The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1326: Chief Sect of Yujian Xuanzong

"call out!"

Jianguang cut through the void and walked in the snow.

Jun Changxiao stepped on it a bit crooked.

However, after gradually finding a balance point, it began to look different. After all, the realm is placed here, and the current learning ability is strong.

"Can fly."

"Can be cool."

"It really looks great!"

Jun Chang, the flying sword, laughed at his childlike innocence, sometimes with his hands behind his back, sometimes bowing his waist, and even flying to the left for a while and flying to the right, just like performing acrobatics.

"Is it fun?"


"Can you play?"

"Can play!"

"Have you played?"

"No ..." Jun Chang smiled and hurriedly straightened, frowning, "What are you talking about, let's go!"

The system said silently: "It's better to find a way to leave this snowy field first. Maybe the strong one of Yu Jian Xuanzong is hunting down."


Jun Chang laughed seriously.

The disciples that are randomly sent have a lower position to break through the void. The high-level Zongmen high-level must not be in the middle or upper position?

There are all kinds of hole cards. Dogs are not afraid of the remaining cards, but they are afraid of being dragged out of time, so they cannot complete the mainline tasks that seem impossible.

The area covered by snow and ice is extremely large. Because of the harsh environment, there are no villages and towns. Jun Chang smiled and flew for an hour before he came to the edge zone, and was blocked by the layers of materialization.

"The realm of Yujian Xuanzong is so vast!"

"According to preliminary calculations, the upper interfacial area is at least more than 100 times that of astral continents."


Jun Chang smiled with hot eyes.

The larger the upper bound, the more masters there are.

Bring the ancient ancestors all the way to the strongest, definitely more fulfilling!


Be aggressive.

When you come to a new level and feel the new attributes, you will naturally have a new pursuit, although it may be just thinking about it when the mind is hot.


Jun Chang laughed, widened his eyes, released spiritual thoughts into the hindered formation matrix, and began to rely on Qimen Jiajia's broken array to try to crack it.

The system wants to speak.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the existence of the surrounding matrix enchantment immediately disappeared.


The system almost couldn't help yelling at his mother.

I used to say something, face in seconds, but now I didn't say anything, face in advance!

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "I thought the upper bounds were awesome. Now it seems that the intensity is less than half of the starry fortress."


The fortress defense system was set up by the Jietang. Although it is a long time ago, its scale and strength are enough to kill Xuanzi-level gates even if it is placed in the upper world.

"Slip, slip."

Jun Changxiao was about to manipulate Feijian.

Suddenly, his face suddenly changed, and he hurried away to the left.

"call out------------"

I only saw a sword light that seemed to cling to the neck like a silent silence. This has to be slower and the head must be on the floor!


At this moment, sounds of breaking wind came from behind, more Jianguang came down, Jun Chang laughed and hid until he avoided it, and then he fell into the ground embarrassed.

"No wonder it hurts my colleagues. It turned out to be a little patient." Leng Ao's voice came.

Jun Chang smiled and looked up, and saw dozens of Zhangyuan flying colorful swords, standing above him was a cold and proud man about 20 or 30 years old. The exquisite jade box was floating in front of him. Small sword slots.

If there is a warrior from the Upper Realm present, he will surely recognize it immediately. This is Lin Lang, the chief disciple of Yujian Xuanzong's inner door. He is also called Liujian Langjun because he carries a box containing six swords all year round.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The unsuccessful attack of the six sword lights dragged the arc and flew into a pocket form and placed in six sword slots.

"I go!"

Jun Chang laughed and opened his eyes.

You can play this trick with a sword.

"Breaking into the realm of Yujian Xuanzong and damaging my disciples of Yujian Xuanzong, and now breaking the formation enchantment, do you think it is still possible?" Lin Lang said lightly.

This man's tone is cold and arrogant, and his temperament is very cold and arrogant.

Understandably, as the chief disciple of the inside door, his strength has reached a certain point.

Of course, Jun Changxiao would never think that the opponent and the 20 disciples of Yujian Xuanzong who had previously fought are really twenty or thirty years old. Actual age is probably at least three or five hundred years old.

"Do not."

Systemically said: "A hundred days old."


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

Centenarians broke through the median and broke through the air, or Kendo.

"Compared to the host can only be regarded as the younger brother." System Road.

That's right.

After all, it hangs in the middle to break through the air, and the dogs have only used it for ten years. The other party is 100 years old, which is ten times faster.

"Nevertheless." Jun Chang smiled angrily: "But I haven't dragged him like this."


The system is really speechless.

You go blackmailing every now and then, against the upper bound sanctions every now and then, when you blow up the starry fortress, is n’t it enough?

