The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1324: New world, new air, new weather!

The vision of the day disappeared, and the senior officials and disciples of Wanzong Zong were completely lost.

As promised, they flew to the upper world together. Why did you only see that the suzerain was led by the Holy Light, and then broke through the clouds, all the big ones were left!

As a visitor, although Emperor Wu of the Great was not present at the scene, it can be seen from the movement just now that this is not a broken void. This is someone who stole by relying on the battle of heaven and earth!


Jun Chang laughed.

Not bad.

The dog left finally succeeded in smuggling.

But I was thinking about taking the entire Zongmen to smuggle together. In the end, I was the only one to go up. It really didn't follow the plot!

"Second Brother."

Su Xiaomo collapsed and said, "The suzerain has risen by himself. What should we do?"

Li Qingyang said helplessly: "I don't know what to do."


Ye Xingchen was so angry that his hands were shaking.

He had long been ready to rise to the upper world, but the end result was this way, it was really unacceptable!


Wei Lao and others shook their heads and sighed.

They are not annoyed that they have not risen to the upper realm, but that the suzerain has gone up alone.

"Zhen Lao!"

Jiang Xiedao: "Can you start the formation again?"

After Jun Changxiao was teleported, Zhen Dejun began to study, but found that the front and front have been completely bleak, so helplessly said: "This is a one-time formation method, as long as it starts to be invalid.

Everyone: "..."

Although the suzerain often used to be a shopkeeper, after all, he can still come back. Now that the broken void is gone, does not it mean that heaven and man are forever separated?

A cloud of sorrow gradually gathered over the sky, and both the senior management and the disciples looked listless.

A sectarian door without a suzerain is incomplete, and an eternal ancestor without a princely smile is soulless!

When everyone's mood was abnormally low, Hua Rose adjusted her mentality in time and said, "Yong Gongzi is still in charge of all the internal affairs of the ancestral gate. Everyone should perform their duties as usual."

The lord is not here.

The Sovereign Lady is still there!

What's more, the empress who can control a plane may not be able to control a gate!


Everyone was ordered.

It is a fact that the suzerain has risen by himself, and can no longer be reversed. All they can do is adjust their mentality and greet the days when the suzerain is no longer.

"Fu Jun."

Hua Rose looked up at the sky, and secretly said: "I will help you manage the eternal ancestors, until I have the strength of the broken void, I will go to the upper world to find you!"

"Sister Liu."

Yao Mengying cried out in tears: "Will the sovereign return?"

"The suzerain was very peaceful when he left, and he will definitely be back!" Liu Wanshi said firmly.


"Move times, move times, move times!"

The next day, the martial arts field sounded a beautiful melody as usual, and the disciples began to do morning exercises.

Although Jun Chang laughs away, they will not relax, so they must continue to work hard and continue to improve their own strength.

"Snowflakes flutter, the north wind is bleak."

"The world is vast."

"A cut of Hanmei stands proudly in the snow, only for Yiren ..."

The sad song resounded through the heavens, as if it could pierce the endless void, echoing in the vast snow.

"Why is that!"

"what is this!"

In the vast snow, there was a lonely man standing on his knees, his head raised and hissing!

That's right.

This is the upper bound!

A new world that is not different from the astral continent except for the extremely strong attributes of heaven and earth!

That's right!

This man is always smiling!

At this moment, he is desperate!

Things need to start from just now, when the dog left feels the stronger nature of the world, he realizes that the smuggling has succeeded, so he expands his arms and expresses calmly: "New world, new air, new weather!"


"Tell me aloud, do you feel it!"



Nothing else.

Could it have been shocked by the blocking attribute of the upper world? Hey, really a group of disciples who have never seen the world.

Jun Chang laughed and opened his eyes, and his expression was dull the next second, because what he saw was not Zongmen, what he saw was snow and snow!

Lying down!

Obviously, a large battlefield was created in Tiegushan. Why didn't you bring it?

Is this array method only for the sneaking of souls, not the entire mountain?

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Tiegushan didn't bring it, so just find another hill.

Jun Changxiao's mentality is quite good.


A system voice sounded in my ears: "It's a pity to tell the host that not only Tiegushan was not brought up, your wife, senior officials, disciples, and chickens, ducks, goose and fish were not brought up!"


The muscles on Jun Chang's face suddenly solidified.

Slightly ... Turned stiffly, then realized that there was a vast snow nearby, and no one else except myself!

As a result, there is kneeling on the ground, holding his head and yelling, why is this and why is it!


The system explained: "The World of Dominion can only pass on one person, and the host's previous thoughts are too naive."


Jun Chang laughed and spit blood.

Lao Tzu thought seriously and worked hard for nine years. He also made drastic changes in the formation method, and his hair fell out. In the end, he only teleported himself!

what is this? This is Chiguo!

"You ... now that you know ... why didn't you say it earlier ..." Jun Chang smiled, covering his chest, bleeding inside.


Systemically said: "I also guessed from the ascension of the Emperor Ling Yao and the host's ascension."


Jun often screamed, holding his head.

Nine years of hard work is only to be able to take the Zong Men together, and only one person comes up alone. This is definitely not the plot you want, this is definitely ...

"Stop it."

The system said: "There are still three months to go to the main mission. The host still has to find a way, otherwise you and I will fart together."


Jun Chang laughed and spurted blood again.

Zongmen did not follow the ascension with him, he had no choice but to develop in a trivial way, and then after one has the strength to get up one by one, but the key main task is still there, only three months left!

"I knew it would be the result ..." Jun Chang lay down with a smile, buried his face in the snow, and cried without tears: "I should not sneak up!"


The reason is very simple. In the lower world, you only need to find a way to smuggle. When you come to the upper world, you must not only find a way to smuggle, but he also has to find a way!


System said: "Poor host." After a pause, suddenly 'hahaha' laughed ~ ~ As a professional assistant, it must be strictly trained, no matter how funny it is, it will not laugh unless you can't help it !!

Nine years!

With my personal efforts, I finally worked out the formation method, especially when the special effects and funds burned to the extreme during the ascension. As a result, one person came up, almost ... xswl!


Jun Chang laughed, stood up from the snow, his eyes flickered unyieldingly, and said, "I won't be defeated by frustration, I want to cheer up!"

The mentality and eyes represented his current attitude, but the body pulled down honestly, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this moment, a stream of light came through the void at high speed, the strong air flow first pressed over, and instantly swept across the ground with snowflakes.

Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes, because when the breath gradually stabilized, a famous warrior stepping on a flying sword stood over Shizhangyuan. They wore uniforms and looked very fashionable!

"Bold thief!"

A young man, headed by a cold drink, said, "Dare to break into the realm of Yujian Xuanzong!"

"A thief?"

Jun Chang smiled, straightened his head, slowly raised his head, and raised a disdain at the corner of his mouth ... an apologetic smile, said: "Sorry, I'm lost, I'm leaving now!"


The system growled: "It's good to come to the upper world for life and death, and don't accept it!"


PS, new maps, new journeys.

These days, I have been setting all aspects of the upper world, and the update is a bit laggy. Please forgive me.

Fantasy map change, it is easy to collapse if the rhythm is not controlled. Fortunately, this problem does not exist in this book, because it has been collapsed, never stabilized, all kinds of poisonous points are flying all over the sky, all kinds of emotions are so embarrassing to death. Have you survived? So I'm not proud at all. Finally, ask for a monthly ticket.

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