The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1317: I am the Emperor

When it comes to the festival of the Purple King Demon King and the Dragon Clan, I have to talk about the small dragon dragon. When Jun Changxiao was thinking about how to complete the epic task, he fell asleep again, and has yet to wake up.


This is a sign of three evolutions.

After the meeting, Jun Chang smiled back to the study, saw Xiaolonglong curled up in the nest, and said to himself: "Little guy, will you be surprised when you wake up again?"

As the first contracted beast hatched by the incubator, the fire dragon has undergone a total of two evolutions, one stronger than the other, so the dog is looking forward to three evolutions, and even more purification in the future.

After learning that Zong mainly took himself to the upper realm, Zongmen's high-level officials began to be actively busy, preparing for the slowest ten years of ascension, and the core disciples were also more diligent in cultivation, hoping that they would not drag the sovereign back then.


Whenever I think of going to the upper world, I always feel unreal.

If you want to let outsiders know, Jun Chang laughs crazy. After all, it ’s extremely difficult for a person to soar. After all, how can I bring so much?

Exactly exaggerated.

However, the key to the success of Zong's ascension depends on the battle of the world.

In this regard, the understanding is not too much to describe, in a word, success is achieved, not rely on the mall!


A few months later.

The starburst continent suddenly became lively, because star warships were successively approved, flying in like tearing space, bringing shock to the locals time and time again!


"A lot of strong men like the nine emperors!"

"What the **** is this!"

At first, the warriors of the starburst continent thought that there was a strong enemy invasion, but after witnessing them coming in, they slowly moved towards the southwest of Yangzhou before realizing that they thought more.

"You heard that, these warriors flying from the outside are going to do business in Tiegu Town, Qingyang County, and sell a lot of treasures that have never been seen before!"

"I've never heard of it, I've been there!"

"The town's inn is full of gangsters, and everyone who walks on the street has Wu Huang Wu Sheng Xiu!"

When more and more powerful alien planes entered the starburst continent and entered Qingyang County, Tieguzhen became the most dazzling existence.

At the beginning, outsiders were madly hinted that Jun Chang laughed and had to come to trade, but when they saw that there were so many face-to-face warriors in a small town, they immediately became happy.

Don't neglect the energy left by the dog.

It is no exaggeration to say that Tieguzhen, which has just started, is destined to become the largest trading market in the universe, and it has a larger scale than the underground black market in the fortress.

Many people.

It's easy to mess.

This problem cannot be seen in Tieguzhen.

The warriors who entered this place were very honest and even bought a spontaneous queue early.

The reason is that the Wan Guzong built by Jun Changxiao is next to it, and another reason is that the twelve guards in Tieguzhen are seated by the twelve jailers, and they dare not mess up.

In the so-called trade market, Jun Changxiao's approach is similar to Star Fortress, and each stall charges a corresponding fee, but the price is definitely more favorable.

of course.

Various industries in Tiegu Town will also increase prices accordingly.

For example, Wang Dazhen's Yunlai Inn has the most obvious price increase. Previously, it was a cash register or artificial spirit stone. Now it is directly counted as Jiupin spirit stone. Even if it is full, it has to continue to expand.

Everyone invaded the army in large numbers, and every day people were buying and selling, and the town began to look crowded.

Jun Chang laughed and ordered: "Qingyang, expand according to the scale of Dazun Imperial City!"


Li Qingyang was busy with the construction team that day.

A few months later, the scale of Tieguzhen reached the level of a very large city, and Pecs, a small building expert, played a vital role and received praise from the owner in public.


"Monarch Sovereign!"

At Iron Bone Peak, Ling Emperor Du Yinqing looked at the magnificent city below and the strong men from various planes. He said sincerely: "The once unknown star continent has become famous under your leadership. Now. "


Emperor Li said excitedly: "In the eyes of others, our star-studded continent was inaccessible. Although our strength is not working now, it has already been recognized by the top plane."

The other seven emperors nodded.

A large number of powerful planes sailed into the plane and took Tieguzhen as the trade center. They naturally would not be indifferent. They often come here to take a look.

Come every time.

Shocked every time.

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat cannot make the starfall continent stronger in a short period of time, only to find another way to make it the largest trading center in the universe, hoping to profit from it and gradually strengthen itself."

It took ten years to develop a pedigree.

Let the incontinent starfall continent look at the top plane level, it will definitely take more time to settle, so what the dogs can do is find opportunities, and look at themselves later.

"The actions of the monarch and the monarch must be famous forever!" Lingdi arched.


Jun Chang smiled, rolled his **** eyes, and secretly said, "Is this guy cursing me for being cool?"

"You all."

He paused and said earnestly: "In a few years, Jun has something to leave the starfall continent. Before you soar, you hope to guard your heart here."

Jun Changxiao didn't plan to let the nine emperor Wudi join Zongmen because one more person would have an additional burden, so it would be better to stay to protect his homeland.

"Please rest assured, we will protect the star continent," said the nine emperors Wu Qi.

The starfall continent is home to the dogs, and it is also home to them.


Iron Bone City, as the new rising trade center of the universal universe, naturally does not rely on eating booth fees to maintain his life.

After discussing with Tang Ergong, he officially launched Healing Dan and Plastic Dan.

Recovers in seconds, lifting the body.

These two elixir drugs are still in the eyes of high-level warriors, so after propaganda, they sold quickly on the day of opening and caused a huge sensation!

The strong men from other continents are rich people. As long as the elixir is sold every day, all kinds of quality spirits will surely flow into the astral continent.

For a long time.

It's hard to think not strong.

However, Jun often ca n’t wait to laugh this day, because he must rise to the upper bound within ten years.


Inside the cafeteria.

Jun Chang sat down with a smile, put a jar of drunken dreams on the table, and said, "Drink with a bowl, or drink at the altar?"


Ye Xingchen drew a little from the corner of his mouth and said, "Sect, you can just talk about anything, there is no need to get me drunk first!"


Jun Chang laughed and said, "You must drink and be happy today."

"it is good!"

Ye Xingchen patted the sealed clay skillfully and said, "Drink with a bowl!"

He still persuaded and did not choose to drink directly from the altar, because it was learned from the head of the wine demon that the lord had drank himself under the table.


Jun Chang raised his bowl with a smile, and the splendid Shandong temperament burst out, saying: "I did it, you are free!"

"Coo coo!"

Ye Xingchen also raised the bowl and drank it.

Just when the two were having a drink, Su Xiaomo went outside the cafeteria, glanced at the night teacher inside, and preached: "Second Brother, the backyard livestock circle has been set up, and the masters of the spirit beast hall have also been serious. Wait. "

The ever-lasting eternal ancestors became guarded only when drinking in the night stars.


With a bowl of wine, Jun Changxiao finally asked with a solemn look: "Tell me, your true identity!"


Peanut rice sandwiched on chopsticks fell on the table ~ ~ Ye Xingchen's expression was a little dull, a little, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said, "Is this day finally here?"

In fact, he had the premonition that he would not keep secrets when he was in a battle for hegemony. Who ever thought that the suzerain would be delayed until today.


Jun Changxiao said earnestly: "This seat needs to understand your past and grievances in order to make corresponding arrangements after the ascension of the upper world."


Ye Xingchen filled the wine and drank cleanly.

Excited by the spirit of Jiu Jin's madness, he clenched the bowl on the table tightly, and finally braved the courage to say the biggest secret buried in his heart: "I am the night emperor."


Jun Chang laughed and stood up with an exaggerated expression: "It turns out you're the unlucky guy who was killed by your own woman!"

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