The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1386: There are really blackstone veins here!

When He Wudi summoned two doors, Jun Chang laughed and couldn't hold back his laugh.

The word given by my disciple responsible for opening and closing the door is door, and the special ability is also related to the door, which is a bit funny.


Jun Chang smiled and asked, "What's the effect?"

Ye Xingchen and He Wudi are fully armed. You can see both offense and defense from the release of breath. The two doors with life and death are difficult to understand. After opening, they can lead to **** and transport each other?

He Wudi said: "Sovereign, this is the gate of life and death. There is life and death in the gate of death."


Jun Chang laughed with interest, and said, "Open it and try."

He Wudi shook his head and said, "The target must be sent in, and it will not come out when opened."


Jun Chang laughed: "Everyone has taken up his abilities, and he will look for the blackstone veins with this seat."


The three recovered the mech, warframe, and door of life and death. The handwriting on the face and the back of the hand gradually hidden in the dark. Although they used their abilities, they did not engage in actual combat, so they did not fall into weakness.

"set off!"

Jun Chang laughed and led the people to the dark mountain forest ahead. The road secretly said: "With this special ability, the disciples who settle in Lingyan Pavilion do not need weapons and equipment at all."

The system poured cold water in a timely manner: "The host said that this is a special ability, with special restrictions, and it is simply unrealistic to use it as a weapon at any time."

"So too."

Jun Chang laughed secretly: "When the new gate function is available, you can consider upgrading the Shenbing Pavilion first."

Upgrade the Dan Yaoge and Foundry Pavilion in the Nether, because it only saves resources and time, the dogs don't feel how exaggerated, but after upgrading Lingshou Pavilion and Lingyan Pavilion in the upper world, they realize that they are so great!

Therefore, he decided to try Shenbingge, after all ... oh, these new disciples who have settled in Lingyange have not been equipped with exclusive Shenbing!


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Given your recent performance, this seat intends to give you a weapon, a sword or a knife?"

Ye Xingchen suddenly widened his eyes.

When you gave me and Xiao Xiaoji weapons at the time, there was no choice!

He Wudi scratched his head and said, "What does the suzerain give?"


Jun Chang laughed and opened the Shenbing Pavilion. After some selection, he spent 10,000 points of contribution value to buy an exclusive Shenbing named [Bai Hong, Zhao Wu], took it out and threw it away, saying: "From now on, you are this one. The owner of the weapon. "

He Wudi catches it, his face looks wonderful.


The Purple King Demon King finally couldn't bear it. He crouched on the ground and covered his face and laughed. Even the professionally trained black and white double brakes were flushed.

Bai Hong Zhaowu inherited the unique characteristics of this marvelous soldier. Looking close and looking sideways and sideways, he looks like a big door knocker.

That's right!

It's similar to the two animal face rings on the gate of life and death that just appeared!


He Wudi collapsed and said, "Do I have a fate with the door?"

Jun Chang laughed, patted his shoulder, and said, "Although the shape is strange, the power is unusual."


He Wudi rolled his eyes.

Admittedly, the weapons are good in terms of material and feel, but at best they belong to the lower world level. Now that they are in the upper world, they cannot fight.

"Brother Ye."

He Wudi passed Bai Hongzhaowu and said, "Take it as a nose ring."

Ye Xingchen growled, "I'm not a cow!"

"of course."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said: "Your exclusive soldiers may not be able to adapt to the upper world, but you must keep them properly, because as long as they are strengthened in the new version, you can definitely take out super gods!"

Although everyone did not understand what the ‘new version’ meant, since the suzerain was so serious, he would take good care of his exclusive soldiers.

"Fu Jun."

Flower Rose asked, "Is there a weapon I use?"

"What weapon does an assistant need?" Jun Chang murmured in his heart, but his thoughts still looked honestly in the Shenbing Pavilion.

"Ding! The host consumes 10,000 points of contribution value to get Symphony and Light Dance x1, which have been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 720000."

The reason Jun Chang laughs for himself is that although the other party plays a support role, the price of the exclusive **** soldier is only 10,000, which is cheap!


Steel straight man casually threw it.

The flower rose caught it, looking at the whip in seven colors, and smiled sweetly: "Thank you, husband."

Ye Xingchen, Xiao Guiji, He Wudi, and the Purple Demon King were all dumbfounded.

No! Her exclusive magic soldier, 咋 is so normal, 咋 is so good-looking, how come we are either pots and pans, or boxing knockers!

