The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1391: I've seen the teacher!

It ’s not that Lingwei Zhenzong pulls, but the black and white Rakshasa is too strong, so the consciousness of the fight for a few rounds is not good, and he runs away without even a word.

of course.

They will not give up on this, after all, one billion Xuanshi is involved!

What's more, since you already know who stole it, you can't run a monk or a temple.

Goodbye to Japan, good-bye!

As soon as the people of Lingwei Zhenzong left, the old Taixuan collapsed.

You can cast a prison cage made of nine-star steel and stone, but ... can you let me out before leaving!

"Relax, Master!"

Jun Chang laughed and summoned all kinds of equipment, his eyes solemnly said: "Even if Huashan is binding you, the prince will split it!"

Agarwood was used to save mothers in the old days, and today there are dogs left to rescue teachers, which is really touching!



Jun Changxiao took Yulong to ask the Tianjian, Jiutiantiandi Gun and other weapons to take turns in battle. It can be described as a chopper cutting wires, sparks with lightning, but they failed to break the prison cage.


After studying it carefully, Fan Yezi said solemnly: "This stuff is very strong in material and cannot be broken without absolute strength unless ..."

"Unless what?"

"Smelt with pure flame!"


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, and Fire Spirit appeared out of thin air, and said, "Small fire, melt this prison for me!"

"Dad, do the old men detained inside also melt away together?"


The dog left then realized that smelting the cage would definitely affect the elderly Taixuan, so he asked, "Master, can you handle it?"


"Who can handle this!"

It is good to use the spirit of the fire soul to smelt the prison cage, but because the elderly Tai Xuan is locked in it, it is very difficult to implement, so it was rejected by Jun Changxiao.

"Lao Fan, is there any other way?"

"Without smelting, you can only find the keys."


Jun Chang sighed and said, "Just grieving Master for a while and staying in the cage, the student will find a way to get the key."

"The disciples are here, and they all come to see your teacher!"

Master's master is Shigong, Master's brother and sister are Shibu, and his brother and sister are uncles.

Reader: "Does this still need science? Who do you look down on?"

Under the call of Jun Changxiao, the elderly Taixuan was carried to the main hall and formally accepted the disciples' salute, but because he was kept in a prison cage, the picture was a bit funny.

"I've seen the teacher!"

"I've seen the teacher!"

All the disciples at home and abroad have met, and the final core disciples stepped forward to salute. Among them, the night star expression was the most exciting.

When he first came to the Upper World for the first time, he had seen the elderly Taixuan, but he only glanced at it from the distance. He was shocked by the momentum of the Fengxiandao bone, but when he met for the second time, he was kept in a prison cage. a bit large!


Jun Changxiao also took the initiative to introduce: "This is the night star. The Tai Xuan Zhen Jing you created was obtained by him. You can take the time to guide yourself."

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed.

Yes, this person is the power to create the Taixuan Zhenjing, and he must have a better understanding of the mind. If he gets more professional guidance, he might make a big breakthrough!

The elderly Tai Xuan was not very angry: "This mentality is very powerful in the lower world, and it will be bad in the upper world. There is nothing to point out."

Ye Xingchen: "..."

The environment created by the Tai Xuan Zhen Jing is in the lower bound. Now when it comes to the upper bound of different systems, the value must be extremely limited.

"What about Tai Xuanbing's mind?" Lu Yan asked.

The elder Tai Xuan looked carefully and was quite surprised: "Little girl, do you have Tai Xuanbing mind and body?"


"This is the most perfect body for practicing Tai Xuanbing's heart tactics. You should have reached the level of heart-stopping right now, right?"


The elder Taixuan was shocked.

Both mentality and physical fitness are excellent. It is a bit strange that he didn't understand this level.

"The so-called heart is to stop the water, it is to control your own emotions and desires, so that the real waves are not frightened. If you still can't comprehend it, there is only one possibility ..." The elderly Tai Xuan preached: "Child, you are in love."


Lu Yan was silent and turned to leave.

She didn't waver inwardly, and seemed to know it would be the result.

Jun Chang laughed and did n’t know that the elderly Tai Xuan communicated with Lu Yan through the technique of sound transmission. When she suddenly turned around and left, she hurried round the road and said, “Master, my disciple cultivates the attributes of the ice system, and he is foolish in his mind. Do n’t mind . "

"will not."

Taixuan said, "This girl's physique is also outstanding in the upper bounds. If she is instructed by a famous teacher, her future achievements will be incalculable."


Jun Chang laughed with interest, and said, "Qing Yang, Xiao Mo, come and let your teacher see."


Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo came over and saluted.

Although the elderly Taixuan was held in a prison cage, it did not hinder the judgment of a person's qualifications, so he affirmed: "You disciples are of good qualifications. If you can practice in higher schools, you will definitely be in the future."


Jun Chang laughed a little.

Feelings, have they been delayed in the development of Wanzong?

Next, Xiao Xieji and others continued to salute, and could not help the elderly Taixuan muttered, "The disciples he recruited were all good!"

The legend of the starfall continent would not have thought that except for a few core disciples who came to meet, most of them were very ordinary, such as Su Xiaomo, Li Fei, etc. They can achieve today, and they are all cultivated by Jun Changxiao. Get up.

It is undeniable that the dog remains unqualified as the suzerain. All day thinking is how to be a shopkeeper and how to complete the task and travel with the love of the world. However, it is true for the disciples that various resources, elixir and equipment can give give.

Selfless dedication and dedication, in exchange for the proud and elder generations such as Yedi and Ziyu Demon King, and Zongmen, in exchange for Lu Yan's willingness to contribute martial arts.

Regardless of the strongest Manchu ancestor in the lower world, or the now inaccessible upper elder ancestor, the cohesion formed by the dog left, as well as the ancestral culture and atmosphere, are difficult for other forces to copy.

This is a warm and joyful home. There is not only a funny master here, but also a group of disciples with very different personalities!

"Master, I have ordered the cafeteria to cook a sumptuous dinner for you."

"Instead you can't get out of the cage, do you still have something to eat?"

"I do n’t know, Master, one of the main characteristics of my Wanzong is that he is very good at food!"

"Don't talk to me so much ~ ~ Hurry up and find a way to get the keys!"


Night is coming.

The elderly Taixuan was carried into the cafeteria.

Before he went in, his face collapsed, because he was restricted in freedom, and he didn't even want to go to eat. After he came out, he wiped the oil stain on his mouth and said, "It's delicious!"

The elderly Taixuan was placed in a large courtyard in Longjifeng. Because of his movement restrictions, Jun Changxiao not only equipped him with eight disciples, but also placed a few poles on his prison cage. Sedan!


Hei Luocha was worried: "Lingwei Zhenzong will definitely not give up, I am afraid that in the near future, we will encounter big troubles!"


Jun Chang laughed and put the pocket-sized Tonggu warship on the table, holding hands and saying, "Can they bully my Master Taixuan, and dare to bully my Master Tonggu?"

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