The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1378: Lingfeng Shanzongmen League

Lingfeng Mountain.

A mountain that is relatively well-known in the upper world, because many Zongmen like to talk about heaven here.

At this moment, on the ancient stairs leading to the mountain, the martial arts warriors from the surrounding areas are walking together.

Jun Chang laughs into it, but because he wears a black robe and walks down, he has no sense of presence.

"Brother, why is he alone?"

"Maybe it's a long walk to see the busy casual repair."

The warriors walking on the mountain roads are all in groups, except that the prince always laughs at one person, so no matter how low-key the performance is, it looks like the fireflies in the dark, so vivid and outstanding.

There were many ancestors at the Lingfeng Mountain Alliance this time, but the overall strength was not strong, and the warrior Xiuwei was also uneven.

"I thought there were more forums with specifications." Jun Chang shook his head with a smile, and decided in his heart that he would return to Zongmen immediately after completing the branch mission.

The system said silently: "Can the host participate in the kind of top-level seminars?

His ancestral gate belongs to the lower reaches of the upper world, and he has a face to despise others!

Ascending the stairs to the top of the mountain, there is an artificially flattened field in the field of vision, and the masters of the martial arts gathered together, which suddenly made Jun Chang smile and remember that Huashan Nonvu and the palace master who participated in the year.


He was about to walk over and was stopped by a warrior. Shen Shen said: "Zongmen Confederation is being held here. Those who are not sectarian forces are forbidden to enter."

Jun Chang laughed, "Which eye do you see that I am not from Zongmen?"

"Look at your left and right eyes!" Wu Zhan said lightly.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "That seat still advises you to hurry up and treat your eyes, so as to avoid blindness afterwards."


The warrior was immediately angry.

Jun Chang laughed and ignored him, and then shouted to the right-speaking Lang: "The emperor monarch always laughed and came to join the Lingfeng Mountain Sect."

During the conversation, the main fan of that case broke out completely.

When funny, dog leftovers are funny, when seriously, dog leftovers ... still funny.


The top leaders of the major gates that were touting each other turned their heads, and all looked surprised.

Everyone is in the southeast area. Naturally, I have heard of the ancestral gates that were lifted up by the ancestors, and I know that the ancestral gates such as Yujian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong have also eaten rice dumplings.

"It's him!"

"I've seen it at the foot of the mountain!"

Earlier, the main gates went to Wangu Xianshan to find trouble. Someone followed the past to make fun of it, and once saw Jun always smiling.

"A Zongmen who just came up to join our alliance really considers himself a big man?" A senior Zongmen commented uncomfortably.

Although the Zongmen present did not reach the level of Xuanzi, this did not prevent them from relying on the old to sell the old.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Did you not welcome Jun?"


An elder said, "Although you are the master of a sutra, you haven't arrived for the first time. When you can establish a foothold in the upper realm, come to join the sect's union."

It is very mild, but obviously tells Jun Chang laugh that Wan Guzong is not eligible to participate in this forum.

"Blue old."

A fairly elegant middle-aged humane said, "You can't say that, after all, the ancient ancestors are also a sect. Since Da Lao came here to participate, how can I wait for it?"

Jun Chang smiled and grateful.

Although there are so many martial arts fighters, although there is no serious contempt, but the disdain revealed in the eyes is enough to explain the problem, only this person stood up to speak for himself.

System said: "Are there any Cangshan factions in the upper world?"

"Monarch Sovereign."

The elegant middle-aged man arched and said, "Please come in."

"Thank you!"

Jun Chang smiled and held his fist, then ignored the soldier who was standing in front of him, and walked towards a platform padded with some special stones. Update Fastest Qiqi Novel https: //

"Ding! The branch mission is complete, and the host gets 200,000 points of contribution."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 240,000."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side missions and getting hidden rewards. The amulet of experience 1, great shadow tricks 1."

"Give cheats?"

Jun Chang smiled into the space ring quickly, and found a yellowed book. Update Fastest Qiqi Novel https: //


Outside, archway said: "There is still something in this seat, so go back first."

Now that the mission is complete, I will send you another cheat book. I definitely want to go back to realize it. There is no need to continue to participate in this kind of touting and bragging activities.

The sectarian martial artists suddenly stunned.

At first it was you who wanted to come in, come in and come in, now you have to turn around and leave again, don't you take the Zongmen Alliance seriously?

"Monarch Sovereign."

Ruya middle-aged people laughed and said, "Lingfeng Mountain Zongmen League is only held every few years. Since people have come, why not stay and increase their knowledge?"


For the help of the other person to speak, Jun Changxiao gave up his intention to leave. After all, even if there is no nutrition, it won't take long.

"Heaven Xuanzong is here!"

Suddenly, the shout of the warrior came from the stairs.


How did this sect gate participate!

Jun Changxiao didn't know that the Lingfeng Mountain League, which was held every few years, was initiated by the Xuanzi Zongmen such as Yu Jian Xuanzong.



At this moment, a senior Yu Jian Xuanzong strode up the mountain.

At the forefront is a white-haired old man in his seventies ~ ~ not only sharp eyes, but also exhilarating sword.

"Participate in Lord Joe!"

The doormen of each case politely arched.

The expression on Jun Chang's face is even more exciting. This is still the suzerain. Is it too late for me to disappear now?

"Master Joe."

Middle-aged scholars point to Jun Chang with a smile and take the initiative to introduce: "This is the eternal suzerainty."

He is laughing.

The meaning of laughter is profound.

Jun Chang is not a fool. He suddenly understood that the other party took the initiative to help himself, but in fact he had to pit himself!

Damn it!

Those of you in the upper world really play!

System: "I've been beaten again, but my heart has no waves."


Qiao Baishou's eyes suddenly became more chilly, three rounds of Dan Jingxiu turned out completely, as if turned into a sharp sword and stabbed in the past.

Robbed Feijian, stunned Xuanshi, was excused by others.

After experiencing strong winds and strong waves, Jun Changxiao stood proudly and stood under pressure like a sword, and said lightly: "It was the master of Yujian Xuanzong.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Qiao Baishou said indifferently: "There are a lot of accounts between us that haven't been calculated yet."

If he did not take into account the style of a master of the Xuanzi class, he might have offered his sword directly.

"Ha ha."

Jun Chang smiled and responded with a dry smile. At this moment, what else can he say!

"Ling Dao Xuanzong is here!"

At this moment, someone shouted again, only to see a few powerful warriors walking to the top of the mountain, and then swinging to the platform.


Here comes another enemy!

"Mr. Qiu," said the middle-aged and elegant middle-aged man who hid his sword in his smile, again, "this is the monarchy of all ages."

"Oh shit!"

Jun Chang laughed and scolded in his heart, "I remember you!"

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