The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1321: Farewell Before Ascension

Over the years, Jun Chang laughed farther and farther on the road of opening and hanging. Only when he studied the battle of the heavens and the earth, he relied solely on his own effort and will, and even bald himself.

He is bald.

Matrix formations have also been studied.

However, it is difficult to be sure that Jun Chang laughed, and whether he could set up a battlefield of heaven and earth to make it happen.

"do not worry."

The system said: "The host still has a lot of contribution value. If it doesn't work, brush the mall. Anyway, it's used to open and hang, and no one else will say anything."


Jun Chang smiles not because he is distressed and spends money, but if he can make a huge jump by taking advantage of the world, he will undoubtedly save a lot of contribution value and enter the upper world at least a little bit of confidence.

to be honest.

Afraid of being bullied in the new world.

"Starting the battle!"

Jun Chang laughed and flew up and hung in the air, waving his hands chicly, thousands of lights poured out, placed around the gate of the ancestral gate, showing arrays of flags.

"This method is amazing!" Zhen Dejun was amazed.

It seems that the casual placement battles are casual, which is enough to show that in the past few years, the suzerain ’s retreat has reached a peak level of understanding!


Even the ancient array emperor would be overshadowed by Jun Changxiao.



Light and shadow diffused and poured into the air.

A stripe line converges between the flags and then begins to be connected to each other.

Jun Chang laughed at the layout and patterns of the world-wide battlefield, and the whole person entered a state of extremely high formation.

Two days later.

When the last line was connected to the front and back of the flag, the entire array was successfully deployed. First, the sky burst into light, and then the streamlined enchantment was gathered from all directions.

"what is this?"

Disciples shrouded in the formation enchantment began to speculate, could it be a brand-new guardian formation?


Jun Chang smiled on the main peak, wiped off the sweat on his forehead, and his face was slightly stunned: "It's so **** tired."

The landscaping array was laid out.

In terms of scale, it was larger than that of the Ling Yao Yao emperor, because it covered the entire iron bone mountain, but it was very difficult to arrange.

After a long break, Jun Changxiao began to communicate the five elements of the body, and then saw five different colors of streamers fly out, then integrated into the matrix, and filled the grooves that were left in advance.

The Syndicate is similar to a platform. It can be set up and stabilized. Really determining whether it can successfully ascend depends on the strength of the Five Elements.

"call out!"

The array of shrouds gradually weakened, and then disappeared.

Jun Chang laughed and did not immediately start the ascension procedure, because he still needed to do aftercare before leaving. For example, after the entire sect door went up, who would perform the starburst on the mainland? Who will be the leader of the Wu League?

There is also the Tianyuan Soul Tower. This object is to be taken to the Upper Boundary, but the internal prisoners and the twelve prisoners need to be properly placed.



One night passed, and the peaks near Tiegu Mountain gradually rose.

Li Qingyang was ordered to start construction on it with the construction team, and built a large-scale building complex half a month later.

In Jun Changxiao's plan, this will be the headquarters of the Wumeng League. The twelve prisoners will be in charge of all the affairs on weekdays. The nine underground floors opened under the mountain peak will be used to hold various prisoners, and various advanced array methods will be arranged.

Zi Shi and others are sitting on the continent of stars, and surely no one dares to come to trouble, even many planes are praying, don't be caught by the evil punishment.

The home security issue has been well resolved. Next, Jun Changxiao began to consider, besides taking the ancestral gate to fly, should he take other people?


Jiang Xiedao: "My sister wants to accompany Wang Dazhen to run the inn."

Jun Chang laughed: "Then don't force it."


Li Qingyang said bitterly: "Qiaoer said that she is just an ordinary person and is willing to stay on the starfall continent."


It ’s not to play in the ascendance of the upper realm. If those relatives who are related to the disciples are willing to stay in the universe, Jun Changxiao wo n’t force it, because who knows if he will go up to death.

Li Qingyang and Jiang Xie are a little bit depressed, because once they go to the upper world, they will never be more difficult. Why do n’t you keep apart from your loved ones forever?

Jun Chang laughed and seemed to be able to see it, comforting him: "Relax, as long as you can go up, there is a way to go down, aren't they a good example of protecting the law in black and white?"


Li Qingyang and Jiang Xie suddenly opened up.

It is difficult to ascend the upper world, but it is still possible to come down from above.

The Purple King Demon King, He Wudi, and the black and white double brakes are all typical examples, but they have been suppressed and repaired and cannot reach the peak.


