but the formation left by the elderly Taixuan is very powerful. It may take some time to fully arrange it.


Can it drive a sect door to soar!

With the Ling Yao Yao emperor in front, you can confirm that the formation can forcibly soar, but Jun Chang laughs not only to go up, but also to drag his family around.

The system said: "If you can't, just change it, and change it to something that can take the leap forward."


Jun Chang laughed and rolled his eyes.

This is the typical non-substance, speaking without pain.

"of course."

System Road: "After the system upgrades the upper bound version, there have been improvements in all aspects. The host really can't find a way to soar. They can turn to the high-end mall, which is always full of unknowns and full of surprises."

"Can you come out and kick me?"

"You can't beat me."

This sentence is the most disturbing, Zha Jun often laughed until he walked into the starry fortress area and looked depressed.

Because the main strength of the fortress could not be determined, the dog left was not upright to scream, so it still mixed into the city by superb camouflage.

He first went to the underground market and bought a lot of herbs, and then sat by the window on the first floor of the hotel.

In this world, the easiest place to get news is in the restaurant of the fish and dragon, because there must be a big mouth.


A warrior drank a bowl of wine and said, "Some time ago, a streamer suddenly flashed from the stars. Did you see it?"

"Of course I saw it!" Said the younger brother sitting next to him. "Tong brother, what the **** is that, just looking at it from a distance can make people tremble?"

The warriors sitting in the dining room raised their ears.

They all came to Star Fortress recently to purchase, and they almost saw the stream that seemed to fly in from the void.

However, the drinking man saw that everyone was very curious, so he was proud to sell off.

"Ding Dong."

At this moment, a few high-quality spirit stones fell in front of him, and a gentle voice came: "Brother, I have invited this meal."

Everyone turned around and saw a scholar sitting in front of the window. If it wasn't for a sudden speech, it would almost be air.


The man grinned, then put the spirit stone in his pocket, and then said, "As far as I know, when Star Fortress has not been renamed, there will be streamers almost every once in a while."

"Why is this?"

Everyone asked.

"Because ..." The man paused, his face solemnly: "Any streamer that emerges from the void must come from the upper world!"

The warriors from all walks of life suddenly widened their eyes.

"Is it true that the rumor is true?" An old man sitting nearby exclaimed: "Nine-story **** is used to detain the upper world?"


The man patted the table and said, "The streamer that flew out of the void is most likely to be a criminal in the upper world. At this moment, he may be detained in a nine-level **** renamed the Starry Fortress!"

"real or fake?"

"It's a bit incredible!"

"The upper bound is bound to be an upper bound person too. Can our universal universe survive?"

At the time of the incredible discussion, no one noticed that Yi Rongchengwen's weak scholar Jun Changxiao had left the restaurant and walked towards the area where the ninth floor of **** was located.

Will the upper bound commit?

I'll go in and see what happens.

Since Jun Changxiao can come out, he can definitely go in, so he came to the upper level of the ninth level of hell, began to communicate the barriers of formation, and then smoothly integrated into the first level of hell. It was easier than returning to his own home.



"Fuck, that guy is here again!"

The prisoners on the ground floor were stunned when they heard the familiar voice.

Jun Changxiao mainly wanted to see the prisoners from the upper world, so he didn't talk to them, and determined that he would continue to integrate into the second and third layers before he knew it. Detained on the ninth floor? "


The system said silently: "There is only the last layer left, do you still need to guess?"

"If you are detained on the ninth floor, it means that the other party is very dangerous. If I take him out of prison again, will I kill the fortress master?" Jun Chang smiled secretly.

"call out!"

Thinking ~ ~ people have been smashed into barriers.

Still familiar flavor, familiar environment.

However, when Jun Changxiao just appeared, the surrounding lights suddenly turned on, and he stabbed his eyes subconsciously and closed his eyes, and a chilling voice came from his ear: "Boy, who are you, who can enter from the first floor to the ninth floor?"

After the dog left to adapt to the strong light, it was found that there was a masked person sitting in the brightest place, and the whole body exhaled a quite strong breath.

From the point of view of clothing, it is definitely not a prisoner!

"you are?"

"Fortress Lord."

For a moment, Jun Chang smiled and looked around blankly, and said, "Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

The system whispered sharply: "You are a dog left, you are in the ninth floor hell, you are going to take the prisoner to escape from prison again, and then you are caught by the master!"

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