The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1311: I'll just put garlic. What can you do?

When traveling to Tianhe mainland, not only Jun Chang laughed, but also the core disciples such as Tian Yuan Zhenhun Tower and Li Qingyang.

The Star Fortress is dangerous. He did not take his disciples, but this time to help other planes, naturally he can take the opportunity to experience.

"Second Brother."

Su Xiaomo excitedly said, "A little excited!"

"Me too!" Li Fei clenched his fists and said, "I feel the blood is burning!"


Li Qingyang said with closed eyes.

To say it's calm, you have to be Lu Yan.

She stood on the deck, her cold face and clear eyes showed no emotion at all, and only a few occasional glances at the prow of the ship's bow often made him smile.

This man not only made Zongmen the strongest continent of stars, but now he really wants to conquer the sea of ​​stars!


Ye Xingchen, who leaned against the hatch of the ship, hummed, completely disappearing from the appearance of the wolverine that Zhao Doudou had carried out from prison.

Long Ziyang, Li Shangtian and others sharpened their swords in their cabins, waiting to reach an unfamiliar world and launching a thrilling killing journey!

of course.

Jun Changxiao won't let the disciples go to the warriors who are too strong, so they must rely more on the Tianyuan Soul Tower on the Jiuquan continent.

After this piece of treasure was transformed, it was placed in Wanguzong as a prison tower, which functions as a prison. Once taken out, it is a soul tower. It can be used not only for defense and suppression, but also to call a large number of prisoners!

"I can't wait a bit!" Jun Chang laughed.

One plane to invade the other plane is definitely a large-scale scene. All the prisoners in the tower are released. The picture must be picturesque.

not to mention!

This is martial arts.

The twelve jailers will surely identify with themselves for this.


The system spit a sputum and said, "I have received the spirit stone of others, are you sorry to say that Xingxia is fighting justice?"


Tianhe continent.

In terms of overall strength, it is weaker than Jiuquan continent, and far stronger stars have fallen from the continent.

However, such a plane that can be regarded as the second echelon is now full of wars and chaos.



The sound of shell-like bombardment sounded over a very high-standard city, and the invisible defense enchantment gradually emerged.

Half of the thousands of mages who are responsible for blessing the formation in the city were Zhenfei, and were filled in by followers.

The city they are guarding is called Tianying City, which is the second largest city on the continent of Tianhe. If it falls, most of the entire plane will fall completely.

Therefore, even if there are millions of soldiers on the opposite side, even if there is a powerful weapon to attack the city, the defenders in the city look completely like death, and they do not shrink back.


Far away from the city, a general in black armour shouted.



Hundreds of soldiers held heavy spheres and placed them one by one on the throwing machine, starting to adjust and correct.

This is the siege weapon created by the Jiuquan continent for the invasion of other planes. It is driven by the matrix method and used bombs as crystal nuclei, resulting in extremely strong bombardment.

The Tianhe mainland has lost more than 20 large cities, all of which have been blown away by this gadget.


"Blessing formation!"

Tianying City's defending city general shouted.



Thousands of array mages released their souls, and once again consolidated the crumbling moat.

Although they know that they may not be able to carry it under continuous bombardment, but there are people in their homes behind them. At this time, they must stand up and try hard!


The general of Jiuquan continent shouted.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, hundreds of crystal nuclear bombs with extremely powerful power were thrown out. After colliding with the moat encirclement, a tumbling sound of shaking was produced!

When everything calms down, cracks have appeared in the defensive enchantment, and the array mage responsible for blessings has also been mostly injured by the earthquake.


The lieutenant standing on the tower said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to support the moat for a long time. Rather go out and fight for them!"

"I agree!"

"Since it can't be reversed, kill one and earn one!"

Standing in the realm of the Tianhe continent, which is mostly at the level of semi-holy and martial saints, have all agreed.

Under normal circumstances, wars on the plane will limit the realm. For example, warlords in the starry continent are not allowed to fight.