What caused them to collapse most was that the suzerain bought two exclusive magic soldiers for black and white Rakshasa, one was a sword and the other was a knife.

He Wudi was crying.

I knew that, so I chose the sword!

"Sovereign ..." He said weakly, "Can I choose again?"

"You want to fart."


"This mountain forest is a bit dangerous, it all cheers me up!"



Devil's Cave is forbidden.

The boundless mountains nearby are also forbidden.

Therefore, very few people come in on weekdays, and still maintain the most primitive state, and the bones and feces of the beast can be seen everywhere.


As the Purple King Demon King walked, he warned: "There are many monsters here, and their strength is not weak."

Jun often laughed and he felt it from the killing atmosphere.

System said: "I'm right, even if there are basalt veins here, that's Longtan Tiger Cave!"

But make it proud once again.



Just then, a roar came from deep in the forest, shaking the leaves trembling violently.

"Is it found?"

Jun Chang smiled and immediately ordered: "Alert!"



Ye Xingchen and others have sacrificed their own dedicated soldiers, and their thinking and spirit are in a state of high vigilance, because they can hear that the roaring monsters are certainly not weak!

Flower Rose subconsciously smiled close to Jun Chang, and if there was a big trouble, she and her husband would be merged into Jun Rose immediately.


Bai Luocha said in a deep voice: "Someone is fighting a monster that is comparable to a six-turn monster!"

Jun Changxiao's super spiritual thoughts have also spread, capturing more than a dozen warriors wearing uniform costumes, laying out mysterious formations, and fighting against a giant monster with powerful strength. From the point of view of the situation, it seems to have been suppressed.

These people seem a little older, and their strengths are all over three turns.


When he saw the patterns engraved on the chests of more than a dozen warriors, Hei Luocha looked diligently: "These people are from Lingwei Shinshu!"

"True word level?"

Jun Chang smiled and realized: "No wonder the strength is so high!"

Yu Jian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong, for the time being, know that the highest realm is only three turns, a true character-level sect gate directly came to more than ten, this gap is really a little big!


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Let's get around."

The purpose of this time is to look for basalt veins, naturally it will not look lively.

However, when he was going to take the detour around, he was yelling with an old man with a powerful demon hand: "This area of ​​Baili has been closed by our spiritual micro-sect, and idlers must leave quickly, otherwise the consequences conceited!"


Jun Chang laughed and responded loudly, then turned around and returned.

Ye Xingchen, Xiao Guiji, and others seemed stunned. When did the sovereign become so low-key? Let others go and never look back?

After half an hour.

Jun Chang smiled and took them back to the previous cave, took out a piece of night clothes and Yi Rong mask, and said, "Everyone dresses up for Yi Rong, and perform hidden repairs to lurk in with this seat!"


Ye Xingchen and others twitched slightly.

"Sovereign!" He Luosha said earnestly: "The strength of Lingwei Zhenzong cannot be underestimated, we must consider it carefully."

Jun Chang smiled and said with a stern face: "This mountain and forest area is a thing without owners. The more they are closed, the more they have to go in to find out!"


Black Rakshasa is silent.

The hegemony of the true character Zongmen he taught, if the suzerain had to go ...

"Go then!"

Seeing everyone's eyes flickering and firm, Hua Rose said silently: "How do you feel that these senior men and disciples recruited by the husband are a little abnormal?"

What this said is like your man is normal.


The senior officials and disciples of Wan Guzong are abnormal, and all are left by your dog!



Everyone quickly put on night clothes. Although they changed their appearance, they still covered their faces with black towels, especially the operation of concealment, which completely concealed their breath.

"set off!"

Jun Chang laughed and led the crowd to the area he had just visited, tore off the black scarf on his face, and punched his tongue out as the Wuwei Zongwu warrior who was fighting the monsters spit out his tongue.

"Master, they didn't find us!"

"Hermitology is amazing!"

Hearing a black and white Rakshasa ~ ~ He Wudi was very chesty and proudly secretly said, "I don't see who gave it!"




The crowd galloped like ghosts.

After walking for dozens of miles, they all stunned and stopped on the hillside, because the front is a natural depression, and the sky is surrounded by extremely spectacular properties!

"Zong ... Zongzhu ..."

He Luochacha said excitedly, "There are really black veins here!"


ps, word count 10200/10000 [complete]

He entered China without regret in this life, and he is still planting flowers in the next life!

I wish the motherland becomes stronger and stronger, and I wish readers a happy National Day!

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