Or does it mean that as long as you don't ride on the sky side by side with the sun, all your behaviors belong to simplicity?

"He ~ tui!"

The system really can't bear this kind of pretense, and also thinks that it has always been a low-key product.


Jun Chang shrugged with a smile and said, "I want to go, no one can keep, I don't go, no one can walk."

Lin Lang said lightly: "Is it?"


With a light flick of the finger, the six needle-sized swords stored in the box flew out again, and then flashed sharp lights.

"Fight down if you want to fight, what a hero is flying in the sky!" Jun Chang laughed.


Lin Lang really fell down and said, "Three crimes are punished together, today you will abolish your two hands and one leg."

"You can not."

Jun Chang laughed provocatively and shook his index finger.

Lin Lang's eyes were cold, and the six sword lights hanging in front of the box suddenly burst out. During the flight, he quickly expanded and reached the size of a normal sword.


Jun Changxiao once again called out the Qinglong Moon Moon Sword, and the sword face galloped close to the snow until the light of the sword was approaching, which suddenly rolled up layers of snowflakes and chopped past!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The swords collided, such as striking jade and striking gold.


After breaking all six sword lights along the way, Jun Chang laughed and rolled his body like a sing, until he finally chopped it down heavily, tearing the earth's swordsman, and bombarded the area where Lin Lang was.

"call out------------"

By the light of the sword, the figure dissipated.


Jun Chang laughed and released his thoughts, and soon captured that the other party had appeared behind him unknowingly, so he wondered: "Is this body form? Or supernatural power?"

"Liuhe sword!"

Lin Lang gave a cold drink, and a strong sword emerged all over his body. All he saw was that the six-handed swords that had been blown out suddenly turned and turned quickly.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Gold stones collided, sparks splattered.

The huge sword carries more power. Although Jun Changxiao can compete with it, he also fights and retreats, and secretly says: "This guy's strength is far stronger than the twelve jailers!"

Systemically said: "If you compare Yin Hu to the strength of a tiger, then this person's strength may be at least two tigers. After all, there is blessing from Kendo."


After Jun Chang laughed back a few dozen steps, before the opponent's six swords had yet to launch a new round of attack, he retracted the blue dragon and the moon sword, and offered Yulong to ask Tian Jian, "I'll be serious!"

Lin Lang said lightly: "Your sword is very garbage."


Jun often laughs silently.

Although this sword is not the best in the lower world, it can be regarded as outstanding. Nowadays, it seems to be garbage.


The system states: "The host now buys equipment that costs a lot of contribution value, such as the Sky Gun, Xuanyuan God Armor, Da Sheng Tao, and the Unreliable Sword, and the rest is almost equally spread in the upper bound."


Jun Chang smiled secretly: "When you come here, you must not only choose a feng shui treasure land to house the gates, but you have to find some advanced equipment again, otherwise how can you mix it up later?"

"It's more appropriate to change the search to grab," the system said.


Jun Chang smiled and rushed forward with a sword, and said coldly: "One of the swords is better than swords ~ ~ It is swords heart!"


The air suddenly shook slightly, and stones, branches, and other objects covered by heavy snow flew out on their own, then flew in the shape of a sword, and followed him like a swirl.

Lin Lang's face suddenly changed.

Jun Chang smiled with a flashing sword, the sword released by the whole body, and the sword tricks he cast, all over him!

he! Not by Ling Dao Xuanzong!


At this moment, the tens of thousands of sword-mansions behind Jun Chang laughed together and turned into a thorn-like giant sword. The strong sword erupted, directly opening up the layers of snow and rolling out the frozen three feet. Dirt, leaving a deep gully!


The sound of the crackle rang through the cold sky.

The giant sword blades gathered by Wanjian Guizong stabbed directly on the defensive enchantment laid out by Lin Lang's love, and then gradually appeared cracks until the sound of ‘嘭’ exploded completely!


The chief disciple of Yu Jian Xuanzong took a few dozen steps back, his face was extremely pale, and finally he could not restrain the spurt of blood.



The six-handed flying sword seemed to be cut off from the owner, and they were eclipsed into the ground.


Jun Chang laughed and shook his head, "You are too weak."


With a wave of his hand, he put the six-handed sword into the space ring and proudly said, "When will you have a deeper understanding of kendo, come to Wanguzong and ask for a weapon from this seat."


"call out-------"

Jun Chang smiled and stepped on the Fei Jian, leaving him chicly.


Witnessing the six boxes of swords that have followed him for decades, Lin Lang did not suppress the boiling blood in his body again!

Injure people and grab weapons.

Does this matter?

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