The Tianhe continent also has regulations, but it is only internal. Now Jiuquan continent has been killed as an invader, and there are also various emperors and martial saints along with the team. The so-called boundary restriction naturally does not exist.


General Mori said: "We can only choose to stay dead!"

If the opponent is strong and strong, if you use your spirits and remove the array to fight against it, it will only speed up the destruction of the city, and give up most of the mountains behind you.

"Continue to bless the moat!" The general shouted, "waiting for reinforcements!"


Everyone felt bitter.

The Jiuquan continent's invasion of the Tianhe continent this time was obviously after many years of preparations, and the soldiers attacked important cities in multiple ways. At this time, who can come to help?


Just then, the Lieutenant stared at the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw where the field of vision could reach, and suddenly there was a flash of light.

"call out"

Suddenly, in the battlefield of Tianying City, the billowing waves suddenly emerged, and a warship with an ancient atmosphere gradually appeared.


The strong men in Jiuquan continent frowned.

"You all."

Suddenly, a voice came from the warship: "Give Jun a certain face, stop beating."


The cold wind blew away the air waves that pervaded the battleship. I saw Jun Chang laughing, wearing sunglasses, wearing mink clothes, and carrying a cigar, and followed by the night star and Li Qingyang who carried the stereo.


Xiao Guiji stepped forward in a swift step, placing the seat very skillfully.


Jun Chang shook his shoulder with a smile, Mink clothing fell off and was caught by Su Xiaomo, then he sat down chicly, facing the hundreds of throwing machines lined up in front of him.

"Step! Step!"

Li Qingyang and other disciples stopped, showing proud hands behind them.

Way of appearance, Sao to the sky.


The strong men from Jiuquan mainland immediately sneered. From the facial expressions, they could see that they did not intend to give the emperor a face.


After all, it's not eating face fruit.

What's more, Jiuquan mainland already has an absolute advantage. It is easy to win Tianying City, so how can you give it up casually?


The leader in charge of the siege said, "Who are you?"

Jun Changxiao took off his sunglasses, and his five fingers crossed his forehead and said, "The star of the Meteorological Continent, the Emperor of the Ancient Sect, the king always smiles."

"Starfall continent?"

"It seems to be an inaccessible plane."

"Any helper?"

"Don't make a joke, please help me with an inaccessible plane. Is Tianhe's mainland brain broken?"

The Jiuquan continent's controversy was full of disdain.

"Not flowing?"

Jun Chang laughed, dropped the cigar, rubbed his feet, and leaned on the back of his chair with his fingers clasped together, his eyes coldly: "You need to take full responsibility for everything you say."


On the mainland of Jiuquan, a strong man flew out of the camp, gathered his powerful psionic powers in his right hand, and whispered intently: "Less the garlic here!"


Suddenly, the deafening sound of the deafening came, only to see that the head of the person who rushed was penetrated, and then 噗噗 通 fell to the ground.


Jun Chang laughed and put the smoking awm sniper rifle on his shoulder, and said, "I'll just load garlic. What can you do?"

"court death!"

The general in charge of the siege raised his hand and exclaimed, "Blast him out of the slag!"


As soon as the words fell, Jun Chang smiled in front of him, and the desert eagle softly froze on the other side's temple, saying indifferently, "You try."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the other side ~ ~ Li Qingyang and Ye Xingchen and others rushed over, took down three hundred and five, divided two, and completely dismantled the 100 throwing machines, and then skillfully collected them into the space ring.



The Jiuquan mainland powerhouse was unwilling, so he rolled up his sleeves and rushed to the fullest.


In the next second, the group of chickens stood still.

Because near the guy who held the general ... A large crowd suddenly appeared!

They are wearing strange costumes like zebras. Both hands are tied by chains. Some are shaking their heads, some are squatting with their legs pressed, some are combing their hair, and some are posing in enchanting posture. The diffuse atmosphere is quite scary!


Jun Chang smiled and hooked his hands, and yelled, "Merry!"

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