The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1338: Empress Ryoyo

Tai Xuan's old man has a good idea. Using the attributes of the upper five elements as energy can allow more people to rise to the upper bound, but he ignores the problem that a single person can sneak in silently. How many people or even 100,000?

Today, Jun Chang laughs and tells him with action that bringing so many people to sneak in will cause a vision of the world and everyone will know!

So before he came up here, Jietang already knew.

The basic condition for the lower realm to ascend to the upper realm is to have a strong enough realm. Suddenly, a group of illegal smugglers who do not meet the standards must be stopped and intercepted because the rules are not allowed to be profaned!

Strange to say, Tang didn't send the strong men out of the box for the first time, but instead informed Ling Yao Yao, this move was a bit interesting.

"the host."

The old man frowned and said, "It's the Manchu sect that tears up the space and rises to the upper world. The world hall lets you come forward to stop it, I'm afraid it's also because the battlefield on the plane has been too partial to star the continent.


"The guy named Jun Chang laughs really uneasy."

The elder elder was quite annoyed: "The master has helped him to resolve the troubles caused on the battlefield many times. Now he dares to bring so many people up boldly!"

"Let's go."

Ling Yao, the empress, said lightly, "Go stop them."

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Two rays of light flew out of the palace, and then quickly merged into the deep void, marching toward the immense light that was sneaking up.

When the two masters and servants of Ling Yao Yao disappeared, a very domineering chariot gradually gathered in the void, and the Jinjia man sitting on it said with great interest: "Shouldn't this time be kind?"

This person's name is Jin Hao.

In the face of battlefield sanctions Jun Changxiao's CEO.




In the space tunnel formed between the lower and upper bounds, the giant Baimang continued to break through the yoke of various heavens and traveled at full speed.

It can be seen through the appearance of the light that it is not a warship or a flying treasure, but a complete mountain with tall peaks and high-standard buildings.

That's right.

This is the Eternal Sect in the "Smuggling".

"Finally succeeded!"

Standing on the stage of martial arts, watching the seemingly magical surroundings, Jun Chang laughed and almost jumped up and down.


Dog left cried loudly: "We have already flew away from the star continent, and are now on the route to the upper bound, so what will be waiting for you will be a new test!"

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and others heard the words, their eyes flashed with excitement.

The upper world, this sacred place that once dared not even think about, today is on its way to it, and it really gives people a feeling like a dream!


Wei Lao frowned: "Is the motion a little big? What if the upper bound finds out?"

"Will not."

Jun Chang vowed with a smile: "No one knew this place before."


That's alone!

Now bringing the entire Zongmen to the immigration drive is completely two different concepts!


At this moment, the iron bone mountain that was rising at a high speed seemed to hit something. There was a slight tremor immediately, but the speed was not hindered, but it was integrated into the deeper space tunnel.

Systematic Road: "We have left the mortal universe and are entering the upper universe system."

At this time, we cannot say that the smuggling was successful, because only by entering the upper space system can it be counted as a real come-up.


Tiegushan seems to be shrouded in the Holy Light, and continues to speed towards the unknown area.

The senior officials and disciples of Zongmen have also begun to imagine, what is the difference between the upper world and the lower world, and what kind of test will they experience in the future?

At this moment, Zong Mennet suddenly shrouded a promotion momentum, and those disciples who had been stuck in a certain realm showed signs of breakthrough.

The brand new and extremely powerful attributes of the Five Elements are always gathered around, and the disciples who are not too high in grades will gain a lot by just ingesting the Five Elements Jiantian Jue a little!

"Haha, I broke through the Emperor Wu!"

"I broke through too!"

"It feels simpler than ever before!"

As Juzong sneaked across the road, more and more disciples stepped into a higher realm, which made Jun Changxiao agree with the system's previous statement that even if he took a dog to the upper world, he could break through to the emperor level with his breath alone!

The coolest thing at this moment is Ye Xingchen, because he has ignored everything, sitting in the room and running his mind and physique, starting to insanely consume the attributes of heaven and earth, and even has the feeling of touching Liupin Wusheng.

Spirit Beast Peak.

The Purple King Demon King covered his face and laughed.

The closer the Zongmen is to the upper universe system, the smaller the power of repression from heaven, and the strength is being restored a little bit.

The same is true for black and white double brakes.

This brother-in-law sneaked down by virtue of his special ability. It was nothing more than the suppressed state. The most tragic reminder was No Invincibility, because he was chased to nowhere, the forcible lower bound of Toutou, the end is to clear the level, and start from scratch.

Regret it?

He did not regret it, but was very grateful.

Because the level is gone, but after joining the Vanguard Sect, relying on various magical martial arts and facilities to strengthen it again, all aspects of improvement are stronger than before!


The Iron Bone Mountain keeps rising, and the disciples keep making breakthroughs.

However, just before entering the Upper Universe system, a powerful force pushed down from above prevented the gate from soaring and forced to stop.


Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

Ye Xingchen, who was practicing, suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were filled with extreme anger, and her eyes were covered with bloodshots.

"Jun often laughs."

A cold voice came from above Zongmen: "Are you taking so many people into the upper world without permission to rebel?"

The sound contained a very powerful majesty, which shook the disciples' hearts.


Black and white Luo Cha looked at each other, and said, "Nine turns ?!"

"call out!"

Just at this moment, a beautiful figure hung over the gate of the gate through the white awns gathered by the formation method, because it was difficult to see the appearance because of the clouds and mist.


The immense and supreme atmosphere filled with madness, not only made the disciples feel more pressure, but also changed the face of Jun Chang smile gradually, and said, "Who are you?"

"Prince Yao Ling."


The entire Zongmen suddenly fell silent.

This name has been heard by warriors on the mainland, but Wan Congzong knows it better, not because of her superb strength, but because ...

"Oh it's you!"

Jun Chang smiled and blinked angrily.

She was punished first and then sanctioned on the battlefield of the plane that year, and she must be inseparable from her!

"Before absolute strength, forcible ascension to the upper world is not allowed ~ ~ Ling Yao, the female emperor said lightly:" So, let's hurry up. "

"It's as if you are soaring by strength." Jun Chang smiled sneer.

This kind of woman who relied on the means and effort to pit the top ten emperors one by one, in the end, was a woman who soared by herself. He was really very uncomfortable.

"Without further ado."

Emperor Lingyao said lightly: "The emperor came to obstruct the order of Jietang. If you insist on forcibly, you must bear all the consequences."

With eyes closed, he will enter the Upper Universe system, and the main-line mission should be completed. As a result, a female Emperor Lingyao is killed halfway, and she also needs to block herself on behalf of the Upper Realm. This makes Jun Chang laugh and have the urge to scold his mother.

"of course."

Emperor Ling Yao said: "If you insist on bringing so many people up, you must accept the sanctions of the Thunderbolt Array."


The black and white Rakshasa face changed greatly.

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