The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1333: Zhushan 1

Jun often smiled.

Because the elderly Taixuan who wanted to protect himself slipped!

The biggest thing is that even the luggage is packed, this precipice is ready to run at any time in advance!

That's right!

The elderly Tai Xuan realized that the ominous signs were getting stronger, so he packed his salute early, and went on a journey of walking.

This is to plan ahead.

That's the foresight!

But ... as soon as others slipped away, Jun Chang laughed down and faced hundreds of powerful and middle-ranked powerhouses alone.


The voice of the elder Tai Xuan sounded in his ears: "Ascension to the upper world is a new beginning. No matter what troubles you encounter in the future, you must first resolve it by yourself!"

"Go to your uncle!"

Jun Chang laughed and snarled in his heart, "If you say yes, cover me!"

Scolding and scolding, it is still time to run, so he immediately manipulated the sword, but ... he was surrounded by all the major gates behind him, there was no way to heaven, no door to the ground.

Yu Jian Xuan Zong and Ling Dao Xuan Zong have feuds. As long as the two sides meet, they definitely don't say much to go straight to work, but today they pretended not to see each other for the same goal.

"Master is okay!"

The elders said coldly, "You can be there!"

"Well!" Jun Chang, who stood on Feijian, laughed, his eyes became more calm and stern, and said, "Just because of your group of garbage, do you want to leave Jun somebody!"

It doesn't matter if Taixuan runs away, he also has various hole cards, such as ...

"call out!"

Raising your hand lightly, the pocket-sized knife appeared out of thin air.

This strongest hole card was not used against the owner of the most oss fortress in the universe. Today, Jun Chang laughs and plans to try it in the upper world!


When they saw models similar to toy knives, the main warriors scoffed.


The elders said coldly, "Less here is pretending to be here. If you want to survive, quickly hand over the robbed things."


Jun Chang laughed and pinched his fingers on the handle of the knife, and said, "If you want something, you must have one!"

The dog's principle is that what I get with my ability will not be delivered even if I die!

"You all!"

The elder Shen Shen said: "I'll wait for it together, hack this guy to death, and then allocate all resources according to losses!"

"it is good!"

The martial arts warriors have no opinion.

They used to be afraid of the elderly Taixuan. Now that the other side has left his apprentice to run away, there is nothing to worry about.



In an instant, hundreds of people broke into the air and opened up.

The surrounded monarch smiled expressionlessly, and his heart was praying: "I hope that the third form is difficult to receive, and it can still be eaten in the upper world, otherwise ... you can only use the power of the stone statue!"

This kind of hole card that makes himself irrational, he really doesn't want to use it, but if his life can't be saved, then he can only turn into a demon and destroy the Buddha.


The amulet of the stamp was pinched in the hand.

However, just as the strong men of the sects came over, just as he was about to smash, a violent wave suddenly appeared behind him.


A loud blast sounded, and the space began to distort.

As for the dozens of warriors who had struck, they had all been beaten out.

In the field of vision, a huge body appeared out of thin air, and the whole body seemed to be made of bamboo armor. A voice came from his back to him: "boy, give it to me here, and you should quickly hide."

Mr. Tai Xuan!

He did not drive alone!

"Look ... slot ..."

Jun Chang's eyes grew wider and wider, as if popping out of his eyes at any time.

What did you see?

When I saw this huge thing, the whole body was composed of bamboo blocks, and it looked like a robot. The elderly Taixuan was sitting in the cockpit shrouded in enchantment, and his hands were stuck on the small streamer array method!

Transformers? Dragon fighter?

Up to? iron Man?

"Don't be dazed!" Shen Taixuan said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and hide, or wait for the old man's Zhushan No. 1 to get real, and you will have to follow suit!"


Jun Changxiao hurriedly manipulated the flying sword to fall on a mountain in the distance, and said incredibly, "Hi-tech!"

The system said: "This stuff is full of various formations!"

Jun Chang laughed and realized that his eyes suddenly became excited. Taixuan could play the formation to such an extent, and maybe there would be a way for Zongmen to take off!

The martial arts warriors were stunned at the moment.

Not only did they not think that the elderly Taixuan would return, they also did not expect that they would manipulate a physique with at least three or five feet, strange equipment similar to that of a beast. The fighting power is quite scary!

Zhushan No. 1 is an offensive and defensive fighter armor created by the elderly Taixuan with all his heart and soul. It contains a variety of various formations. Even if the dog remains are thrown in to control, powerful power can erupt.


Don't provoke a technical house easily!

Because he bullies you, it may be more than just martial arts!

Of course, this kind of mecha with full sense of technology also has flaws. Not only must it be blessed by the formation, but it also needs powerful energy to drive it.


Taixuan said, "This is the first time that the old man took Zhushan No. 1 for combat. You are solely responsible for all energy consumption!"

"No problem!" Jun Chang smiled cheerfully.

This archaic fighter is really handsome, he wants to see how powerful it is!

The elderly Taixuan in the defensive circle looked at all the people present, and said rudely, "Fengqi Xianshan is the place where the old man cultivates, and he flew without saying a word. Is it a bit deceiving?"


During the conversation, the spiritual thoughts had communicated with the formation method, and I saw the tall and mighty Zhushan No. 1 waving his right fist and banging in the past. The erupting power instantly shook the space, causing it to have ripples like water waves!


Seemingly clumsy fists, fiercely knocked out more than a dozen warriors in the air, and the restless energy shocked others.


Immediately, hundreds of Zongmen warriors made the most correct choice, which was to escape in the fastest time.

"Too mysterious!" When the three elders fled, he said angrily, "My Royal Sword Xuanzong will not give up ..."


I didn't finish the words ~ ~ The person directly hit the defensive enchantment, and the whole face was recessed.

The martial arts fighters were not spared, and they collectively bumped into the defensive formation that suddenly appeared. It was only when the tele camera came over that the entire Fengqi Xianshan had been completely covered by the egg-shaped defense enchantment!

"Is this where you want to come, and wherever you want to go?"

The elderly Taixuan drove over Zhushan No. 1 and raised his fists to launch a stormy bombardment.

"嘭 嘭 嘭"


Jun Chang smiled and stunned, "Niufei!"

A quarter of an hour later, more than 300 martial arts soldiers with a total of 300 facial expressions and swollen noses, and their clothes fell to the ground.


The mech made of bamboo pieces hangs in the air, and then poses with a two-handed pose. In the picture, the four **** characters of "Zhushan No. 1" are banged!

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