Su Xiaomo walked excitedly and said, "Shui Yun, she agreed to go!"

Li Qingyang's fiancée and sister Jiang Xie are ordinary people. Xia Shuiyun has been in contact with martial arts since she was a child, and naturally she will not refuse, let alone her fiance.


Li Fei and Tian Qi murmured in his heart: "This guy is not addicted to throwing dog food on the surface of the earth, should we go to the upper world and force us to stuff dog food!"


'tread! "

In the hot volcanic area, the night stars came proudly, not only exuding a strong taste of wine, but also a strong sense of war.

In the nine years of contraction, he has always been diligent in cultivation without any slackness. Now he has stepped from Wusheng to Wusheng and reached the fifth grade!


Suddenly, the ground shook and cracked quickly.


Molten spewed in the cracked gap, and then a behemoth covered by flames appeared, making a deafening roar.

This is the flame sacred animal comparable to Wudi level.

At that time, only the night star Xiuwei Wu, entered the mystery of life and death for the first time, and decisively chose the **** mode, was given this second by this guy!

Night Emperor, don't shame!

So when he was about to rise to the upper bounds, he chose the **** mode again, not to pretend to force, but to recover the lost dignity!


The flame holy beast once again roared, and the flames appeared in the sky, pressing down relentlessly towards the proud human beings.


Ye Xingchen stepped forward, his eyes sternly: "Trash!"




In the secret place of life and death in **** mode, the manic energy bursts out madly, and the illusion is shaken violently.

When everything calmed down, Ye Xingchen sat proudly on the boulder, his fingers clasped together, and behind him, the sacred beast whose strength was comparable to that of Emperor Wudi had been slammed.

He once lost his dignity and finally found it today!

"Brother Ye, we can go out." Xiao Guiji said, taking back the shield.


Ye Xingchen stood up and left chicly.

However, not only Xiao Xieji, but also Lu Yan, Su Xiaomo, and Li Fei were seen in the scene of leaving the secret.

After a long day of trouble, it turned out that the core disciples had organized a group to hit the highest difficulty copy!

if not?


Zongmen's disciples' relatives have been settled. Jun Changxiao started to visit old friends one by one, such as Ai Jiazhu, Xie Chengzhu, Mu Changhong, and the certification hall and Tianyuan Academy.

Of course, he wouldn't say that he would take Zongmen to take off, but that he would take his disciples away for some time.

"The monarch is a great person, and Han only wishes you all the best!"


Jun Chang laughed away, and then went to visit old friends in other states and counties, and even went to the Emperor's Gate, admonished: "When Jun is absent, your gate must be honest."


Demon Gate main door said: "It must be honest!"

Since the establishment of Wumeng, he has given up the idea of ​​reviving the magic gate, after all, Jun Changxiao is now standing like an unattainable mountain in front of him!


After visiting the Emperor's Gate, Jun Changxiao rode in a super teleportation array and stopped at the foot of Miaohua Palace.

"When does the monarch ruler leave?" Wu Jingxuan blinked his eyes darkly.

After learning that he had come to visit, he was still closed, but he told himself to go far, and might not return for a long time.

"About two or three months."


Qi Jingxuan responded and tried hard to laugh: "Can I see off the monarch?"


Jun Chang smiled rather embarrassed and said, "Actually, this visit means that if you want to go, you can go together."


Xi Jingxuan hesitated.

Jun Chang laughed: "The place I go to may be able to permanently cure the lord's eye disease, and no longer need glasses."

"I also have to manage the gate ..."

"Gongzhu!" Chang Sun Fanghua hurriedly said, "We manage the ancestral gates on your behalf. It is good for you to follow the monarch and go out to see the world!"

She and Leng Xingyue both know ~ ~ Gong Zhu ’s heart is always smiling. Since the other party invited him to travel far away, he must strongly agree.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Qi Jingxuan was silent, and said, "I think about it."


Jun Chang stood up with a smile and arched his hand and said, "If the Lord of the Palace, if he wants to go, he can come to Wan Gu Zong at any time within two months, and Jun will leave first."

After leaving Miaohua Palace, he returned to Zongmen.


Jun Chang smiled and patted his head, and said to himself, "There are still many old friends on the battlefield, and you should also say hello before leaving."

System said: "Are you sure you want to see an old friend?"


PS, the story of Fanchen Universe is over. My heart is very shy. Can you give me a recommendation ticket or monthly ticket to soothe my little soul.

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